Just ask to open the public meeting with prayer and recite an agnostic or atheist prayer. Prayer is a ritual. Why do agnostics and atheists be deprived of ritual to their own 'spirituality.' There is nothing stating ritual has to involve BELIEF in a god.
The Robert's Court isn't building on past precedent. This is the computer age after all. But, the only one place where Robert's finds it important to build on past precedent is when it comes to money and making corporations citizens. That's okay.
When Justice Breyer's arm was twisted into consenting to the changes in Affirmative Action there is something very wrong here. The approach Robert's uses is to throw the baby out with the bathwater EXCEPT where it protects the conservative political agenda. I'd love to know if Robert's is keeping a record on voting and attempting to coerce other Justices.
It is a bizarre court and highly biased. Next thing a woman is going to have to do is recite a prayer before an abortion. The county is under siege by extremists. And to think they get paid for this junk.
John Robert's is a dolt. He just is. He came up through the ranks by giving and receiving favors, ie: Bush v Gore.
5/5/14 11:33 AM EDT
The Supreme Court (click here) ruled Monday, 5-4, that sectarian prayers can be presented at official government meetings without running afoul of the Constitution’s prohibition on establishment of religion.
Acting in a case brought against Greece, N.Y., over its practice of allowing local ministers to deliver prayers at town board meetings containing beliefs specific to particular Christian denominations, the court’s majority said such prayers are legally permissible as long as the government does not discriminate among those seeking to present a prayer....