This case is not unusual. Western women marry Muslim men in their homelands and eventually want to leave when their personal freedoms are not granted by their husbands.
The role of the mother following the divorce is at the willingness of the father to allow contact. The children are fine. There is nothing evil about their father and the children are not in harm's way. The real tragedy is when they are completely removed from contact with their natural mother, but, children adapt. This is completely about the culture western women enter when they marry in a husband's homeland. They don't bargain for what comes next and this is the result.
There are fathers that allow contact with the mother, but, custody is never provided to women by the courts.
The film crew crossed the legal borders surrounding these children and put themselves on the wrong side of the law. They are lucky the judge was sympathetic.
April 21, 2016
By Latika Bourke
Sally Faulkner (click here) with her two children Lahala, 6, and Noah, 4, in Beirut after the child recovery operation.
Beirut: The judge investigating (click here) whether charges should be laid over a failed child-abduction plot says the Nine Network's 60 Minutes crew could still be recalled to Lebanon to face charges.
Presenter Tara Brown, producer Stephen Rice, cameraman Benjamin Williamson and sound recordist David Ballment left for Australia from Beirut Airport on Wednesday evening, Beirut time.
They had been detained in Lebanon for two weeks for their part in a bid by Brisbane mother Sally Faulkner to retrieve her two children from Lebanon where they have been living with their father Ali Elamine since May 2015.
Mr Elamine, who on Monday said that Channel Nine had "dropped the ball big time" and "shouldn't have gotten involved in family matters", said on Wednesday that the crew were just doing their job and did not take part in the physical abduction of his children on April 6.
He agreed to drop personal charges against the Nine crew, insisting a display of emotion from Wilkinson and not a financial settlement had sealed the deal....
The role of the mother following the divorce is at the willingness of the father to allow contact. The children are fine. There is nothing evil about their father and the children are not in harm's way. The real tragedy is when they are completely removed from contact with their natural mother, but, children adapt. This is completely about the culture western women enter when they marry in a husband's homeland. They don't bargain for what comes next and this is the result.
There are fathers that allow contact with the mother, but, custody is never provided to women by the courts.
The film crew crossed the legal borders surrounding these children and put themselves on the wrong side of the law. They are lucky the judge was sympathetic.

By Latika Bourke
Beirut: The judge investigating (click here) whether charges should be laid over a failed child-abduction plot says the Nine Network's 60 Minutes crew could still be recalled to Lebanon to face charges.
Presenter Tara Brown, producer Stephen Rice, cameraman Benjamin Williamson and sound recordist David Ballment left for Australia from Beirut Airport on Wednesday evening, Beirut time.
They had been detained in Lebanon for two weeks for their part in a bid by Brisbane mother Sally Faulkner to retrieve her two children from Lebanon where they have been living with their father Ali Elamine since May 2015.
Mr Elamine, who on Monday said that Channel Nine had "dropped the ball big time" and "shouldn't have gotten involved in family matters", said on Wednesday that the crew were just doing their job and did not take part in the physical abduction of his children on April 6.
He agreed to drop personal charges against the Nine crew, insisting a display of emotion from Wilkinson and not a financial settlement had sealed the deal....