Apr 21, 2014 12:39 PM ET
Pity the birds. (click here)
As if cats weren’t bad enough, humans have invented all sorts of torture devices for our winged friends. We’ve paved over their nesting sites to make room for Olive Gardens and have broken up their skyscapes with glass buildings and radio towers.
Then came the most infamous bird killer of all: the wind turbine. As you can see in the chart below, these sky blenders top the list.
Just kidding. Windmills aren’t the biggest serial killer, but are instead the smallest threat to birds worthy of mention, on par with airplanes. Turbines are responsible for as little as one percent of the deaths caused by the next smallest killer, communications towers....
"Impact on Wildlife" (click here)
Birds fly. They have eyesight. They know how to seek out a place for nests. Birds are still alive in case no one noticed.
Pity the birds. (click here)
As if cats weren’t bad enough, humans have invented all sorts of torture devices for our winged friends. We’ve paved over their nesting sites to make room for Olive Gardens and have broken up their skyscapes with glass buildings and radio towers.
Then came the most infamous bird killer of all: the wind turbine. As you can see in the chart below, these sky blenders top the list.
Just kidding. Windmills aren’t the biggest serial killer, but are instead the smallest threat to birds worthy of mention, on par with airplanes. Turbines are responsible for as little as one percent of the deaths caused by the next smallest killer, communications towers....
"Impact on Wildlife" (click here)
Birds fly. They have eyesight. They know how to seek out a place for nests. Birds are still alive in case no one noticed.