Saturday, March 16, 2013

A joke on New York that is ultimately Corporate Welfare.

I don't know who the groups are nor do I care. The SPECIAL INTERESTS that are now CO-OP'ed by the Soda Industries are attempting to say that New York is imposing a standard that will cause them hardship. 

Right? The terrible Mayor Bloomberg and the City Council are imposing a standard on RECREATIONAL beverages that will cause the corporations so much hardship it will be passed on to the workers, cultural, ethical standards that it is unconstitutional. It is all nonsense and I am being nice.

Dozens of Hispanic and African-American civil rights groups, (click here) health advocacy organizations and business associations have joined the beverage industry in opposing soda regulation around the country in recent years, arguing that such measures — perhaps the greatest regulatory threat the soft-drink industry has ever faced — are discriminatory, paternalistic or ineffective....

This is turning social standards that a nation shares into a travesty. It is corporate ruthlessness hidden among bellyaching about the 'idea' there is a LEGITIMATE reason for this law to be considered unconstitutional.

To begin, if these cultural and ethical standards in the USA that have been hidden until this law was passed have manifested now, we may have discovered where the most egregious corporate entities that have been planted to facilitate corruption of our national health standards. And YES we do have national health standards. They were established a long time ago in pyramids and FDA. Okay? Got that. This law is new, but, it was simply long in coming.

The idea this is a corporate backed ideology is more than reasonable. All of a sudden we have all kinds of minority individuals backing corporations that provide grants and jobs and all sorts of perks. So, to say this is pure unadulterated corruption of our society and it's standards is more than reasonable.

Additionally, the USA has long determined what the health of Americans should look like and the goals of LIMITING calories and QUALITY of food that achieves those goals. Today, with Medicare and Medicaid taking a more prominent role in our society, our governments; in this case a local government namely New York City; is more aware of the problems affiliated with EMPTY CALORIES because of the cost to the government. 

Due to a huge economic implosion in the country brought on by private financial corporations the USA is facing increased poverty. In facing that reality the government subsidized health insurances are appearing in greater amounts to provide for the well being of the American people. It is expensive for the government, but, it is also not an option and it is necessary. Our citizens through no fault of their own have been plunged, quite ruthlessly, into a set of circumstances that are adverse to them.

Now, private industry is taking corporate monies to cast the American people into a further 'health impoverishment.' They are being told that they have to chose between a corrupted social environment which involves jobs and culture and ethical standards or a responsible government seeking to contain the costs to the very people that are stating it is okay to be unhealthy. That is not a valid argument. 


The USA does not 'trade off' a citizen's health for the benefit of GOVERNMENT TREASURIES. A JOB is taxed. It simply is. And those taxes go into the government's treasuries. So, will the USA government, the State of New York or New York City impose an unhealthy standard to facilitate jobs and hence increase the tax income and as a side effect the profits of corporations.

Absolutely not.

There are huge precedents of demanding health standards AT THE COST of jobs and corporate profits. China or India hasn't appreciated that yet. But, that is not our problem. We have standards, health standards that say when a citizens health is effected by their working conditions the corporations have to change their ways, ie: Black Lung Disease and OSHA and POSHA. Yes? Child Labor Laws. The intricacy of health standards is synonymous with Red, White and Blue. There are standards set on the environment in which we live, ie: The Clean Water Act, the Clearn Air Act, the Tobacco Industry decision, labels on foods. So these health standards are evident everywhere in the USA.

Now, for the reason of corporate profits the soda industry is demanding they have higher moral standards than government standards by serving up dangerously high sugar levels to the American people in one serving. That is more than nonsense and minimally PROPAGANDA. The soda industry is seeking to undermine the standards of the USA's demand on health standards. That in a reasonable assessment is treason. Do they want to go there? I am sure there are advocacy groups more than willing to entertain the idea and put some CEOs before a court for the death penalty which their corporations are seeking for their customers, albeit, more slowly.

The entire idea that there is a HIGHER CALLING of corporate CEOs in their volunteering funding of parasitic minority groups is hideous. The soda industry is taking the very same path of the NRA and the Tobacco Industry. It is becoming a Right Wing Extremist entity in the political spectrum (Protecting culture, minority rights and ethical standards are political directives.) to seek to hold onto UNETHICAL profits at the health of American citizens. No one is going back down from demanding better health standards for the American people because it will cost jobs or insult some odd ethical or cultural standards.

We won't stand for it and I would expect boycotts of the soda industry products if this nonsense continues which will bring about the same result of the legislation. I strongly encourage the advocacy groups seeking a HIGHER CALLING to enforce GOOD HEALTH and LET'S MOVE aggressively educate the consumer and continue into the future to create jobs and bring about stability of good health standards with the USA consumer.

The funding raising to facilitate the education of the public will alone bring about it's own industry and job creation.