Cities and towns, especially in the Blue States, will have to rethink their state's budget to provide for basic services like air pollution prevention regulations and Clean Water Act regulations.
March 3, 2017
By Elgie Holstein
The Trump White House (click here) is proposing to decimate funding for federal environmental protection programs – including safeguards for some of our most vulnerable citizens – crippling the agency charged with keeping America’s air and water safe.
The federal budget, normally a snoozer with thousands of pages full of tiny print and numbers, is suddenly a lightning rod for policymakers and citizens who are waking up to what’s at stake.
The Trump administration wants to hobble the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, leaving only, as the president put it, “little tidbits.” The specifics, contained in internal documents that leaked this week, are startling....
Climate Change Programs - Gone
Funding for Toxic Clean Up - Gone
Support for Vulnerable Americans - Gone
...the following have also been eliminated from his EPA budget:
- Support for Alaska native villages that are sinking because of climate change
- Diesel emissions reduction program
- Environmental education
- Environmental justice grants and grants to small minority businesses
- Protection of the iconic waters of Lake Champlain, Long Island Sound, San Francisco Bay and South Florida
- Grants to states to combat indoor radon
An assault of this scale on the nation’s premier environmental watchdog would be disastrous....
Rolling back quality of life regulations is pure stupidity. It makes people sick and is bound to put a drag on any health care system. These changes don't take their victims right away or by the next election, but, it does happen in 15, 20 or 30 years after it is too late.
They have no conscience, only greed on the mind. These are all impeachable issues. Placing American lives in danger when past and present research tell us so, is not legal.