Monday, March 11, 2013

Justin Bieber Threatens to Beat Up Photographer Outside Hotel in London (click title for You Tube video - thank you)

Elvis had his day, too. Bieber needs to take his millions/billions and invest in a future for himself. His fan base is imploding. He is no longer a teeny bopper. That is where 'innocence' lives. It doesn't really work for adults. He is not well advised.

Cancel Concert Because of Empty Seats
Justin Bieber cancelled his Portugal concert Tuesday (click here) -- not because he's sick, not because he's melting down -- because ticket sales were "soft" and it felt like the right thing to do. Just tell that to the fans who are getting stood up....

Taylor Swift made a magnificent transition to being an adult by accepting advise from people who cared about her. She became a model and spokesperson for a cosmetic company. It was a transition that worked well for her.

I don't think Mr. Bieber has good advisers and we don't need another Elvis.