The emissions of NMVOC have descreased since 1990 for all sectors with the exception of the energy industries and waste.
These vapors deplete upper tropospheric ozone.
The primary 'good guy' is the auto industry and the catalytic converter.
The graph may be a little difficult to discern, but, the biggest take away is the black line on the chart. It shows the extensive decline in these emissions since 1990 to 2014.
But, the real beauty is the bottom part of the graph. Each industry worked to change the trajectory of these vapors, with the exception of agriculture and energy. More can be done and should. Kindly remember all these achievements can be reversed with population increases and consumerism. It is important we all keep our oars in the water and continue to examine places where it can be improved.
...The decline (click here) in emissions since 1990 has primarily been due to reductions achieved in the road transport sector due to the introduction of vehicle catalytic converters to reduce exhaust emissions, and carbon canisters on petrol cars for evaporative emission control. These reductions have been driven by tighter vehicle emission standards, combined with limits on the maximum volatility of petrol that can be sold in EU Member States, as specified in fuel quality directives. The reductions in NMVOC emissions have been enhanced by the switching from petrol to diesel cars in some EU countries. Reductions have also occurred in the 'Solvents and product use' sector as a result of the introduction of legislative measures limiting the use and emissions of solvents....