Monday, June 27, 2016

The power brokers are out in full force trying to survive the day. I don't believe trending water will get them anywhere.

The truth is the people of Great Britain have been suffering for some time under oppressive austerity. It is time they take their country in a new direction.

April 16, 2016
By Carmen Fishwick

...Tens of thousands of anti-austerity protesters (click here) descended on central Lomdon on Saturday, to demonstrate against government cuts to health, social housing, jobs and education.
Last week, the organisers – People’s Assembly Against Austerity – modified the event to also call for the resignation of prime minister David Cameron over links to his father’s offshore company.
“The Tories are facing their biggest crisis yet. David Cameron’s stake in his father’s off shore tax haven, prove that this is a government for the privileged few, not for the majority. This shows beyond all doubt that Cameron is divorced from the life of any working person,” the organisers wrote on their Facebook page....

The Tory's Cameron was a zealot after entering the Prime Minister's power. He played politics with the people and then began to hack away at the very essence of the people of Great Britain. He cut spending in places where the people had needs. The Torys stated they could rebuild the economy and did nothing but fulfill their political ideologies.

Cameron recently re-entered Afghanistan after the Brits had fully pulled out. The people saw their future and their children's future and didn't find purpose in any of it.

Even reports out of the United Nations disgraced the Great Briton that valued wealth over books for children.

June 26, 2016
By Steven Erlanger

...The hostilities in the Labour Party (click here) broke out as the battle lines became clearer among the governing Conservatives, left in turmoil by the vote on the European Union and the subsequent announcement by Prime Minister David Cameron that he would resign once his party chose a successor.Michael Gove, the justice minister and one of the leaders of the Leave campaign, threw his support to the former London mayor Boris Johnson, the most prominent figure in the anti-Europe movement. Aides to Theresa May, the home secretary, who backed the Remain side in the referendum on Thursday, were calling legislators to seek their support to take on Mr. Johnson.
The British news media reported that close allies of Mr. Cameron were also working to stop Mr. Johnson, reflecting the sense of betrayal on Downing Street over Mr. Johnson’s decision to tie his political ambitions to the movement to leave Europe. Other cabinet ministers were considering whether to run, including Nicky Morgan, the education secretary, and Liam Fox, a former defense secretary....

The facts are in, 2008 was a well managed coup against the world's governments. It placed immeasurable power into the hands of the few. It is known. It is over for Great Britain.

Below (click here)

The organisation founded in 1957 (click here) which is now known as the European Union, originally had six members: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

I think the EU was a great idea, but, it's benevolence waned in the years beginning 2000.  The Euro has not been effected that much, the stocks and bonds are a different issue. Oddly enough, the Russian bonds have registered a gain today. The reason Russian bonds were registering a gain is because they have already been excoriated by the global economy. There is no place to go but up.

In 2008, the USA rushed in to rescue Wall Street. That isn't suppose to be the way global markets reset. 2008 was suppose to be a complete economic disaster. The wealthy became untrustworthy after the financial markets were deregulated by USA Republicans. The greed was more than they could handle.

The financial markets rewarded their CEO's for bad decisions that ripped the value from the markets of it's wages and esteem of their employees. It was out of control and practiced some of the worst management ever in the history of the world.

If consumers don't have an income to spend, the markets devolve into places of Third World values excluding disposable income and/or the ability to save. The Financial industry has proven it cannot be trusted with deregulation.

As to Brexit; there was the added issue of national security. It wasn't enough citizens had their standard of living removed, they were now facing attacks of terrorists entering countries under the disguise of immigration. It has nothing to do with Mexico. It has a great deal to do with the implosion of Iraq and Syria following the USA invasion of Iraq.

Life has never been this bad for the generations of Baby Boomers and their children. The promise of success and economic upward movement has been disgustingly removed from the economy of The West. There is every reason to remove the government that lead the people in that direction.

Local economies sustain past Wall Street emergencies. It is a lesson well RE-learned. Make it stick.