Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Ricardo Aca should continue his story. He would find a welcome among film festivals.

I think there is a film festival in Soho. Wait a minute, maybe not. Nope, I am thinking about Tribeca Film Festival 2016 (click here).

I am not making guarantees, but, if Ricardo Aca believes he has been treated with ill will and he has a story to tell, then I suggest he tell it. He has an Associate degree in commercial film making. He needs to get started. 

There are SUBMISSIONS made all the time to film festivals for short films such as this or longer films. But, longer films need to be edited to deliver a legitimate message. He may not have access to the facilities he might need to put together a full length documentary. He may not want to make a documentary at all. But, the Undocumented community needs to be heard in a way that delivers an unequivocal message to the people of the USA. 

Maybe the Undocumented have been served well by the lack of immigration policy, but, I doubt it. The community seems to be caught between their desire to live in the USA as citizens and the success of living in the country without recognizing them. There is a legitimate status of 'living in plain site' which can be conveniently reassuring.

Ricardo Aca is a prime example of a person that grew up many years in the USA and has thrived here. He is one of millions. Sometimes when one particular person is viewed for scrutiny deportation seems plausible and correct. The fact of the matter is Ricardo Aca is a representative of a large number of people. He should not be victimized for his willingness to speak out.

His appearance on film is a bit troubling for me. Donald Trump was not on a campaign to root out any potential of the Undocumented employees. Yet, Ricardo Aca was moved to speak out. I sincerely think the Undocumented need to go about their lives and stop feeling as though they have to 'man up' to take on American politics or an American politician.

Nothing is going to change the Republican point of view. They are entrenched with opposition to an immigration policy even when there is a Republican president. This issue has been around for a long time and it will probably be around for a lot longer. 

Ricardo Aca is also an example of what is considered 'a good person.' There are many among the Undocumented that are good people. The lifestyle of Ricardo Aca and his father reminds me of the American working poor. There are legitimate citizens of the USA with the same lifestyle; if it can be called a lifestyle.

I doubt Ricardo Aca will keep his job at "Trump Soho." He seriously needs to begin to plot a course for his life. If he is as talented as he appears to be, he needs to carry out his craft. His work is needed.

I wish he and his family well. 

One other thing. There are people in the USA consenting to being part of drug trafficking and otherwise. Documenting that would be difficult and dangerous. A legitimate documentary would recognize the criminals in the country and put it into perspective. A narrative would be more than sufficient to balance the average life of the Undocumented and the statistics of those causing problems in the USA. Actually, causing more than problems, they can be attributed with deaths of Americans. I think that is a legitimate concern. I am sure Ricardo Aca would agree.