Wednesday, December 16, 2015

If I have my dates right, the TPP review period ends the first week in January 2016.

This is Chapter One which states all other previous agreements are inclusive to any of the provisions in the TPP. There you have it. Why bother with the TPP?

This first chapter reviews the agreement between all previous trade agreements and the TPP. It also defines all the terms of the agreement. 

The TPP Parties have obligations to each other (click here) under other agreements, such as the WTO Agreement. This chapter affirms that these other agreements remain in place. In addition, although we have been careful to ensure that TPP does not create any obligations that would be inconsistent with any of our existing agreements (including the WTO Agreement), a TPP Party may request consultations with another Party if it believes there is an inconsistency. In many cases, TPP will broaden or improve upon commitments in existing agreements. For example, the commitments Mexico, Canada, Chile, Singapore, Australia, and Peru have made in TPP’s Labor and Environment chapters broaden and improve upon NAFTA and previous FTAs. Regardless of the agreements, TPP Parties will be obligated to implement TPP’s more ambitious standards....

Moving on...