Friday, June 22, 2018

Capture and No Release

I am pleased children are with parents, but, detaining the border crossers will result in fear. One has consider where and why these people left their homelands. They left because of fear and violence.

These people and their children have suffered when in their homeland and the hundreds if not thousands of miles they traveled to reach the US southern border. My concern is the communities that will grow and how they will organize and with what goals.

The detention facilities will be controlled by soldiers with guns to maintain the boundaries of the camp. That is what they left behind. There are going to be international observers demanding to inspect the facilities and speak to the people. This is not going to over well with allies.

A thousand to ten thousand people are small towns and cities. Towns and cities have police to keep order. There is going to have to be medical facilities. Then food distribution and cooking facilities and fire prevention and fire brigades.

I understand how the Tea Party has taken up the cause of people who have lost relatives and friends at the hand of border crossers, but, internment camps? 

This isn’t going to stop the migration. If they are safe and provided for with timelines that could take years there are going to be plenty who will see that as a possibility to leave the violence behind.

I realize Capture and Release seems odd, but, it works well enough. I have a very bad feeling about all of this. There are going to be more people than soldiers. Well, I guess they have to behave in order to achieve sanctuary. Maybe that will create a culture of calm. Will the military be speaking their language?

I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is a lot to worry about.