There are many, many reasons these children are FORCED to abandon their country and their families. None of which are even within the understanding of the average American, but, let me try to explain.
The obvious reasons they are leaving their homelands to travel a very dangerous and perilous route is due to drug wars. They are situated in a vitally important area of the 'drug universe' where transportation of drugs occurs. These 'gangs' are not necessarily at all tied to the major drug cartels some are freelancing their incomes. So, even if the large cartels are dismantled there is no guarantee the wars within these countries will end. There is no 'head of the snake' in many instances.
To better illustrate I think of Nigeria. The oil in Nigeria is pumped out of the ground by Big Oil and the government receives some of the monies for it, however, the monies OR jobs never make it to the citizens whom remain impoverished. In the past the citizens of Nigeria would rise up against Big Oil and seek to kill them as their food and water sources were polluted and they were dying, no differently than Ecuador. In Ecuador the people accepted their fate and allowed anti-oil and pro-citizen groups to fight the good fight in the courts. The citizens are winning although the struggle continues.
But, to return to Nigeria. The citizens surrendered. They found they were being massacred by their own government and even when the courts ordered payment to the country for the peril of the citizens, the government was corrupt and those monies never made it to the citizens. When they gave up they still needed an income to live. Men pride themselves in raising their family and providing clear water, air and food was still a priority. So, the men of Nigeria decided they would seek their own oil (As Boka Haram has coveted gold in the north of the country.) and develop their own primitive processing. They harvested the oil in crude and dangerous ways accepting the fact they could die doing it and if not then sometime in the future as their exposure would cause cancers. But, they do it anyway as a means of supporting their families with hopes of finding a better life for their children. This atrocity is happening now.
The same dynamic holds true in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and to a lesser extent in Belize. Belize at least is propagating a healthy tourist trade along it's coast so the impoverishment and violence is along the border with Guatemala as it spills over.
So, that is the plight of the globally impoverished. They accept adversity in their lives in order to find a way of life. That is their quality of life. It is a depraved method of quality of life, but, is reality.
So why don't countries such as Guatemala and Honduras or Nigeria simply round up these criminal networks and keep them forever in prison? The USA does it. Three strikes and your in for life. Why not everyone else?
August 13, 2013
By Ezra Klein and Evan Soltas
...The average inmate (click here) in minimum security federal prison costs $21,000 each year. The average inmate in maximum - security prisons costs $33,000 each year....
Why are prisons aboard used in rendition? Why are pirsons abroad considered torture? Why do other countries with such prisons accepting payment from the USA to house those the USA believes dangerous? Why, indeed. The 'way of life' of those in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador is considered illegal in the USA, but, it is a way of life and the USA does consume the drugs these 'gangs' bring to the USA.
So, like it or not the USA is directly responsible for the children now refugees to our southern border. Make no mistake these children are coming to the USA southern border because they want to live while the rest of the USA accepts the drug sales as recreation. AND. Drug sales in the USA is also a 'way of life' for those that sell them.
As far as diseases these children refugees carry (OH, yeah. Changing the definitions of refugee in DC DOES NOT change the reality.); there is nothing they are afflicted with the USA can't handle. Eboli is spreading in western Africa, but, is still contained. And here is a thought. If Eboli ever did make it to The West, the disease might actually be defeated.
The Republicans thrive on fear and to that end they are always scaredy cats, refuse to face any reality of the situation and are convinced if DC 'words everything correctly' and turns the USA into a police state, they will have heaven at their doorstep. Republicans don't live with reality, they live everyday of their lives in a dreamscape. That is not a good place to be. It causes more problems than it solves. But, whoever accused Republicans of solving problems.
The bottom line is these small countries can't solve the problems of the refugees. Having children become refugees IS THE ANSWER. Solve that and the problems take care of themselves.
The man without the answer rather play games with congressional proceedings for distraction, political momentum to the polls by the base and amusement (including racism and bigotry). Elect them again and the USA will continue to have the same problems.
One other thing, when I thought it through I was happy about the National Guard was at the southern border; at least USA Wackos won't be shooting anyone as they cross the Rio Grande.
The obvious reasons they are leaving their homelands to travel a very dangerous and perilous route is due to drug wars. They are situated in a vitally important area of the 'drug universe' where transportation of drugs occurs. These 'gangs' are not necessarily at all tied to the major drug cartels some are freelancing their incomes. So, even if the large cartels are dismantled there is no guarantee the wars within these countries will end. There is no 'head of the snake' in many instances.
To better illustrate I think of Nigeria. The oil in Nigeria is pumped out of the ground by Big Oil and the government receives some of the monies for it, however, the monies OR jobs never make it to the citizens whom remain impoverished. In the past the citizens of Nigeria would rise up against Big Oil and seek to kill them as their food and water sources were polluted and they were dying, no differently than Ecuador. In Ecuador the people accepted their fate and allowed anti-oil and pro-citizen groups to fight the good fight in the courts. The citizens are winning although the struggle continues.
But, to return to Nigeria. The citizens surrendered. They found they were being massacred by their own government and even when the courts ordered payment to the country for the peril of the citizens, the government was corrupt and those monies never made it to the citizens. When they gave up they still needed an income to live. Men pride themselves in raising their family and providing clear water, air and food was still a priority. So, the men of Nigeria decided they would seek their own oil (As Boka Haram has coveted gold in the north of the country.) and develop their own primitive processing. They harvested the oil in crude and dangerous ways accepting the fact they could die doing it and if not then sometime in the future as their exposure would cause cancers. But, they do it anyway as a means of supporting their families with hopes of finding a better life for their children. This atrocity is happening now.
The same dynamic holds true in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and to a lesser extent in Belize. Belize at least is propagating a healthy tourist trade along it's coast so the impoverishment and violence is along the border with Guatemala as it spills over.
So, that is the plight of the globally impoverished. They accept adversity in their lives in order to find a way of life. That is their quality of life. It is a depraved method of quality of life, but, is reality.
So why don't countries such as Guatemala and Honduras or Nigeria simply round up these criminal networks and keep them forever in prison? The USA does it. Three strikes and your in for life. Why not everyone else?
August 13, 2013
By Ezra Klein and Evan Soltas
...The average inmate (click here) in minimum security federal prison costs $21,000 each year. The average inmate in maximum - security prisons costs $33,000 each year....
Why are prisons aboard used in rendition? Why are pirsons abroad considered torture? Why do other countries with such prisons accepting payment from the USA to house those the USA believes dangerous? Why, indeed. The 'way of life' of those in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador is considered illegal in the USA, but, it is a way of life and the USA does consume the drugs these 'gangs' bring to the USA.
So, like it or not the USA is directly responsible for the children now refugees to our southern border. Make no mistake these children are coming to the USA southern border because they want to live while the rest of the USA accepts the drug sales as recreation. AND. Drug sales in the USA is also a 'way of life' for those that sell them.
As far as diseases these children refugees carry (OH, yeah. Changing the definitions of refugee in DC DOES NOT change the reality.); there is nothing they are afflicted with the USA can't handle. Eboli is spreading in western Africa, but, is still contained. And here is a thought. If Eboli ever did make it to The West, the disease might actually be defeated.
The Republicans thrive on fear and to that end they are always scaredy cats, refuse to face any reality of the situation and are convinced if DC 'words everything correctly' and turns the USA into a police state, they will have heaven at their doorstep. Republicans don't live with reality, they live everyday of their lives in a dreamscape. That is not a good place to be. It causes more problems than it solves. But, whoever accused Republicans of solving problems.
The man without the answer rather play games with congressional proceedings for distraction, political momentum to the polls by the base and amusement (including racism and bigotry). Elect them again and the USA will continue to have the same problems.
One other thing, when I thought it through I was happy about the National Guard was at the southern border; at least USA Wackos won't be shooting anyone as they cross the Rio Grande.