Monday, May 30, 2016

Vanishing from an airport.

May 30, 2016
By Marnie O'Neill
As the mystery deepens (click here) over the disappearance of Australian mining worker Rye Hunt, it turns out he's not the only person to vanish from an airport.
Hundreds go missing at airports around the world every year but most of those cases are resolved quickly with the subject found safe.
Usually the "lost" person ended up missing their flight or simply changed their plans without telling anyone and in the meantime their loved ones have called the cavalry.
A handful of others, however, disappear in more sinister circumstances. The most baffling is that of Lars Mittank, a 28-year-old tourist who disappeared in Bulgaria in 2014.

The investigation of Lars Mittank takes a very odd turn. What would make a man scale a fence with barbed wire?

...His friends were interviewed. (click here) They wanted to stay but he said it's ok and they should leave first.
There is no footage of him running into the woods but to the fence close to the woods and eye witnessess saw him climbing this fence (with barbwire)....


Munich - I've done it to the airport " (click here) - these are the last words heard Sandra Mittank of her son Lars . It is almost a year ago that the then 28 -year-old had called his mother by mobile phone from Bulgaria.

On July 8, 2014 , he wanted to fly back to Germany . But he got into any machine . Shortly before the start , he ran in panic without a cell phone and luggage out of the airport building , climbed over a two and a half meter high fence with barbed wire and disappeared into a densely vegetated terrain . Since Lars Mittank is gone....

Rye Hunt's personal effects were found. It doesn't seem like it was robbery. Foreign airports, including Rio de Janaeiro, have problems that seem occasional, but, on a global scale, is it?

29 May 2016
by Jennifer Smith

Rye Hunt (left) and Michael Sheppard (right) argued at an airport in Rio de Janeiro about whether they should fly to Bolivia moments before Mr. Hunt vanished in a taxi.

Missing backpacker Rye Hunt (click here) argued with his friend about where they should go next on their world trip before he vanished from an airport in Rio de Janeiro, it has emerged.
The 25-year-old from Hobart has not been seen or heard from since getting in to a taxi at Galeão International Airport on May 21 after rowing with Mitchell Sheppard over their next destination.
Mr Hunt wanted to go to Bolivia but his friend was less interested and the pair exchanged 'heated' words before deciding to split up to cool off, his sister revealed on Monday.
They arranged to meet up again after 30 minutes but Mr Hunt never appeared, having fled the airport in a taxi at around 2.30pm.
Police in the Brazilian city have found the backpack he was carrying when he left the airport but refused to tell his distraught family where it was discovered....

They are all about the same age. I find that fact really odd. How does someone age 25 to 30 simply disappear?

Sierra Shields was a flight attendant for United Airlines and Delta Airlines who mysteriously vanished from New York's La Guardia Airport on January 14 this year.