The fuss about immigration is always a Republican problem with control. Republicans since the year 2010 aren't Republicans unless they are mean.
Speaker of the House John Boehner wields the gavel for the first time
after being re-elected as the Speaker of the House of Representatives at
the start of the 114th Congress at the U.S. Capitol in Washington
January 6, 2015.
January 13, 2015
By David Lawder
(Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives (click here) will vote to fully fund the Department of Homeland Security this week while blocking President Barack Obama's actions on immigration, House Speaker John Boehner said on Tuesday.
The $39.7 billion spending bill was expected to pass by Wednesday, when House Republicans leave Washington for a two-day policy retreat in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
But its fate in the Senate was uncertain, and it may draw a White House veto. Republican lawmakers leaving a closed-door strategy meeting on Tuesday said the House would seek to pass amendments to the core funding bill to deny money to implement Obama's November executive order lifting the threat of deportation to millions of undocumented immigrants. Republicans claim the order is illegal....
Republicans can't be grateful for the difficult and necessary work the Undocumented performs in this country. They can't recognize the families living within our borders that now have grown children in our colleges after being educated by the USA public school system. There is no compassion for the young people having an allegiance to the USA as the only country they have ever known. No, no, none of that. Politics first, always first.
The playbook is fairly obvious right? The US House passed the need for a lawsuit to the President. That was in the past Congress. I ponder the validity of the lawsuit with the beginning of the new Congressional session. I think the lawsuit would have to be passed again because there are different members in the House with the most recent election. A parliamentarian could answer that question. But, why tell public. It is much better for the public to believe the Republicans have this huge movement to spawn impeachment, right? It makes for good right wing media propaganda.
Why would Boner. Oh, excuse me, Speaker Boner. Why would Speaker Boner include the first Executive Order with his objection to the second?
The first one has already expired. ???????????? Like does Boner. Oh, sorry, Speaker Boner have a clue? Right?
Add to that the second Executive Order encompassing 5 million people hasn't even gone into effect yet, so like what is the issue already, right?
Allow me.
US House Speaker Boner (sp) wants to eradicate the first Executive Order along with the second. I am sure it is impressive. A House Speaker able to reach back in time to pull an Executive Order forward to legislate against it must be very, very powerful. That is nonsense. Legislation can do exactly what it wants without reaching into the past. But, by including the Dreamers in the objection by the House Speaker he is looking to completely assault the Undocumented and not just those working for a living.
In addition to assaulting both Executive Orders the US House Speaker is stating they are Presidential overreach. Unconstitutional even. This is an attack on President Obama and has little to do with the Undocumented and their circumstances and how they add to the country's stability and productivity, it's brain trust and the future of the USA. So, let's get that much correct. This is about assaulting President Obama. Why?
The President has worked diligently in handling the Undocumented without any help from Congress. The Senate passed a bipartisan bill, but, it was completely ignored in the US House. So, why would a House Speaker that has never dealt with the Undocumented see the work by the Executive Branch as an overreach? Some would say The House doesn't have to do anything. They are constitutionally correct, but, the argument can be made the Undocumented's status is a concern to the USA. Quite frankly, seeking a legal standing is not doing their job. A legal standing is setting up a bigger picture for the Republicans. The picture is bigger than the current Congress.
At least 11 million Undocumented are in the USA. Those are 2008 or earlier numbers. I am sure there are more now. But, this belligerence by Republicans reaches back to the Bush White House as well. The Republicans have an interest in their base voters and is why they aren't conducting the country's business. Immigration can't be handled by the states because it is about crossing borders. The Republicans will let a Wall Street Oil Dump cross the northern USA border, but, not hard working people at the Southern Border.
What if I said, this so called overreach isn't really about President Obama either? Would you believe me? This isn't really about winning the elections of 2016 so much as what occurs afterward.
President Obama's executive order takes effect in a few months. It will exist for two years. What if the USA Congress can't or won't pass a COMPREHENSIVE Immigration Bill before November of 2016? What happens then? It falls to the new President to write another Executive Order after taking office.
Would Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders write that order? Most probably. Would Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney write that order? Jeb, possibly; Romney, no. Other potential Republican candidates? Rand Paul, I think he would. Chris Christy, unknown and he probably likes to keep it there. All the others, seriously doubt it.
So, if Speaker Boner (sp.) pursues the idea President Obama is overreaching his priority and carries through with some kind of obstruction he will have achieved a great thing for the year 2017. There will be no reason for someone to vote for Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders because the President can't do anything for the Undocumented. There would be a Constitutional challenge by President Obama if the Republicans try to leverage power against millions of people, including children, in this country. That is the way I see it. If anyone is overreaching it is the House Speaker.
What I asked for as a Christmas Gift was the end of Republicans playing politics with our democracy or the lives of people, be those people citizens, the Undocumented or those in other nations through war.
January 13, 2015
By David Lawder
(Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives (click here) will vote to fully fund the Department of Homeland Security this week while blocking President Barack Obama's actions on immigration, House Speaker John Boehner said on Tuesday.
The $39.7 billion spending bill was expected to pass by Wednesday, when House Republicans leave Washington for a two-day policy retreat in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
But its fate in the Senate was uncertain, and it may draw a White House veto. Republican lawmakers leaving a closed-door strategy meeting on Tuesday said the House would seek to pass amendments to the core funding bill to deny money to implement Obama's November executive order lifting the threat of deportation to millions of undocumented immigrants. Republicans claim the order is illegal....
Republicans can't be grateful for the difficult and necessary work the Undocumented performs in this country. They can't recognize the families living within our borders that now have grown children in our colleges after being educated by the USA public school system. There is no compassion for the young people having an allegiance to the USA as the only country they have ever known. No, no, none of that. Politics first, always first.
The playbook is fairly obvious right? The US House passed the need for a lawsuit to the President. That was in the past Congress. I ponder the validity of the lawsuit with the beginning of the new Congressional session. I think the lawsuit would have to be passed again because there are different members in the House with the most recent election. A parliamentarian could answer that question. But, why tell public. It is much better for the public to believe the Republicans have this huge movement to spawn impeachment, right? It makes for good right wing media propaganda.
Why would Boner. Oh, excuse me, Speaker Boner. Why would Speaker Boner include the first Executive Order with his objection to the second?
The first one has already expired. ???????????? Like does Boner. Oh, sorry, Speaker Boner have a clue? Right?
Add to that the second Executive Order encompassing 5 million people hasn't even gone into effect yet, so like what is the issue already, right?
Allow me.
US House Speaker Boner (sp) wants to eradicate the first Executive Order along with the second. I am sure it is impressive. A House Speaker able to reach back in time to pull an Executive Order forward to legislate against it must be very, very powerful. That is nonsense. Legislation can do exactly what it wants without reaching into the past. But, by including the Dreamers in the objection by the House Speaker he is looking to completely assault the Undocumented and not just those working for a living.
In addition to assaulting both Executive Orders the US House Speaker is stating they are Presidential overreach. Unconstitutional even. This is an attack on President Obama and has little to do with the Undocumented and their circumstances and how they add to the country's stability and productivity, it's brain trust and the future of the USA. So, let's get that much correct. This is about assaulting President Obama. Why?
The President has worked diligently in handling the Undocumented without any help from Congress. The Senate passed a bipartisan bill, but, it was completely ignored in the US House. So, why would a House Speaker that has never dealt with the Undocumented see the work by the Executive Branch as an overreach? Some would say The House doesn't have to do anything. They are constitutionally correct, but, the argument can be made the Undocumented's status is a concern to the USA. Quite frankly, seeking a legal standing is not doing their job. A legal standing is setting up a bigger picture for the Republicans. The picture is bigger than the current Congress.
At least 11 million Undocumented are in the USA. Those are 2008 or earlier numbers. I am sure there are more now. But, this belligerence by Republicans reaches back to the Bush White House as well. The Republicans have an interest in their base voters and is why they aren't conducting the country's business. Immigration can't be handled by the states because it is about crossing borders. The Republicans will let a Wall Street Oil Dump cross the northern USA border, but, not hard working people at the Southern Border.
What if I said, this so called overreach isn't really about President Obama either? Would you believe me? This isn't really about winning the elections of 2016 so much as what occurs afterward.
President Obama's executive order takes effect in a few months. It will exist for two years. What if the USA Congress can't or won't pass a COMPREHENSIVE Immigration Bill before November of 2016? What happens then? It falls to the new President to write another Executive Order after taking office.
Would Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders write that order? Most probably. Would Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney write that order? Jeb, possibly; Romney, no. Other potential Republican candidates? Rand Paul, I think he would. Chris Christy, unknown and he probably likes to keep it there. All the others, seriously doubt it.
What I asked for as a Christmas Gift was the end of Republicans playing politics with our democracy or the lives of people, be those people citizens, the Undocumented or those in other nations through war.