President Putin should come to North Carolina to visit the wild horses there. We don't have tigers, except, for those in the zoos. But, we have wild horses. We have bears, too.

President Putin should also consider having his own brand of microbrew. President Obama has his.
Microbrewing could be an entirely new industry for Russia, especially Moscow. He should come to tour our microbrews in the USA, they are quite good and add to a local culture and economy.
Maybe there could be beer concessions at the Olympics, too. I assume there are adults that come as tourists, yes?

President Putin should also consider having his own brand of microbrew. President Obama has his.
Microbrewing could be an entirely new industry for Russia, especially Moscow. He should come to tour our microbrews in the USA, they are quite good and add to a local culture and economy.
Maybe there could be beer concessions at the Olympics, too. I assume there are adults that come as tourists, yes?