Waxing Gibbous
81% Full
10.5 days old
By Philip Case
For those of you planting your garden by the phases of the moon and signs of the zodiac (click here) — and if you are reading this then there is a good chance your are at least trying — here’s this week’s information.
The moon is in the light phase for planting above-ground producers and will remain there until the full moon comes into force at 12:11 a.m. Friday.
Monday through Wednesday of this week will be a great stretch for getting all of your above-ground producing, warm-weather-loving veggies in the ground, even if you haven’t planted the first thing. The moon is in the light phase and the sign is in Scorpio (the secrets).
Each year I mention one of my most productive gardens wasn’t even started until June 20 so while there’s plenty of time, you need to get on with it now and this will be a great stretch for it. We saw this year we can have a cold snap very late — and on the other end of the spectrum we can have one very early in the fall....