Thursday, November 19, 2015

Addiction is not allowed in the Muslim faith. A person is suppose to maintain a healthy mind and body to honor god.

...The following is quoted from his book  Practical Laws of Islam: (click here)

“Question 1392: What is the ruling  in the matter of using narcotics, such  as hashish, opium, heroin, morphine,  and marijuana, be it by way of eating,  drinking, smoking, injecting or applying  them anally? And what is the view on  selling, buying, and dealing in them  in general, i.e., carrying, transporting,  storing, or smuggling?

A[nswer]: It is  haram [religiously forbidden] to use  narcotics in any way because it results  in considerable adverse effects in terms  of personal health and social cost. By  the same token, it is haram to deal in  narcotics in any way, i.e., carrying, transporting,  storing, selling, buying, etc.”

Sayyid Ali Sistani, another popular  religious authority currently residing in  Iraq who oversees the Islamic Seminary  in Najaf (Shi'ite) , was asked about hashish.  Hashish is a drug which is derived from  the same plant as marijuana. Marijuana  is derived from the dried flowering tops  of the cannabis plant while hashish is  made from the resin and is more potent.  They are both classified as cannabis.  On his website he is asked about the  Islamic ruling of the consumption of  hashish. He states: “It is impermissible.”...