Weapon found
( Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times / February 15, 2013 )A weapon was found on Friday, February 15, 2013, in the snow off Glass Road, near the spot where Christopher Dorner crashed a getaway car in Angelus Oaks.
This was a gun found at the resting place of Christopher Dorner. This not a police issued weapon. There is no surviving a gun designed to blow a hole in a human being. Is there any doubt this weapon was marketed with the reality it was about killing people? No, of course not, but it is marketed anyway.
Below is Appendix A of the Assault Weapons Ban Amendment. Appendix A lists the exemptions from the law. These are guns specifically named as legally for sale in the USA. The reason Senator Feinstein listed the guns specifically was to prevent any manipulation of the law to effect them. There is no reason for any gun owner or enthusiast to state the USA federal government is going to take the guns from their 'cold dead hands.' As a matter of fact this Amendment should be part of the bill rather than an amendment because it is so very specific to the protected status of these guns.
(e) Appendix A.--Section 922 of title 18, United States

Below is Appendix A of the Assault Weapons Ban Amendment. Appendix A lists the exemptions from the law. These are guns specifically named as legally for sale in the USA. The reason Senator Feinstein listed the guns specifically was to prevent any manipulation of the law to effect them. There is no reason for any gun owner or enthusiast to state the USA federal government is going to take the guns from their 'cold dead hands.' As a matter of fact this Amendment should be part of the bill rather than an amendment because it is so very specific to the protected status of these guns.
(e) Appendix A.--Section 922 of title 18, United States
Code, as amended by subsection (a) of this section, is
amended by adding at the end the following:
``Centerfire Rifles--Autoloaders (below is a Remington 750 Woodmaster - a good example of the guns listed in this section - a rifle and not a shotgun)
``Benelli R1 Rifle ``Browning BAR Mark II Safari Magnum Rifle ``Browning BAR Mark II Safari Semi-Auto Rifle ``Browning BAR Stalker Rifles ``Browning High-Power Rifle(below - click here for online purchase costing $1700.00 - already sold)
``Browning Longtrac Rifle
``Browning Shorttrac Rifle
``Heckler & Koch HK630
``Heckler & Koch HK770
``Heckler & Koch HK940
``Heckler & Koch Model 300 Rifle
``Heckler & Koch SL7 Rifle
``Iver Johnson 50th Anniversary M-1 Carbine (w/o folding stock)
``Iver Johnson M-1 Carbine (w/o folding stock)(below is a carbine and it has a shorter barrel length - in the review at this website it is obvious it is mostly accurate in short distances - but this gun is not a weapon in the way other carbines excluded in this amendment have been coveted - click here)
``M-1 Carbines with standard fixed stock ``M-1 Garand with fixed 8 round capacity and standard stock ``Marlin Model 9 Camp Carbine ``Marlin Model 45 Carbine ``Remington Model 74 ``Remington Model 81 ``Remington Model 740 ``Remington Model 742 ``Remington Model 750 Synthetic ``Remington Model 750 Woodmaster(above) ``Remington Model 7400 Rifle ``Remington Model 7400 Special Purpose Auto Rifle ``Remington Nylon 66 Auto-Loading Rifle ``Ruger Mini 30 ``Ruger Mini-14 (w/o folding stock) ``Ruger PC4 ``Ruger PC9 ``SKS type rifles with fixed 10 round magazine and standard fixed stock (click here for entry - I have a Yugoslavian M59/66 that may look like an SKS but is not actually an SKS. It is featureless. I would like to have the freedom to use detachable 10 round magazines on this rifle as shown in the picture. Currently it is a fixed 10 rounder and fed with stripper clips. It's 922(r) compliant with enough U.S. parts on it to qualify it as a U.S. Rifle, so I'm compliant in this department. The law reads that "SKS rifles with detachable magazines are assault weapons" I don't know if this applies to any SKS "type" rifles or just to actual SKS's. Here is the picture. ``Winchester Model SXR
``Centerfire Rifles--Lever & Slide(below is a Henry Big Boy .44 Magnum) The Henry Big Boy is a lever-action centerfire rifle (click here for entry) with a fully octagonal 20-inch barrel, a solid brass receiver, and a 10-round tubular magazine. It’s a larger version of Henry’s successful Golden Boy rimfire rifles and similar to Henry’s new brass-framed .30/30 rifle. Our test gun was chambered in hard-hitting .44 Magnum. ``Action Arms Timber Wolf Pump Action ``Beretta 1873 Renegade Lever Action ``Beretta Gold Rush Slide Action ``Big Horn Armory Model 89 ``Browning BLR Model 181 Lever Action, All Models ``Browning BPR Pump Rifle ``Browning Model 53 Lever Action ``Browning Model 65 Grade 1 Lever Action Rifle ``Browning Model 71 Rifle and Carbine ``Browning Model 81 BLR ``Browning Model 81 BLR Lever-Action Rifle ``Browning Model 81 Long Action BLR ``Browning Model 1886 High Grade Carbine ``Browning Model 1886 Lever-Action Carbine ``Browning Model B-92 Carbine ``Charles Daly Model 1892 Lever Action, All Models ``Chiappa 1886 Lever Action Rifles ``Cimarron 1860 Henry Replica ``Cimarron 1866 Winchester Replicas [[Page S2601]] ``Cimarron 1873 30" Express Rifle ``Cimarron 1873 Short Rifle(Assembly/Disassembly Instructions - click here) ``Cimarron 1873 Sporting Rifle ``Cimarron 1873 Winchester Replicas ``Dixie Engraved 1873 Rifle ``Dixie Lightning Rifle and Carbines ``E.M.F. 1860 Henry Rifle ``E.M.F. 1866 Yellowboy Lever Actions ``E.M.F. Model 73 Lever-Action Rifle ``E.M.F. Model 1873 Lever Actions ``Henry .30/30 Lever Action Carbine ``Henry Big Boy .357 Magnum ``Henry Big Boy .44 Magnum ``Henry Big Boy .45 Colt ``Henry Big Boy Deluxe Engraved .44 Magnum ``Henry Big Boy Deluxe Engraved .45 Colt ``Marlin Model 30AS Lever-Action Carbine ``Marlin Model 62 Lever Action ``Marlin Model 93 Lever Action ``Marlin Model 308MX ``Marlin Model 308MXLR ``Marlin Model 336 Deluxe(below - click here) ``Marlin Model 336C ``Marlin Model 336CS Lever-Action Carbine ``Marlin Model 336DL Lever Action ``Marlin Model 336SS ``Marlin Model 336W ``Marlin Model 336XLR ``Marlin Model 338MX ``Marlin Model 338MXLR ``Marlin Model 444 ``Marlin Model 444 Lever-Action ``Marlin Model 444XLR ``Marlin Model 1894 Marlin Model 1894 Cowboy ``Marlin Model 1894 Lever Action, All Models ``Marlin Model 1894C ``Marlin Model 1894CL Classic ``Marlin Model 1894CS Carbine ``Marlin Model 1894S Lever-Action Carbine ``Marlin Model 1894SS ``Marlin Model 1895 ``Marlin Model 1895 Cowboy ``Marlin Model 1895 Lever Action, All Models ``Marlin Model 1895G ``Marlin Model 1895GS ``Marlin Model 1895M ``Marlin Model 1895MXLR ``Marlin Model 1895SBL ``Marlin Model 1895SS Lever-Action Rifle ``Marlin Model 1895XLR ``Marlin XLR Lever Action Rifles ``Mitchell 1858 Henry Replica ``Mitchell 1866 Winchester Replica (click here) ``Mitchell 1873 Winchester Replica ``Mossberg 464 Lever Action Rifle ``Mossberg Model 472 Lever Action ``Mossberg Model 479 Lever Action ``Navy Arms 1866 Yellowboy Rifle ``Navy Arms 1873 Sporting Rifle ``Navy Arms 1873 Winchester-Style Rifle ``Navy Arms 1892 Short Rifle ``Navy Arms Henry Carbine ``Navy Arms Henry Trapper ``Navy Arms Iron Frame Henry ``Navy Arms Military Henry Rifle ``Puma Bounty Hunter Rifle(below) ``Puma Model 92 Rifles & Carbines ``Remington 7600 Slide Action ``Remington Model 6 Pump Action ``Remington Model 14, 14 \1/2\ Pump Actions ``Remington Model 141 Pump Action ``Remington Model 760 Slide Actions ``Remington Model 7600 Special Purpose Slide Action ``Remington Model 7600 Synthetic(below - speaking of synthetic and very different from this rifle, the 3D printer version of a gun will hurt the gun manufacturer)They start at $756.00 Maybe you flinched? (click here) Or the animal turned at the last split-second? Either way, our Model 7600™ centerfire rifle will get you back on target – instantly. Because not only are they built to deliver legendary Remington® first-shot accuracy, they’re also designed for ultra-fast follow-up shots – without ever having to unshoulder your rifle.``Remington Model 7615 Camo Hunter ``Remington Model 7615 Ranch Carbine ``Remington Model 7615 SPS ``Rossi M92 SRC Saddle-Ring Carbine ``Rossi M92 SRS Short Carbine ``Rossi R92 Lever Action Carbines ``Ruger Model 96/44 Lever Action ``Savage 99C Lever-Action Rifle ``Savage Model 170 Pump Action ``Taurus Thunderbolt Pump Action ``Taylor's & CO., Inc. 1865 Spencer Carbine/Rifle ``Taylor's & CO., Inc. 1892 Carbine/Rifle ``U.S. Fire Arms Standard Lightning Magazine Rifle(below - click here - online $1279.00)Samuel Colt used to say, “Nothing is faster than Lightning.” More than 185,000 of the Colt rifles were manufactured, but a new one hadn’t been made since 1904... until now.The Lightning Rifle by Uberti is an exact replica of the original Colt Lightning, but will safely stand up to modern ammunition because it’s made with modern steel and today’s manufacturing techniques.More later, thank you for your interest.