Congresswoman Blackburn is completely wrong. Americans should not have the choice of a rock or a hard place when deciding about their healthcare.
Solo Cups are NOT a choice, it is entrapment into fraud and danger to lives. It is out of the question.
Good governance demands the choice Americans have to make insuring their well being, including policies implemented with agencies like OSHA, be wholesome choices. Currently, the healthcare insurance market undercuts the well being of Americans and at times even deceived them as to the coverage they could expect. There is no choice between Solo Cups and Crystal Stemware when it comes to keeping Americans healthy and alive. Every human being has the same physiology and there is no difference in protecting them from death and disease. We have Public Health Departments because a single policy can carry forward an important protection for all those within it's jurisdiction.
The opinion of Republicans such as Ms. Blackburn brings danger into the lives of Americans, including children. She is negligent of the public trust and the important work every elected representative is suppose to do. She is unworthy of the office she holds.
Solo Cups are NOT a choice, it is entrapment into fraud and danger to lives. It is out of the question.

The opinion of Republicans such as Ms. Blackburn brings danger into the lives of Americans, including children. She is negligent of the public trust and the important work every elected representative is suppose to do. She is unworthy of the office she holds.