Sunday, February 02, 2014

31 January 2014

Boulder Smashes through Italian Farm (click here)

The massive rock narrowly missed a farm house, destroyed a barn, and stopped in a vineyard at the property in Ronchi di Termeno.
A second giant boulder detached during the landslide stopped behind the house.
The family living there was unharmed in the incident, on 21 January....


The second boulder is behind the house and blocking a road. Those are some kind of pictures. All these rocks need is a tipping point and they are no longer at rest. When they are posed at the top of a hill and a home is at the bottom of that hill, there should be some serious considerations as to the final resting place of those rocks. Gravity, you know.

There is a new profession, "Geological Surveyor for Home Sales."

"We unearth all previous land disturbances, including current hydraulic fracturing in the region. We deliver real time present data and guarantee your home from being crushed by boulders, sinking into liquefaction and acknowledge active fissures. No guarantees with hurricanes or tornadoes, but, we can provide insight to nearby glacial ice that might result in complete inundation of your homestead with Human Induced Global Warming. Think about it. Mother Earth has never before been so friendly."