Monday, August 22, 2016

Does anyone actually see this little sweetheart in a boys bathroom?

Their identity will follow them the rest of their lives. The least society, including the society of American children, can do is accept their reality and get on with living.

From the Huffington Post:

June 24, 2015
By James Micheal Nichols

For the past twelve years, (click here) Dutch photographer Sarah Wong has documented the lives and experiences of a group of children who have transitioned - or are in the process of transitioning - to live as their authentic selves....

The proper name for this phenomena is called "gender dysphoria." 


Children. As a country we should be doing everything possible to bring about a person's healthy 'self' and end BULLYING which is exactly what Judge O'Connor did. Besides malpractice he is bullying children!

Puberty blockers to prevent the development of SECONDARY SEX characteristics. It leaves the child in their current body image to work out their own identities. 

Sexual characteristics don't begin at puberty. Sexual identity begins long before the physical sexual characteristics present themselves.

How can any judge be so warped as to not understand the incredible children that are brave and strong to look in the mirror and say, "I am a girl." or "I am a boy." And then not to make them as safe as they can be in society is completely wrong.

This is the kind of insulated society the right wing nuts live in. No difference, no understanding of others and their struggles, but, simply sequestered into their own arrogant faction of society. And they make it all the way to the bench. Amazing.

by Karin Selva, MD
Pediatric Endocrinologist
Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel, Portland, OR
Let’s start by describing (click here) what happens during puberty. When the brain determines that it is time to start puberty, usually around age 11 in male-bodied persons and 10 in female-bodied persons, the pituitary gland releases 2 hormones called LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH(follicle stimulating hormone). With a rise in these two hormones, they both then affect the sex gland at hand by producing sex hormones: testes produce testosterone, and ovaries produce estrogen. It is these sex hormones that cause the typical changes we see with puberty and they occur in a series of steps called Tanner Stages 1-5. Tanner Stage 1 is, generally speaking, the time from birth to the onset of puberty, at which point the child enters Tanner Stage 2.
In male-sexed persons:
  • First, the LH and FSH cause increase in testicular size;
  • Which then results in an increase in testosterone production;
  • Testosterone causes increase in pubic hair and phallic size;
  • There is more acne;
  • They get axillary (armpit) hair and facial hair;
  • Eventually they get a growth spurt and their voice changes;
  • When they are around 18 years of age, puberty is complete and growth stops
In female-sexed persons:

  • Estrogen causes breast development first;
  • This progresses and the person then gets more curves, and fat deposits in the typical adult female places;
  • About 2 years after the start of breast development, menstrual periods start;
  • A female-bodied person does get pubic hair, axillary (armpit) hair and acne, but not from estrogen. These changes come from hormones that are produced from the adrenal glands, and happen independently of LH, FSH and estrogen....