Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The USA CBO are a bunch of wackos.

The President needs to clean house over there. Let me show you. I am sure Goldman has a place for everyone of them even if in the mail room where their brains can be picked at minimum wage.

By Zachary A. Goldfarb  
Published: February 18

...The higher wages (click here) would lift about 900,000 people out of poverty, the report said.

But the CBO warned that raising the minimum wage could also cause employers to lay off low-wage workers or hire fewer of them, reducing overall employment by about 500,000 jobs, or about 0.3 percent of the labor force. The CBO acknowledged that its calculation is an estimate and said actual job losses could range from “very slight” to as many as 1 million positions....

So, according to the CBO, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will drop the number of people in the labor force. Now, that is not correct. All the people currently will remain in the labor force but won't be working one to two additional jobs to pay for their health care.

So according to the CBO there will be many jobs left vacant because the nation has good health care now. THAT IS WHAT THEY SAID. No going back on that. 

Now, the increase in minimum wage will cost the economy jobs. That is what the CBO is stating. If the minimum wage goes up and raises 900,000 out of poverty, then the economy will lose 500,000 jobs. CAN'T GO BACK ON THAT. It is in writing.

It seems to me that very much straights out the entire mess the CBO has so generously written as if the country has to be confused about what a Middle Class looks like.

The CBO is victimizing the people of this country by putting report after report into print to try to advise the country to reject it's own success in moving out of poverty.

So, here is the equation:

Loss of Labor + Loss of Jobs = 0 loss of quality of life for the Middle Class, balanced books for Wall Street with reductions in the need for food stamps, medicaid and welfare for the USA Treasury and a federal budget coming in line with it's income.


But, wait. The CBO will now come out with a report stating the loss of jobs won't align with the drop in labor and will result in a drop in GDP. 


I have a cure for that, when the INEVITABLE happens and some labor is misaligned with jobs that remain, they are retrained to fill in the gap. SOUND LIKE A PLAN?  

The magnificent change anticipated by the CBO has a name. It is called President Obama.