Friday, September 08, 2017

Katia and Jose are still gaining strength.

September 8, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES East Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

Irma is tracking more west than north.

The past thirty hours Irma has moved 2 degrees north while traveling 7 degrees west in that same time frame. The movement is easily visualized on satellite. The two views are 12 hours apart.

20.00 -68.30 09/07/06Z 155 921 HURRICANE-5
20.40 -69.70 09/07/12Z 150 921 HURRICANE-5
20.90 -71.10 09/07/18Z 150 922 HURRICANE-5
21.30 -72.40 09/08/00Z 145 920 HURRICANE-5
21.70 -73.80 09/08/06Z 135 925 HURRICANE-4
22.00 -75.30 09/08/12Z 130 927 HURRICANE-4

September 8, 2017
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES East Satellite

There is another more recent view.

Irma's 'eye'/center of circulation is far closer to Cuba in the 2030 view compared to the 1930 view.

The feeder system for Irma is south of the storm.

The 0730 shows a very different center circulation. It is more contracted. That is sometimes followed by change in direction and/or increased velocity.

If Irma is going to jump Cuba it will look dissipated and even fractured, but, that won't be the end of the hurricane.

The next few hours will dictate the tract further.

Florida should already be receiving the outer bands now.

Jose is beginning to tap into the equatorial feeder system and adding water vapor to it's content

The outer bands in Florida can be discerned in this visible satellite to the right.

September 8, 2017
UNISYS Visual Satellite of southeast USA (click here for 12 hour loop - thank you)

People need to be in a safe place now.

The outer bands of any hurricane are dangerous. They carry tornadoes and will through things like lawn furniture around, so that makes them projectiles.