Americans purchase all kinds of insurance and they look for the best rates. When they do they realize an event could destroy what they worked so hard for and seek to protect themselves. They understand the concept, but, health care is such a political hot potato for the Republicans because they can instill fear so easily in people.
The Health Security Act was defeated in 1994. It has been nineteen years that Americans have been compromised by the health care insurance companies. During that time they got used to being in danger of their life. They sought care at emergency rooms for their children. Did without preventive care. Looked the other way to health issues that needed attention until they were too sick not to attend to them. They have tried every measure under the sun trying to cope with a health care system that didn't care about them and costs were astronomical for average Americans.
The lack of health care was something no one really talked about because in all too many cases it was unattainable. I think people are going to have to start thinking about health care insurance in the same why they think about homeowner's insurance, renter's insurance, car insurance and even flood insurance. There is a reason to own a policy. That reason lives in the vapors of life and is unpredictable. Folks have been abandoned and abused in so many ways over the last twenty years it is going to take patience and persistence to help them find their ways back into reality about all this.
The Health Security Act was defeated in 1994. It has been nineteen years that Americans have been compromised by the health care insurance companies. During that time they got used to being in danger of their life. They sought care at emergency rooms for their children. Did without preventive care. Looked the other way to health issues that needed attention until they were too sick not to attend to them. They have tried every measure under the sun trying to cope with a health care system that didn't care about them and costs were astronomical for average Americans.
The lack of health care was something no one really talked about because in all too many cases it was unattainable. I think people are going to have to start thinking about health care insurance in the same why they think about homeowner's insurance, renter's insurance, car insurance and even flood insurance. There is a reason to own a policy. That reason lives in the vapors of life and is unpredictable. Folks have been abandoned and abused in so many ways over the last twenty years it is going to take patience and persistence to help them find their ways back into reality about all this.