It relates directly to the truth. The truth I posted on this blog Sunday night regarding the support of "W"s administration and their purposeful lack of action to prevent the attacks of September 11, 2015.
Jeb Bush stated from a podium, not within the interview cited and primarily for his donors to hear, '..those. that hold my brother responsible for 9-11 have been marginalized....'
I find the statement more than interesting and as a political strategy this blog has identified called "plausible deniability."
From the beginning, when Senator Feinstein called Dick Cheney regarding the CIA PDB everyone knows as "Bin Laden Determined to strike in the US," the strategy to allow terror to exist to the people of the USA, was plausible deniability. The PDB clearly stated the attack was anticipated within three months. Cheney stated that would not be addressed for six months. That is denying the FACT our intelligence services knew clearly there was a threat anticipated. The reasons the Bush/Cheney White House found deniability a preferred status of the PDB is obvious. Neocons love war. What the American people didn't bargain for was that reality. When "W" wrangled his way into the White House in 2000, that FACT about Neocons was unthinkable.
When Jeb Bush stated verbally within the past 24 hours, '..those. that hold my brother responsible for 9-11 have been marginalized....' was addressing his $100 or more million dollar PAC. To make that statement obvious, the former governor was saying the deniability of the terror attack has worked well all these years. He fully expected it to continue to work until he reached the White House in 2016.
So, voters need to realize when a Neocon and his party use every aspect of voter oppression to reach the White House there is an agenda of violence and war. It is a preferred status. It is a preferred status even in the face of the dissolution of the Soviet Union without firing as shot.
I think it is obvious plausible deniability and the installation of fear would be completely clear to the majority of Americans these days. It is a definite political tool used by the Republicans. They deny a lot of things. They deny corruption all the time. They deny women need institutions such as Planned Parenthood and extended medicaid coverage. They deny there is a need to rein in gun violence. They deny there is gross disparity in USA treasury income and the national debt. They denied the jobs needed for an entire generation we now call Millennials. They deny the climate crisis while South Carolina was unpredicted due to lack of proper modeling protocols which caused enormous and unfathomable destruction of the state's infrastructure.
So, the truth about the prevention of terrorist attacks before the actual downing of the World Trade Towers was completely abandoned. The "W" administration preferred the OK Corral on a global basis than protecting Americans.
9-11 could have been detected and averted. There really is no doubt about that. The 911 Commission and Iraq Study Group established stark realities the people of the USA still haven't identified as chosen failures of the "W" administration. Make no doubt about it. "W" ordered the attacks into Iraq in the face of absolutely no finding of WMD by the UN security personnel in Iraq. After the attacks were carried out and it was stated, "You broke it, you bought it," David Kay did not find any evidence of WMD either.
Neocons are real. They play by rules most Americans abhor. And plausible deniability is their game. Make no mistake JEB! is exactly that and his inability to sincerely campaign is the fact he isn't interested in the truth or THE FACTS.
Don't embarrass yourselves by actually believing "W" brother.
Our children and their future is more important than war and there should never be plausible deniability to take their future from them.
Jeb Bush stated from a podium, not within the interview cited and primarily for his donors to hear, '..those. that hold my brother responsible for 9-11 have been marginalized....'
I find the statement more than interesting and as a political strategy this blog has identified called "plausible deniability."
From the beginning, when Senator Feinstein called Dick Cheney regarding the CIA PDB everyone knows as "Bin Laden Determined to strike in the US," the strategy to allow terror to exist to the people of the USA, was plausible deniability. The PDB clearly stated the attack was anticipated within three months. Cheney stated that would not be addressed for six months. That is denying the FACT our intelligence services knew clearly there was a threat anticipated. The reasons the Bush/Cheney White House found deniability a preferred status of the PDB is obvious. Neocons love war. What the American people didn't bargain for was that reality. When "W" wrangled his way into the White House in 2000, that FACT about Neocons was unthinkable.
When Jeb Bush stated verbally within the past 24 hours, '..those. that hold my brother responsible for 9-11 have been marginalized....' was addressing his $100 or more million dollar PAC. To make that statement obvious, the former governor was saying the deniability of the terror attack has worked well all these years. He fully expected it to continue to work until he reached the White House in 2016.
So, voters need to realize when a Neocon and his party use every aspect of voter oppression to reach the White House there is an agenda of violence and war. It is a preferred status. It is a preferred status even in the face of the dissolution of the Soviet Union without firing as shot.
I think it is obvious plausible deniability and the installation of fear would be completely clear to the majority of Americans these days. It is a definite political tool used by the Republicans. They deny a lot of things. They deny corruption all the time. They deny women need institutions such as Planned Parenthood and extended medicaid coverage. They deny there is a need to rein in gun violence. They deny there is gross disparity in USA treasury income and the national debt. They denied the jobs needed for an entire generation we now call Millennials. They deny the climate crisis while South Carolina was unpredicted due to lack of proper modeling protocols which caused enormous and unfathomable destruction of the state's infrastructure.
So, the truth about the prevention of terrorist attacks before the actual downing of the World Trade Towers was completely abandoned. The "W" administration preferred the OK Corral on a global basis than protecting Americans.
9-11 could have been detected and averted. There really is no doubt about that. The 911 Commission and Iraq Study Group established stark realities the people of the USA still haven't identified as chosen failures of the "W" administration. Make no doubt about it. "W" ordered the attacks into Iraq in the face of absolutely no finding of WMD by the UN security personnel in Iraq. After the attacks were carried out and it was stated, "You broke it, you bought it," David Kay did not find any evidence of WMD either.
Neocons are real. They play by rules most Americans abhor. And plausible deniability is their game. Make no mistake JEB! is exactly that and his inability to sincerely campaign is the fact he isn't interested in the truth or THE FACTS.
Don't embarrass yourselves by actually believing "W" brother.
Our children and their future is more important than war and there should never be plausible deniability to take their future from them.