No one in opposition to the deaths of these black men are stupid about the importance of police to a democracy. However, when the same police that are suppose to maintain the peace in our towns and cities begin to kill unarmed people, there is a profound breech in their role in society.
The killing of unarmed citizens has to stop. For as completely heinous those words sound in regard to the USA, there is no end to it.
The USA is suppose to be a society that prides itself on civility and law. We are way out of line to our own purposes.
The police dynamics in Ferguson, Missouri leading to the death of Michael Brown, Jr. speaks to a police culture obsessed with guns and killing. Guns are suppose to be used for defense of an officer, not a method to capture a suspect or escalate tensions between citizens and police. Do I have to remind that Michale Brown, Jr. and his friend were jay walking when Wilson escalated the circumstances by placing his vehicle in the path of people unarmed. Wilson was unprofessional, sloppy while disregarding his proper place as a police officer. He was not judge and jury.
Mr. Wilson was a part of that police culture that places violence before law enforcement. The county prosecutor corrupted the process of law by providing a grand jury to exonerate Mr. Wilson. Submitting a police killing to a grand jury was as corrupt as the judges that sit on the bench in Ferguson. Don't try to say there was no judicial corruption, they ran the scheme the city council laid out. Judges are suppose to have a conscience. It was completely lacking in Ferguson by every person in power in that city.
There is a lot wrong in the power structure of the USA reaching all the way into the US Congress and people, like Bob Corker. Corker wants to legislate with nothing more governing legal outcomes than human behavior. The Founding Fathers, there were no mothers, wanted to avoid human nature and set themselves to align with reason and not emotion in the USA Constitution. That seems an inconvenience for Senator Corker.
The Congress is no longer a place where the USA solves it's problems, so much as makes more problems while selling influence to campaign funders. It is not the America I grew up in. It is not the American President George Washington fought for. It is an American sold lock, stock and barrel to those with the highest bid for service.
The killing of unarmed citizens has to stop. For as completely heinous those words sound in regard to the USA, there is no end to it.
The USA is suppose to be a society that prides itself on civility and law. We are way out of line to our own purposes.
The police dynamics in Ferguson, Missouri leading to the death of Michael Brown, Jr. speaks to a police culture obsessed with guns and killing. Guns are suppose to be used for defense of an officer, not a method to capture a suspect or escalate tensions between citizens and police. Do I have to remind that Michale Brown, Jr. and his friend were jay walking when Wilson escalated the circumstances by placing his vehicle in the path of people unarmed. Wilson was unprofessional, sloppy while disregarding his proper place as a police officer. He was not judge and jury.
Mr. Wilson was a part of that police culture that places violence before law enforcement. The county prosecutor corrupted the process of law by providing a grand jury to exonerate Mr. Wilson. Submitting a police killing to a grand jury was as corrupt as the judges that sit on the bench in Ferguson. Don't try to say there was no judicial corruption, they ran the scheme the city council laid out. Judges are suppose to have a conscience. It was completely lacking in Ferguson by every person in power in that city.
There is a lot wrong in the power structure of the USA reaching all the way into the US Congress and people, like Bob Corker. Corker wants to legislate with nothing more governing legal outcomes than human behavior. The Founding Fathers, there were no mothers, wanted to avoid human nature and set themselves to align with reason and not emotion in the USA Constitution. That seems an inconvenience for Senator Corker.
The Congress is no longer a place where the USA solves it's problems, so much as makes more problems while selling influence to campaign funders. It is not the America I grew up in. It is not the American President George Washington fought for. It is an American sold lock, stock and barrel to those with the highest bid for service.