Monday, September 28, 2015

The practice of harassment by the American press.

Joe Biden Eligible for October Debate — if He Declares (click here)

This is a non-article. While it may be true, it has no point. So, he is eligible, so what.

The Republicans run their entire party on harassment. If there is an inkling of a new trend to thought by the American people a Republican will speak to it. There is so much harassment in the Republican Party is completely explains Scott Walker's decision to run for President. Trump was a surprise, right, but hapless Walker was expected to win the Presidency.

This article about Vice President is the same thing. Where is the morality here? Vice President Biden has lost a son. Yet, the American media wants to harass him to run for office. I mean, the Veep has a superpac that is suppose to do something with it's money, right?

SuperPACS are great news for media services. SuperPACS spend billions of US$ every time an election is occurring. Why not harass Americans to run for office if they already have an existing SuperPAC. Harassment is good for the economy.

What harassment is not good for, is governance. Political harassment weakens the USA Democracy. Political harassment derails democracy and becomes a 'plastic-elastic' authority. An unelected authority. 

I watched political harassment drive false 'red lines' in regard to Syria. The USA had no relationship with Syrians in any way, until, it was obvious Assad was involved in a civil war. The 'red lines' resulted out of political harassment. Even today the Republicans are using the idea of "red lines" to create an entire party that is hapless, namely the Democrats. 

"Red Lines" meant nothing and in fact would have been an invasion into Syria that completely resembles Iraq. A Neocon war without purpose that is used for political gain. 

Now, get that! If President Obama didn't step back from the harassment, the American people would be involved in a war in Syria that was supposedly moral.
Countries can have civil war. The war in Sudan resulted in the development of a separate sovereign country. These things happen, they happen without American soldiers. They happen and an authority comes out of the leadership. The USA has an interest in every country, but, that doesn't mean it is a military presence.

I wish Vice President Biden and his family great peace. We love him and if he resolves to announce before or after the first debate we'll stand with him.