Definition: (click here) |
Agricultural waste is waste produced as a result of various agricultural operations. It includes manure and other wastes from farms, poultry houses and slaughterhouses; harvest waste; fertilizer run- off from fields; pesticides that enter into water, air or soils; and salt and silt drained from fields. |
...(a) Purpose and scope (click here)
Wastes and residues described in this chapter are of an organic nature and agricultural origin. Other by-products of nonagricultural origin that may be managed within the agricultural sector are also included. This chapter provides information for estimating characteristics of livestock and poultry manure and other agricultural residuals. The information provided is useful for the planning and design of agricultural waste management system (AWMS) components including:
- storage function components such as ponds and tanks
- treatment function components such as lagoons and composting
- utilization function components such as land application.
The information may also be useful in formulating the environmental impact of manure and other agricultural wastes....