Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Countries should have environmental laws in place before accepting Wall Street as a partner.

The polluting by the petroleum industry of Third World countries kills their citizens. Nigeria and Ecuador are prime examples of such HUMAN RIGHTS abuses. We can no longer look the other way.

Conclusion Study results are compatible (click here) with a relationship between cancer incidence and living in proximity to oil fields. An environmental monitoring and cancer surveillance system in the area is recommended....

The petroleum industry is one of the most lucrative in the world. Rather than conducting their business in protecting the environment and the citizens of any country, they instead allowed no standards to protect life or Earth.

The United Nation's has to include STANDARD environmental laws in the COP 21 paradigm or a stand alone Convention that provides insight to countries in what is suppose to be the best environmental laws to protect their people and their biotic content.

The petroleum industry can well afford environmental protection if it is demanded of it. No different than Apple had nets placed around a building producing it's phones. These companies aren't going to run the other way if they are faced with regulations and environmental laws. If the international community all subscribed to the same baseline standards of protection, where is Wall Street going to go?

Space? They won't find their fuel for their rocket boosters on the Moon. Trust me on that. USA NASA astronauts did not bring back oil as proof of the Moon's composition, they brought back rocks.