I have stated on many occasions when a country has no ideas for their economic growth they exploit their natural resources. That is exactly what is happening in US States with Republican extremist governors, like Snyder in Michigan.
This is not an economy of ideas. It is an economy of destruction due to lack of ideas and desperation for re-election. Snyder can add this to his Michigan Improved Economy Balance Sheet.
This is not Michigan private property owners longing for logging on their property as a means of success. This is private property owners harvesting money for the sake of money.
This isn't private property owners doing what they do best year after year in sustainable logging practices, these are property owners supplementing their incomes with open season on trees. This has nothing to do with a business, this is pure exploitation.
By Jonathan Oosting
June 6, 2013
LANSING, MI -- Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (click here) on Thursday signed into law legislation designed to boost the state's timber industry by encouraging more private owners to allow logging on their land in exchange for tax breaks.
"This is an opportunity to export more," Snyder said during a press conference in Lansing, where he was joined by lawmakers and lumber company owners. "It's the made-in-Michigan concept. Whether we manufacture it, grow it, or come up with an idea, this is a way to create more commerce and opportunity for Michigan."...
"This is an opportunity to export more,"... is rhetorical. At the time of the Iraq War, Bush stated there wasn't enough plywood in the nation to supply Iraq with building materials for the reconstruction, so the logging had to increase.
Now, Snyder is going to balance the trade deficit with China by logging. There aren't enough trees in the USA to supplement that trade deficit so let's just state this for what it is. Exploitation of natural resources because Snyder has no ideas for a real and sustainable economy in Michigan.
Across the board natural resources are being used to fill in the gap for economic vitality in Republican states. The latest jobs numbers reflect increases in mining and logging. How long does any Governor believe exploiting natural resources will sustain their economy? Seriously, how long? And then when the boom is over the economy will retreat into a depleted status again.
China receives most of it's lumber from Russia. A vast amount of it. The transportation costs for China is far less if they deal with Russia.
Across the board natural resources are being used to fill in the gap for economic vitality in Republican states. The latest jobs numbers reflect increases in mining and logging. How long does any Governor believe exploiting natural resources will sustain their economy? Seriously, how long? And then when the boom is over the economy will retreat into a depleted status again.
China receives most of it's lumber from Russia. A vast amount of it. The transportation costs for China is far less if they deal with Russia.