This is the "Hockey Stick Graph" that has been validated by four different scientists in five different methodologies. It is one of the most maligned scientific evidence of the climate crisis.
February 21, 2005
By David Appell
...That stick (click here) has become a focal point in the controversy surrounding climate change and what to do about it. Proponents see it as a clear indicator that humans are warming the globe; skeptics argue that the climate is undergoing a natural fluctuation not unlike those in eras past. But Mann has not been deterred by the attacks. "If we allowed that sort of thing to stop us from progressing in science, that would be a very frightening world," says the 39-year-old climatologist in his University of Virginia office overlooking the hills of Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson....
The Atlantic tried to be helpful in an article about why the "Hockey Stick Graph" was never maligned enough to destroy it.
May 10, 2015
By Chris Mooney
...Back in 1998, (click here) a little known climate scientist named Michael Mann and two colleagues published a paper that sought to reconstruct the planet's past temperatures going back half a millennium before the era of thermometers--thereby showing just how out of whack recent warming has been. The finding: Recent northern hemisphere temperatures had been "warmer than any other year since (at least) AD 1400." The graph depicting this result looked rather like a hockey stick: After a long period of relatively minor temperature variations (the "shaft"), it showed a sharp mercury upswing during the last century or so ("the blade")....
The climate crisis is real. It is extremely evident. The one reason most scientists insist on making this concern front and center is because of the very real danger it presents to Earth and all it's inhabitants.
The scientists have decided there is a very active "Sixth Extinction" that now involves large mammals, like the Polar Bear.
The reason there is danger is for a known scientific fact that the oceans cool the land on Earth. The ocean temperatures are mitigated be the presence of ice on Earth. There are a variety of scientific specialties and specialists that monitor Earth for this very reason. This is sound scientific research and LAWS.
Michael Mann was the fellow who first published the hockey stick graph and it didn't look like the one above. It was a methodology that was simple and straight forward. Michael Mann has suffered incredible pressures to change his data and end the concern.
Scientists from other disciplines came into the picture because Michael Mann was so ridiculed it was effecting all kinds of dynamics including funding. Scientists didn't run away from the pressures in their own lives, they embraced it and clung to each other with one reality and the steadfast belief in the truth in research and the laws of Earth.
"As long as the denial continues, it will continue." It is important the global community including China, India and the USA, end the denial, openly ridicule the deniers and set a path to end the devastating reality we all now face. Human Induced Climate Crisis is the one issue every person on Earth faces. It is time the global community becomes a real community.
We have to stop the emissions of carbon dioxide and the accidental and negligent release of methane from wells around the world.
February 21, 2005
By David Appell
...That stick (click here) has become a focal point in the controversy surrounding climate change and what to do about it. Proponents see it as a clear indicator that humans are warming the globe; skeptics argue that the climate is undergoing a natural fluctuation not unlike those in eras past. But Mann has not been deterred by the attacks. "If we allowed that sort of thing to stop us from progressing in science, that would be a very frightening world," says the 39-year-old climatologist in his University of Virginia office overlooking the hills of Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson....
The Atlantic tried to be helpful in an article about why the "Hockey Stick Graph" was never maligned enough to destroy it.
May 10, 2015
By Chris Mooney
...Back in 1998, (click here) a little known climate scientist named Michael Mann and two colleagues published a paper that sought to reconstruct the planet's past temperatures going back half a millennium before the era of thermometers--thereby showing just how out of whack recent warming has been. The finding: Recent northern hemisphere temperatures had been "warmer than any other year since (at least) AD 1400." The graph depicting this result looked rather like a hockey stick: After a long period of relatively minor temperature variations (the "shaft"), it showed a sharp mercury upswing during the last century or so ("the blade")....
The climate crisis is real. It is extremely evident. The one reason most scientists insist on making this concern front and center is because of the very real danger it presents to Earth and all it's inhabitants.
The scientists have decided there is a very active "Sixth Extinction" that now involves large mammals, like the Polar Bear.
The reason there is danger is for a known scientific fact that the oceans cool the land on Earth. The ocean temperatures are mitigated be the presence of ice on Earth. There are a variety of scientific specialties and specialists that monitor Earth for this very reason. This is sound scientific research and LAWS.
Michael Mann was the fellow who first published the hockey stick graph and it didn't look like the one above. It was a methodology that was simple and straight forward. Michael Mann has suffered incredible pressures to change his data and end the concern.
Scientists from other disciplines came into the picture because Michael Mann was so ridiculed it was effecting all kinds of dynamics including funding. Scientists didn't run away from the pressures in their own lives, they embraced it and clung to each other with one reality and the steadfast belief in the truth in research and the laws of Earth.
"As long as the denial continues, it will continue." It is important the global community including China, India and the USA, end the denial, openly ridicule the deniers and set a path to end the devastating reality we all now face. Human Induced Climate Crisis is the one issue every person on Earth faces. It is time the global community becomes a real community.
We have to stop the emissions of carbon dioxide and the accidental and negligent release of methane from wells around the world.