September 21, 2013
UNISYS Infrared Satellite of the USA Midwest (click here for 12 hour loop)
Approximately 10AM rain under full sunshine has started.
It is normal rain showers, steady, without wind, but, with plenty of far cooler air.
The rain sustained at a steady rate for nearly one hour and 10 minutes.
The area is the same as last time at about 45 degrees latitude in the northern lower peninsula. The infrared radar shows high tropospheric water vapor with very thin density. The rain was significant and wet everything as though it had rained for an hour. The roads and land stated wet throughout and afterward.
The large white ridge to the right of the image is a front moving through. This water vapor followed from the north and was cold. The temperature outdoors today was in the low sixties and has sustained in the 50s all day. That is in Fahrenheit. It currently is 51.2 degrees Fahrenheit with one mph winds from northwest west.
September 21, 2013
UNISYS Infrared Satellite of USA (click here for 12 hour loop)
September 21, 2013
UNISYS Infrared GOES East Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop)
UNISYS Infrared Satellite of the USA Midwest (click here for 12 hour loop)
Approximately 10AM rain under full sunshine has started.
It is normal rain showers, steady, without wind, but, with plenty of far cooler air.
The rain sustained at a steady rate for nearly one hour and 10 minutes.
The area is the same as last time at about 45 degrees latitude in the northern lower peninsula. The infrared radar shows high tropospheric water vapor with very thin density. The rain was significant and wet everything as though it had rained for an hour. The roads and land stated wet throughout and afterward.
September 21, 2013
UNISYS Infrared Satellite of USA (click here for 12 hour loop)
September 21, 2013
UNISYS Infrared GOES East Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop)