Don't be so naive to think an article to bring awareness to stupidity is going to work with influencing this White House and Congress.
To begin, Trump doesn't have a pet in the White House and Trump never owned one. Trump has broken a 150 year old TRADITION (click here) in the White House, the "First Dog" or in the case of the Clinton's, "First Cat."
The media has to stop pretending that the INFORMATION provided in articles as the one below from the "LA Times," will ever effect the Trump Administration. Ain't going to happen.
Donald Trump is the greediest SOB on Earth, only second to Scrooge. When people file bankruptcy they usually learn from their mistakes and move forward to deal honestly and forthrightly. That is morality. Learning from one mistakes to never make them again is a moral value. Trump has no such values. Trump USES laws like bankruptcy laws to increase wealth. He has no morality.
Trump is a greed merchant. He wants your money for his own, which included subcontractors on his buildings. There is no moral fiber to this President nor his Cabinet nor his majority Republican Congress. They are seething with hatred for Americans and they want to end every government program that benefits them.
Trump, like most Republicans, wants a strong military to conquer lands and not simply for national security. This administration and Congress have to be the most untrustworthy in American history.
The article is interesting, but, the focus will never be realized by Trump, his cronies, his cabinet or the Republican Congress. The country is at extreme risk by greedy White men.
December 27, 2017
Host: Neal King
Noel King talks to Larry Lieberman (click here) of the organization Charity Navigator, who explains why the increase to the standard deduction could cause a drop in charitable giving....
I think it is prudent for all environmental and conservation organizations to scrutinize the new tax policy for any deliberate penalties to non-profits. They need to establish a base of support past any TAX DEDUCTIBLE contributions.
January 10, 2018
By Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Jeff Orlowski
The Trump administration (click here) announced last week that it would open 90% of our coastal waters to oil and gas drilling. It declared last month that it would shrink or eliminate several national monuments — both terrestrial and marine. Last year, it rolled back safety requirements that prevent spills like the Deepwater Horizon, and it stated it would reconsider protections of national marine sanctuaries. The reigning principle here, to the extent that there is one, is to put short-term economic gains first, way ahead of the environment.
Apparently lost on the administration are two simple facts: If we want to keep fishing, we need places where there is no fishing. If we want to maintain coastal tourism economies, we need places without drilling.
This is not about hugging whales and waxing sentimental about coral reefs. We need to use the ocean — food security and jobs depend on it. But we must be careful not to use it up. And right now, despite its vastness, we are indeed in danger of using it up.
Think of the ocean as a trust fund. If you want to rely on that fund for the rest of your days, you can only use the interest. For millenniums, humans lived off the interest of the earth’s abundant natural resources. But in the last century, we’ve been rapidly, dramatically depleting the principal. We are also hurting our interest rate — destroying nature’s ability to heal itself....