The people of St. Patrick's can raise money on their own to pay for any repairs needed. Try a marathon BINGO. I am serious. The Catholic groups of many churches run fundraisers to build schools and new churches. So, those that seek to put pressure the only Pope in the world based in financial blackmail needs to face charges as well as resignation from their jobs and then go to a confessional and do their penance.
By Morgan Lee
Christian Post Reporter
January 1, 2013
...Home Depot founder (click here) and investor Ken Langone, who is currently leading the $180 million fundraising efforts to complete the renovations on St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, recently told CNBC that a potential million dollar donor has voiced apprehension about donating to the project after Pope Francis critiqued trickle-down economics in November as "naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power."
Plutocrats like Ken Langone should be rallying around Pope Francis to change the face of opportunity in the USA and around the world, but, instead this self-centered money grubber has yet to seek to address the man in the mirror.
Many parents of Millenniums are aware of the gross unfairness passed down to their children and they don't like it. They want their children to share in the 'birth right' they enjoyed as they took on their lives as adults. The fact there is a growing Poor in the USA should be of concern to every American. It is an inconvenience to the wealthy to actually face the fact they maintained their million - billions due to a bailout of Wall Street in 2008. So, Mr. Ken Langone can put away his nasty attitude that clearly illustrates his love of money over the love of his brethren.
Home Depot is only a shade better in their treatment of their employees.
Home Depot has about 5000 employees and revenues of $10 plus billion.
They are not the same as Target or Walmart as far as their merchandise. Considering their employees actually have specialty skills they are grossly underpaid.
So, Mr. Ken Langone has a lot of soul searching to conduct to be a better example of a humanitarian and a businessman with a conscience before he even begins to look to any religious leader as a scapegoat for his greed.
By Morgan Lee
Christian Post Reporter
January 1, 2013
...Home Depot founder (click here) and investor Ken Langone, who is currently leading the $180 million fundraising efforts to complete the renovations on St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, recently told CNBC that a potential million dollar donor has voiced apprehension about donating to the project after Pope Francis critiqued trickle-down economics in November as "naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power."
"In this context, some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world," Pope Francis wrote....
One might notice New York City has a progressive Mayor now. Why? Because New Yorker's pay attention to the fact an entire generation of Americans gathered at Zuccotti Park. While the Right Wing of the USA continue to deny every aspect of the impoverished in the country by victimizing the Poor and denying unemployment benefits many in the rest of country paid attention to what occurred under Bush/Cheney. They abandoned the American economy to opt for the growth in China and they left out the Millenniums in any opportunity for a future in the USA.Plutocrats like Ken Langone should be rallying around Pope Francis to change the face of opportunity in the USA and around the world, but, instead this self-centered money grubber has yet to seek to address the man in the mirror.
Many parents of Millenniums are aware of the gross unfairness passed down to their children and they don't like it. They want their children to share in the 'birth right' they enjoyed as they took on their lives as adults. The fact there is a growing Poor in the USA should be of concern to every American. It is an inconvenience to the wealthy to actually face the fact they maintained their million - billions due to a bailout of Wall Street in 2008. So, Mr. Ken Langone can put away his nasty attitude that clearly illustrates his love of money over the love of his brethren.
Home Depot is only a shade better in their treatment of their employees.
Home Depot has about 5000 employees and revenues of $10 plus billion.
They are not the same as Target or Walmart as far as their merchandise. Considering their employees actually have specialty skills they are grossly underpaid.