Why should anyone be surprised, we have long knew Republicans were knee deep in racists. They only confirms what we already knew, which makes the next two years even more challenging to find the racism in the legislation before it becomes law. The President might be a lonely man if the US House and Senate sends bill for his signature containing oppression and racism.
December 28, 2014
...It was an ambitious undertaking (click here) for the fledgling organization, a truly international conference. The organization was named, innocuously enough, EURO, an acronym for European-American Unity and Rights Organization, and its leader was a man named David Duke. Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, former Louisiana State Representative, and former Republican candidate for Louisiana governor, was attempting to rebrand his movement into something more palatable and less incendiary, and the ambiguous-sounding EURO seemed to do the trick....
Yes, indeed, White Supremacists becoming a global organization to take over the world. Why do all these militarized organizations have the same ambitions as the Taliban?
So, where is the speech? Missing?
The Southern Poverty Law Center now has a new name to add to their list of subversives.
Founded in 2000 (click here) under a different name by the former Klan leader and notorious neo-Nazi David Duke, the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) claims to fight for "White Civil Rights" for "European and Americans Wherever They May Live." Beyond hosting a website, whitecivilrights.com, and staging an occasional conference, EURO is a paper tiger, serving primarily as a vehicle to publicize Duke's writing and sell his books.
In Its Own Words
"The Jewish media and Jews in general will attack us for wanting to restore White America. The Jews are the enemy of the White race, and they are largely responsible for the ‘browning' of America. The Jews want to rule over a multi-racial brown America that is too ignorant to ever rebel against them."
— Jeff Davis, whitecivilrights.com, Aug. 17, 2000
Twenty-eight percent came from large individual donors. (click here)
Interesting enough the facts are wrong, the white folks populated Africans as slaves, however, the African American ran parrallel in their settlements in the South. Jews were long oppressed and ostracized from American society in their early years. But, no one was killing them and sending them to gas chambers. The African American history is different, but, the early Jewish settlements were in the south and they did accept each other as communities.
The common joke years ago was that the Jews were always the lawyers and doctors because the money was good. That wasn't always the case. The Jewish settlement were the early physicians in the USA and they invented the PRACTICE of law. They didn't write the law, but, they developed a practice of the law to benefit their communities. They were brilliant and very much the survivors. We were lucky to have them. We, as a nation, are also lucky to have African Americans. Stop for minute to realize what the American landscape would look like without them and realize how far back in development we would have been and discovery.
The only contribution the White Supremacists have ever contributed to the USA is hate and violence and plenty of it.

...It was an ambitious undertaking (click here) for the fledgling organization, a truly international conference. The organization was named, innocuously enough, EURO, an acronym for European-American Unity and Rights Organization, and its leader was a man named David Duke. Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, former Louisiana State Representative, and former Republican candidate for Louisiana governor, was attempting to rebrand his movement into something more palatable and less incendiary, and the ambiguous-sounding EURO seemed to do the trick....
Yes, indeed, White Supremacists becoming a global organization to take over the world. Why do all these militarized organizations have the same ambitions as the Taliban?
So, where is the speech? Missing?
The Southern Poverty Law Center now has a new name to add to their list of subversives.
Founded in 2000 (click here) under a different name by the former Klan leader and notorious neo-Nazi David Duke, the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) claims to fight for "White Civil Rights" for "European and Americans Wherever They May Live." Beyond hosting a website, whitecivilrights.com, and staging an occasional conference, EURO is a paper tiger, serving primarily as a vehicle to publicize Duke's writing and sell his books.
In Its Own Words
"The Jewish media and Jews in general will attack us for wanting to restore White America. The Jews are the enemy of the White race, and they are largely responsible for the ‘browning' of America. The Jews want to rule over a multi-racial brown America that is too ignorant to ever rebel against them."
— Jeff Davis, whitecivilrights.com, Aug. 17, 2000
Twenty-eight percent came from large individual donors. (click here)
Interesting enough the facts are wrong, the white folks populated Africans as slaves, however, the African American ran parrallel in their settlements in the South. Jews were long oppressed and ostracized from American society in their early years. But, no one was killing them and sending them to gas chambers. The African American history is different, but, the early Jewish settlements were in the south and they did accept each other as communities.
The common joke years ago was that the Jews were always the lawyers and doctors because the money was good. That wasn't always the case. The Jewish settlement were the early physicians in the USA and they invented the PRACTICE of law. They didn't write the law, but, they developed a practice of the law to benefit their communities. They were brilliant and very much the survivors. We were lucky to have them. We, as a nation, are also lucky to have African Americans. Stop for minute to realize what the American landscape would look like without them and realize how far back in development we would have been and discovery.
The only contribution the White Supremacists have ever contributed to the USA is hate and violence and plenty of it.