Evidently, Chris Kyle is leveled to sainthood at FOX today along with his tragic death due to the inappropriate interaction between PTSD and guns. And of course the Vice President is not talking about PTSD. Non-news is their specialty.
They state the enemy, and that would include women with hand grenades called savages, feared Chris Kyle in Iraq. They feared a lot of people, including the helicopters of Blackwater. So, the focus is inappropriate, the angel status of Mr. Kyle is completely inappropriate and there should be deeper understanding of the content of their conversation subject. No social conscience.
I'll probably be writing that a lot today.
Now, I'm happy, I have my caffeinated coffee made the way I like it.
Soda Stream is having their adds pulled from the Super Bowl ads. The ad enlists the breaking of Coke and Pepsi bottles. Soda Stream is a dense advertiser of FOX and Talk Radio. So, no matter what the actions by the Super Bowl ad facilitators do here, it will be opposed by FOX and Talk Radio. Soda Stream is one of their Bros, man.
Chris Wallace is a class act for the most part. I would be surprised if he didn't conduct a good discussion, but, I'll see.
"Iron Man 3", my point exactly. Do I have to elaborate? A man made of iron. Something wrong with being human? Extremism. There is no real talent here. There is nothing artistic about extremism. The human body can be pushed in every direction of extremism including riding a 450 pound machine up a vertical snow embankment to have it land on top of the rider. That is not artistic. Sorry. It is nothing but extreme to make money. That is all that is in content. No eye for abstraction to carry a message beyond social understanding or realize beauty or express a troubled mind. No steady hand to paint a portrait. No balance point of a ballerina. No perfection of voice to hit the high notes. That is the way I see extremism. I have no appreciation for it. Setting records at the Olympics of human beings is not extremism.
Maria the Weather Lady is a sweetheart. She said soda is not all that healthy. Thank you. She even likes the First Lady and children.
Blue Issa Dress of Duchess Kate is expected to be a pregnancy choice by the mother to be.
Okay, I suppose. But, I am sure she will be one of those women that don't give up the secret easily and won't even show a baby bump for awhile.
I guess. This is one of those things I don't pay attention to. I just don't. People wear clothes and some where expensive clothes. I like cloth and the ability of cloth to be used for fashion.
There is that company. Alabama Chanin. Their fashions are interesting, Bohemian and not necessarily cheap. They are selling patterns and fabric now. So, admirers can sew at home, too.
Father Jonathan says the USA Health Care of women is confusing. 70 pages is daunting to this man. He is an expert on Catholic Bishops and the Planned Parenthood Lobby. I see. For profit companies have it hard under the 70 pages of explanation of the USA health care for women. No private sector exemptions. Right, he got that right. Oh, now I get it, this is an issue of conscience. Even women at private companies have Catholic conscience being allowed contraception.
Oh, my god father says the government is going to fine non-compliance. What does he suggest? FOX doesn't say what he suggests instead of fines. Penance maybe.
Father Jonathan seemed to know something like the Amish. So, he must be a wide ranging expert in every religion. I am curious about the extent of his understanding of the Muslim faith, too.
I want to know if Father Jonathan is a Islamophobe or Homophobe. Does he want to outlaw gays from the military? I want to know if that man is full of hatred of our fellow man as much as he hates the choice of women. I want to know.
Is Father Jonathan really a Catholic priest? Because the Bishops and Pope don't object to his anti-woman message to the general public as much as they objected to the anti-poverty message of The Nuns on the Bus.
Repeat of morning program.
1012 AM - John Bolton is as inflammatory as ever and should never have been involved with the UN. His opinion has never changed in believing any negotiations with Iran is irrelevant to control of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. He wants war. He doesn't believe in peace. But, FOX is the only place he has acceptance as an authority so he never gets feedback that matters. FOX interviewers never challenge his statements so much as allows him to rant without any 'fair and balanced' approach.
Bolton is insulting of Secretary Kerry in stating there will be a big splash in asking for direct talks with Iran. He states such talks will only seek to legitimize nuclear weapons by Iran. He cites sanctions as mostly ineffective.
If I had a chance I would ask what the speech by "W" did for the world balance of power. The Axis of Evil Speech. The speech that took down the North Korean seals and restarted their nuclear program. That never comes up. It never comes up because it is true. The Axis of Evil speech was one of the most inflammatory speech by any president in history. Guaranteed, Bolton will defend it otherwise. Bolton will never contradict any action of Bush nor ever admit it escalated tensions across the globe.
The discussion about the NRA is irrational so far.
Oh, of course, LaPierre states nothing will work. The background check is a waste of time. I happen to agree. I think it is a paper tiger that accomplishes nothing and why a weapons ban has to be instituted.
Much better to go to the chat for advise from FOX.
Can't find a live chat. There is FOX News radio:
That is why Jindal discussion is going on evidently. Less government, less taxes. "Don't let Barak Obama take credit for the revival of the economy because it happened locally." At least they admit there has been a revival.
On television:
64% of women with lethal heart attack do not manifest with chest pain. That is true. I like this guy. Very few people speak to women's symptoms of heart attacks because it is very different than men.
Dizziness, nausea. True. Women often have pain in their back and not their chest but they aren't stating that either.
This is another thing with the Right Wing, they do this vitamin thing without medication. This Dr. Smart (I think) states taking statins is bad medicine. That is not the case. I don't like statins, but, people do receive benefits. There ya go, the white guy likes statins in lowering cholesterol. Better. Vitamins are good, but, medication is often necessary.
A lot of what goes on with the vitamin concentration with the political right wing enforces the idea medicine is not good for you. It provides a venue to oppose health insurance, etc.
The I-Caps MV are great vitamins. I rely on them and they help my vision. I have trouble with my right eye. It sometimes has pain in it due to an injury about 20 years go, but, if I take this vitamin daily the pain does not occur. No lie. I also don't rely on the vitamin alone. I see physicians regularly for check ups, any medications I need and if necessary ER visits for what seems threatening and not easily explained. I don't believe in a sole focus on alternative medicines and treatments. I think they are very helpful, especially, in cancers but not healthy people that have chronic conditions and health issues. The weekend talk radio usually focuses on that entire scenario. Whatever. I don't buy into it.
Inflammation in the body and obesity? I suppose. MS in children? Multiple Sclerosis in children?
Although multiple sclerosis (click here) occurs most commonly in adults, it is also diagnosed in children and adolescents. Estimates suggest that 8,000-10,000 children (defined as up to 18 years old) in the United States have multiple sclerosis, and another 10,000-15,000 have experienced at least one symptom suggestive of MS.
MS in children has nothing to do with obesity. Give me a break, the health discussion links inflammation, MS and obesity as if there is no basis to the American diet. I have heard nothing stated about the American diet and childhood obesity. The discussion on FOX is to create a distraction from facts in regard to childhood obesity. Oh, good, now we are going to talk about allergies. I suppose allergies are causing obesity in children, too. Wow, an allergy to a high fat diet results in obesity. Ya think? There is no social conscience here!
I think I found 'The Chat' and it doesn't exist.
Link: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/happening-now/live-event/americas-asking
There are no active events.
I probably have the wrong show chat.
Sunday House Call
So here is some kind of attendance, but, not much of a chat. I don't see the responses from the physicians at all. That might be the reason there is not much involvement in the chat. They are chatting with no one except each other. I guess the show is suppose to draw on the comments. Whatever.
Chat question:
It isn't FOX, but, it is a legitimate try to handle the mess Sandy is facing.
Back to Chris Kyle and low and behold the publishing company of his book is affiliated with FOX News parent company.
No social conscience.
The outdoor shooting range is completely barron of anything green. No trees, no grass. It looks like a wasteland in Texas. They have been having profound drought there. In actuality, the Texas drought has impinged drought across the nation. Seriously. One might remember the huge hot air bubble of last year that stemmed from over the Texas drought. Why get into it now?
Now onto Syria. The net address of the conference being held now is:
This is the English link:
I can't disagree with this discussion. No one is in agreement with Assad or Russia in this matter. Israel did what Israel always does, they defended their nation. The escalation of the violence in the region gets out of control, be it Hezbollah or Hamas and Israel acts to contain it to protect the people of their country. No one criticize that.
On to the economy. The President blames the Congress because, "Washington is broken." He is correct. Washington is not working to solve the problems of the American people. FOX have any clue as to why? The President has accepted Republican policy on innumerable occasions and yet there is a constant conflict with the Congress AMONG ITS MEMBERS. So, what does FOX believe?
Oh, the commentator believes the President is destroying Republicans. There ya go. This the the UNIQUE Fox News point of view. No one else believes the President is seeking to destroy Republicans except FOX. Why aren't they in step with their peers? Because they have power if they are not.
Furloughs happen, honey. They have happened in California awhile ago. When budget cuts are leveled a common strategy is to furlough employees to prevent them from losing income to their households. Furloughs are legitimate methods of handling government budget cuts without completely losing their talent in the jobs they fill. School often seek to cut days of the week to four instead of five. There are some very creative ways of handling budget cuts, unfortunately.
Okay, Obamacare is the culprit, too. There is a lack of confidence because small business having uncertainty over their costs. There is some truth in that. But, the future no matter what goes on with health care is unpredictable. The past few years have seen incredibly exploitative behavior by health care insurers. I don't believe there is any way of understanding the health care insurance industry. So, why aren't their CEOs on FOX News explaining what is justifying their double digit percentage increases in the past few years. The cost of health care have not had double digit percentage increases during the years health care insurance companies have enjoyed these profit takings.
I think it was this year that the insurance companies had to return monies over 15%. That might stop the exploitation. Who ever thought the health care CEOs would be so maniacal after the nation wanted to stop the 'health care insurance' deaths. Ruthlessness by health care CEOs. Why isn't that a discussion? They get a pass on being ruthless?
I didn't catch the 2018 statement, sorry.
I don't fly. I know there are many people that do and the industry has broke down services into innumerable fees. I think it is called fiscal survival. I only fly when absolutely necessary. Like, into Juneau to access the icefields. Although I rather the boat, but, it takes three days out of Seattle.
How is Virgin Galactica going to be financed until it is up and running? Right? Everyone could have had NASA handling all this space stuff, so don't complain if private industry makes life in the air expensive. Once Virgin Galactica is successful will Delta be far behind?
Everyone in the Right Wing wants to privatize everything. Here it is.
Jessie is asking for help with gun violence. Okay.
Syria and Iran security council is meeting in Damascus. Can Assad's family leaving be far behind?
I don't like discussing the hostage situation. I think it is far too delicate to be involved with the media. The guy is watching television. How does anyone stabilize the influence the effect of television? Yesterday, they were explaining the process of negotiations. That is not appropriate. The man in the hole with the boy doesn't know he is being worked over for an outcome with a methodology. I worry about him getting so tired he just decides to end it all.
Gun control in Chicago is not working. And Jessie says, the homing foreclosure rates plays into the crisis of poverty. Jobs out and drugs and guns in. That isn't a reasonable answer? He wants a comprehensive urban policy. He cites gun manufacturing in the suburbs and the 'gun trail' and the 'drug trail.' On the southside of Chicago or Birmingham? There are no Emergency Rooms for interventions.
Jessie has a long standing debate and so will it ever be solved. Fair question. Why isn't it being answered? Jessie believes it is a national security issue. It is. There are far to many deaths per day in the USA. 32,000 killed in the USA in one year while 6000 were killed in Iraq in ten years. Does that mean Americans are more safe at war than in their own backyards?
What does that reality say about the USA? It doesn't dictate a reaction to limit the military style weapons on the streets of the USA? It doesn't? It means we all need automatic or semi-automatic weapons at our side everyday? Body armor? When is the reality going to mean something to FOX News besides backing up LaPierre as a Second Amendment right. It isn't the government killing 32,000 Americans a day.
FOX News wants facts in the health care debate, but, they are unimportant in gun control. Why? Politics? Somehow facts serve a purpose in the health care debate they don't in gun control?
Great story about siblings and the Super Bowl. Nice.
The Priest Sex Scandal. Now in LA. No comments.
Death and funeral. Bus driver, Mr. Poland; Chris Kyle
Dr. Laper, economist states the catastrophe is on its way. Those are not his words, but, the anchor's words. Loss of job skills, the teenagers, the inner city dwellers are becoming basket cases for employment. Really? Offer some proof of that other than unemployment is becoming a bad habit?
GDP is shrinking. Yep. He mourns the loss of the 1980s and Bill Clinton. Gone forever I am afraid. Sign of the times. Sequestration is causing a long term problem? Seriously? Come on stop putting word soups together.
Did I say the problem in Benghazi was intelligence? Did I say it or what. What did Secretary Panetta say? It was an intelligence failure. What does that have to do with Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Rice? They weren't responsible for intelligence failures. Come people stop this mess you do.
A poll that Americans believe the government threaten personal rights. That poll is considered valid and gives permission for the point of view the government is a threat to the personal freedoms of Americans. Does obesity and gun violence threaten personal freedoms? There is no reasonable discussion of the repercussions of personal behaviors dangerous to health and well being.
A quarter of Americans trust their government according to the poll. That is good thing? What is the message people are getting that needs to be addressed? Seriously here. The question is not what Americans believe and backing them up by some kind of media blitz of the subject, it is whether or not Americans have a realistic view of their government. They don't. It is skewed. The reason Americans believe their personal rights are being taken by their government is because of the potency of the agreement of those polls rather than debate about the benevolence of government to enhance longevity. Both longevity from prevention of disease and prevention of gun violence.
Where is the discussion about the benevolence of laws that prevent disease and injury and death of gun violence? Where is that discussion? There is no validation of the fact government regulation improves the quality of life of Americans. There is only "Yipee, we have an inflammatory poll to exploit.
Hobby Lobby doesn't want to offer birth control. Do they offer Viagra? Hobby Lobby employment dictates one to be an atheist in order to work there and have contraception care. Here we go. News Agency generated attack on the government regarding women's health. Just that simple. Evidently, lawsuits abound so they can get exemptions. This is ridiculous. It won't be long before women will be such a burden to any employer they won't be hired. Wait and see where this is going. And of course FOX is backing the idea women don't deserve health care. They don't cite the companies that actually don't mind if their employees have vaginas and uteri.
Can there be investors that take over the franchise of Hobby Lobby and Chick Fillet that actually care about their female employees? Please. There has to be a way of eliminating these pathetic employers in the USA. Local businesses offering personal service and good prices for the very same product. It would be good. Local economies rather than franchises and big box stores. Please.
There is that chain of stores called "Michael's." They don't have these problems. Build with Michael's or something. They are better than Hobby Lobby.
Here ya go: "Craft Your Love" - Michael's (click here)
Women with uterus and families work here.
"Freedom from Religion Foundation." The FOX guys feel threatened by the removal of a Jesus portrait. They hate atheists. What did an atheist ever do to them? The High Why Club put up the portrait. The High Why Club needs to have their religious and freedom of speech rights, too. Okay, but, not at the expense of others. I think FOX is missing the EQUITY issue here.
The High Y Club. Is that it? High Y? I have never heard of these organizations. Are they mainstream? It just doesn't sound as though they are very mainstream. I can't find it on the net. That might be a good thing.
Nope, this is the same as the Boy Scouts that promote Christianity. They have to respect all peoples including atheists. Hi-Y is youth. No oppression of expression of atheists. They are benign to a well established organization. This is silly. There is no reason why the Hi-Y folks can't meet as a point of convenience at the High School, but, there is no dominating the tone of the educational environment. Nope. I agree with the atheists. I don't care of the community is predominantly Christian. They have no right to offend anyone and make them feel as though they are excluded as part of the school community. Atheists pick up on this stuff in a way that validates the Freedom of or from Religion for all. There is nothing here that should be an issue.
The Hi-Y Club should not have been allowed to place it in the high school in the first place. The issue of Jesus and religion is always difficult for Boards of Education to address. It is an ackward issue for them. They rather avoid it all together. Most are nice people from the community that don't want to offend anyone. They should not have to face these problems. There should be a clear understanding there is no overlap of religion and freedom of or freedom from in public institutions. I am quite confident Jesus wasn't a local football hero.
Liz Trotta. What's the point already. Policy for Egypt. Overreaching dear. We have a policy, but, that doesn't mean we interfer in their elections. Oh, the military contracts to Egypt. Oh, no, the Muslim Brotherhood is going to wipe out Israel. Here we go, Morsy is antisemitic. Another Ahmadinejad. A coup is not far off in Egypt. I thought they just did that. Didn't they just do that? Ms. Trotta doesn't really have a handle on this considering her credentials.
The problem is not whether or not there was a coup in the rebellion within Egypt. It is the fact the contracts are with Egypt. The place is still called Egypt. I think it is one of those lawyer things. Mubarak made the contracts, he was removed from leadership, held for trial and found to be guilty of some kind of atrocity against the people. I think it was the deaths during the demonstrations that facilitated the change in government. So, the country still has the same borders and the same name, but, a change in government achieved through elections. I think there is merit to the idea the contracts could be recalled by the legislature, but, that is where this needs to take place. It is the polarized US Legislature that needs to address the recalling of the contracts.
By bring all this up and realizing how polarized the Congress actually is creates a wedge issue. Do I detect election priorities coming up? Most probably. I don't know if Israel has taken up the contracts with the USA government. If Israel would take this up with the USA legislature it might be considered important enough to address. But, a polarized Congress and honoring the contract allows for economic upticks where the jets and weaponry are produced. It is a convenient to have a polarized Congress, isn't it?
The product Ms. Trotta produced was a wedge issue that justifies economic benefits to the USA and Red States probably. Now the moral issue shifts to the Congress generating a low rating while the innocent people producing the weapons are above it all because they need a job and an employer. They are just doing what they are told, ya know.
The Hagel nomination. The man is a patriot, a Republican, a former statesman, but, now an evil doer. Ahhhh, the Obama touch. All that when Senator Hagel was unable to actually speak in defense of his nomination. YES OR NO !
Peter Kings wants more security for diplomats. That can't be wrong. Good for him.
Fall of GDP. Peter King is offended at the accusation the uncertainty is related to the sequestration. Oh, there ya go, President Obama has failed policies. Oh, he needs to man up. No leadership. Running away shamelessly. Shame on President Obama for letting the House delay the sequestration and allowing it in the first place. Shame, shame. Of course, the House holds no responsibility at all, right? Wow, talk about personal attacks for House failure to commit to cuts that would not cause a downturn in GDP. Wow. Pavlov's dog. FOX asks the inflammatory question and Peter King answers appropriately.
There is a buzz at the Super Bowl about the head injury issue. Good. Nemeth was a quarterback. "We just learned more about it. The knees aren't suppose to bend sideways and the head isn't suppose to be bumped against things. The body is not suited for football." Wow. That is an amazing statement. Thank you for that. It backs up those sincerely concerned about the players. Very nice.
Just to back track a minute, as a brief reference to the priest sex scandal. That was not my experience. I was raised Roman Catholic and we had super good men in the priesthood. The entire pedophile problem with the church is completely alien to me. I know it happened, but, I really don't have any reference point to that level of indecency with children. Can I effectively have an opinion? I don't know. The law is fairly clear and the clergy have no right to circumvent it. PhDs have more authority than anyone to speak to pedophilia in children.
The Boy Scouts have had gay members for a long time. The younger the scout the less likely it is to understand their sexuality. Scout leaders that are gay are not pedophiles. FOX is over the line on this. They are seeking to define Gay Scout Leaders as pedophiles and predatory.
No, no, young children are not recruited into a gay identity. The fact of the matter is Boy Scouts of all gender identity need good role models including Gay Scout Masters. Is FOX concerned the Gay Scout Leaders can't tie knots? Maybe they just sew instead of tie knots. The Family Research Council and Tony Perkins are the culprits in accusing Gay Scout Leaders of pedatory pedophile activity. They need to be sued. They need to be sued along with FOX. There should be a full retraction of the statements on FOX News.
Lose the bell at the resumption of news. It is a hideous sound. It conveys the feeling of a chronic emergency.
New regulations coming for car information. Evidently, cars record a lot of stuff and send it on to the government? Oh, this is information downloaded by dealerships and garage mechanics from the cars computers. The NTSB wants the information. Understandable. The NTSB is going to torpedo privacy besides? Oh, there it is, there is nothing written into the regulation to stop the NTSB from passing on the information. It is ONLY a promise by the NTSB to keep that information out of the public. Oh, dear god, here come creepy neighbors with ill intent compliments of the NTSB. When is someone going to do something about FOX. This is imagineering of laws. Come on, this is inflammatory to inspire fear and hatred of the government. Anti-American to say the least. I suppose of the NTSB receives a Freedom of Information Act they might be compelled to release data. The information released by the Freedom of Information Act should be expunged of personal identification information. That much might be a concern, but, creepy neighbors? That is invalid.
I tell you what, I would worry more about the local garage mechanics than the NTSB passing on information to creepy neighbors.
The recess appointments. Barrasso. He is scared there are no new rulings by the President so he is introducing legislation. What does the legislation say? There is no information stated about the proposed legislation. Barrasso is stating the appointments are there illegally. The case is on appeal evidently and the appointments have a right to stay during that process. They are up for nominations so what is Barrasso doing to move those nominations along.
Iran and nuclear capacity. Global Zero. Scary to neocons. Too bad. The nomination of Hagel. Weak and wobbly. Old guy. Hagel is a senile old guy. Hagel couldn't get a word in edgewise, but, why accept the fact the problem is the old military establishment like Barrasso. YES or No.
Super Bowl ads. "Bring back the Bud Bowl"
JANUARY 30, 2013
A lot of what transpires with FOX is a peer review issue, but, the peers need to let the FCC know what is happening here. Ed Henry is president of the White House press corp, so the chance of real peer review is completely blunted.
Back to the gun control issue with FOX News Sunday.
We know all the video that has been defining the Senate hearing.
Guns and Hagel. Poetry in cheerleading. Okay.
The two opposing persons are not appearing on the same panel. First, Mark Kelley.
The paper tiger didn't work with Jared Lofner. But, the problem is greater than the obvious mental health care concern. Kelley states even if Lofner could not receive gun and ammunition he could obtain it at gun shows. That means the paper tiger set up after Columbine fails.
In regard to the Assault Weapons Ban, it would have been helpful if Chris Wallace actually quoted statistics La Pierre stands on as a failure of the ban. Unenforced laws. Background checks. The Gun Control argument is lost in the opinions of La Pierre. All the gun control movement needs to know is that all measures to date have failed. There is no reason to repeat them. I think Mayor Bloomberg has all the information needed for gun control regulation. It is about public safety. At least Mark is optimistic while realizing the uphill push for legislation.
Background check
Mental Illness
High Capacity Magazines
Assault Weapons
Since 1999, 1.7 million people were stopped from getting a gun. Close the loopholes. What would NRA members what? Good. Mark wants La Pierre to listen to his membership.
So, this will become a panel discussion I suppose. That is where the politics is introduced with brevity. That is what FOX defines as fair and balanced. Separate the discussion and control the outcomes politically from a panel discussion. Wow.
Wayne LaPierre - Background checks. Respect for Captain Kelley and sympathy expressed for families. Hardened criminal is not the only issue, but, LaPierre begins his statements with it. Instant Check and to get mental health records online. Oh, poor Wayne, the Mental Health Lobby is torpedoing him. It is not a lobby issue, it is about infrastructure. The Affordable Care Act is facilitating the infrastructure. Okay we have the "W"rong language. Here we go let's change the language so the debate is dismantled.
The Obama brochure states he will not take guns away and now he wants to take the guns from gun owners. That is a lie. The Feinstein Bill is not about taking guns away from people, if nothing else it will make them more valuable in dollars. It does seek to stop the sale of dangerous guns in the USA. It is a valid point of view because the paper tiger is ineffective.
The proposals of LaPierre requires a great deal of money carry out. He offers no perspective on how all that infrastructure change can be funded in the year 2013, including security officers all over the public lands of the USA.
His ideas won't work in the USA. They are imagineering without research to back it up. Prevention in the USA revolves around gun control and not the paper tiger. The paper tiger doesn't work. There are over 300 million guns in the USA, that is enough. There is no way of tracing every burgeoning mental health issue either. Protecting the nation through gun control in the market place is the only way to achieve the best result.
La Pierre is passionate about his point of view, but, it is not based in reality. No, no, Americans do not need high weapon capacity to survive. They need groceries.
The ad involving the First Children is ruthlessness. There is no place for it and obviously he does not want to commit his point of view regarding the ad.
Thank you, Chris. The gunmen committing these mass murders are not gang members. Not bad. He is getting to engage the subject, I'll give him that much. Go get 'em.
No more task forces. No more study. The NRA can carry out any research he wants, but, the country is finished with it. We need to act and pass legislation that works.
continued above.
They state the enemy, and that would include women with hand grenades called savages, feared Chris Kyle in Iraq. They feared a lot of people, including the helicopters of Blackwater. So, the focus is inappropriate, the angel status of Mr. Kyle is completely inappropriate and there should be deeper understanding of the content of their conversation subject. No social conscience.
I'll probably be writing that a lot today.
Now, I'm happy, I have my caffeinated coffee made the way I like it.
Soda Stream is having their adds pulled from the Super Bowl ads. The ad enlists the breaking of Coke and Pepsi bottles. Soda Stream is a dense advertiser of FOX and Talk Radio. So, no matter what the actions by the Super Bowl ad facilitators do here, it will be opposed by FOX and Talk Radio. Soda Stream is one of their Bros, man.
Chris Wallace is a class act for the most part. I would be surprised if he didn't conduct a good discussion, but, I'll see.
"Iron Man 3", my point exactly. Do I have to elaborate? A man made of iron. Something wrong with being human? Extremism. There is no real talent here. There is nothing artistic about extremism. The human body can be pushed in every direction of extremism including riding a 450 pound machine up a vertical snow embankment to have it land on top of the rider. That is not artistic. Sorry. It is nothing but extreme to make money. That is all that is in content. No eye for abstraction to carry a message beyond social understanding or realize beauty or express a troubled mind. No steady hand to paint a portrait. No balance point of a ballerina. No perfection of voice to hit the high notes. That is the way I see extremism. I have no appreciation for it. Setting records at the Olympics of human beings is not extremism.
Maria the Weather Lady is a sweetheart. She said soda is not all that healthy. Thank you. She even likes the First Lady and children.
Blue Issa Dress of Duchess Kate is expected to be a pregnancy choice by the mother to be.
Okay, I suppose. But, I am sure she will be one of those women that don't give up the secret easily and won't even show a baby bump for awhile.
I guess. This is one of those things I don't pay attention to. I just don't. People wear clothes and some where expensive clothes. I like cloth and the ability of cloth to be used for fashion.
There is that company. Alabama Chanin. Their fashions are interesting, Bohemian and not necessarily cheap. They are selling patterns and fabric now. So, admirers can sew at home, too.
Father Jonathan says the USA Health Care of women is confusing. 70 pages is daunting to this man. He is an expert on Catholic Bishops and the Planned Parenthood Lobby. I see. For profit companies have it hard under the 70 pages of explanation of the USA health care for women. No private sector exemptions. Right, he got that right. Oh, now I get it, this is an issue of conscience. Even women at private companies have Catholic conscience being allowed contraception.
Oh, my god father says the government is going to fine non-compliance. What does he suggest? FOX doesn't say what he suggests instead of fines. Penance maybe.
Father Jonathan seemed to know something like the Amish. So, he must be a wide ranging expert in every religion. I am curious about the extent of his understanding of the Muslim faith, too.
I want to know if Father Jonathan is a Islamophobe or Homophobe. Does he want to outlaw gays from the military? I want to know if that man is full of hatred of our fellow man as much as he hates the choice of women. I want to know.
Is Father Jonathan really a Catholic priest? Because the Bishops and Pope don't object to his anti-woman message to the general public as much as they objected to the anti-poverty message of The Nuns on the Bus.
Repeat of morning program.
1012 AM - John Bolton is as inflammatory as ever and should never have been involved with the UN. His opinion has never changed in believing any negotiations with Iran is irrelevant to control of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. He wants war. He doesn't believe in peace. But, FOX is the only place he has acceptance as an authority so he never gets feedback that matters. FOX interviewers never challenge his statements so much as allows him to rant without any 'fair and balanced' approach.
Bolton is insulting of Secretary Kerry in stating there will be a big splash in asking for direct talks with Iran. He states such talks will only seek to legitimize nuclear weapons by Iran. He cites sanctions as mostly ineffective.
If I had a chance I would ask what the speech by "W" did for the world balance of power. The Axis of Evil Speech. The speech that took down the North Korean seals and restarted their nuclear program. That never comes up. It never comes up because it is true. The Axis of Evil speech was one of the most inflammatory speech by any president in history. Guaranteed, Bolton will defend it otherwise. Bolton will never contradict any action of Bush nor ever admit it escalated tensions across the globe.
The discussion about the NRA is irrational so far.
Oh, of course, LaPierre states nothing will work. The background check is a waste of time. I happen to agree. I think it is a paper tiger that accomplishes nothing and why a weapons ban has to be instituted.
Much better to go to the chat for advise from FOX.
Can't find a live chat. There is FOX News radio:
That is why Jindal discussion is going on evidently. Less government, less taxes. "Don't let Barak Obama take credit for the revival of the economy because it happened locally." At least they admit there has been a revival.
64% of women with lethal heart attack do not manifest with chest pain. That is true. I like this guy. Very few people speak to women's symptoms of heart attacks because it is very different than men.
Dizziness, nausea. True. Women often have pain in their back and not their chest but they aren't stating that either.
This is another thing with the Right Wing, they do this vitamin thing without medication. This Dr. Smart (I think) states taking statins is bad medicine. That is not the case. I don't like statins, but, people do receive benefits. There ya go, the white guy likes statins in lowering cholesterol. Better. Vitamins are good, but, medication is often necessary.
A lot of what goes on with the vitamin concentration with the political right wing enforces the idea medicine is not good for you. It provides a venue to oppose health insurance, etc.
The I-Caps MV are great vitamins. I rely on them and they help my vision. I have trouble with my right eye. It sometimes has pain in it due to an injury about 20 years go, but, if I take this vitamin daily the pain does not occur. No lie. I also don't rely on the vitamin alone. I see physicians regularly for check ups, any medications I need and if necessary ER visits for what seems threatening and not easily explained. I don't believe in a sole focus on alternative medicines and treatments. I think they are very helpful, especially, in cancers but not healthy people that have chronic conditions and health issues. The weekend talk radio usually focuses on that entire scenario. Whatever. I don't buy into it.
Inflammation in the body and obesity? I suppose. MS in children? Multiple Sclerosis in children?
Although multiple sclerosis (click here) occurs most commonly in adults, it is also diagnosed in children and adolescents. Estimates suggest that 8,000-10,000 children (defined as up to 18 years old) in the United States have multiple sclerosis, and another 10,000-15,000 have experienced at least one symptom suggestive of MS.
MS in children has nothing to do with obesity. Give me a break, the health discussion links inflammation, MS and obesity as if there is no basis to the American diet. I have heard nothing stated about the American diet and childhood obesity. The discussion on FOX is to create a distraction from facts in regard to childhood obesity. Oh, good, now we are going to talk about allergies. I suppose allergies are causing obesity in children, too. Wow, an allergy to a high fat diet results in obesity. Ya think? There is no social conscience here!
I think I found 'The Chat' and it doesn't exist.
Link: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/happening-now/live-event/americas-asking
There are no active events.
I probably have the wrong show chat.
Sunday House Call
So here is some kind of attendance, but, not much of a chat. I don't see the responses from the physicians at all. That might be the reason there is not much involvement in the chat. They are chatting with no one except each other. I guess the show is suppose to draw on the comments. Whatever.
Chat question:
What is the cholesterol medication that doesn't go through the liver and is it as effective?
Here you go Sandy:
So, if, in fact, (click here) your liver diagnosis is because you're taking the cholesterol medicines, then stopping them would be helpful -- would actually be required or necessary.
If, in fact, you have another kind of liver disease, and you happen to be taking cholesterol medicines, you can actually continue taking the cholesterol medicine, as long as it doesn't have an adverse impact on the underlying liver condition.
Back to Chris Kyle and low and behold the publishing company of his book is affiliated with FOX News parent company.
No social conscience.
The outdoor shooting range is completely barron of anything green. No trees, no grass. It looks like a wasteland in Texas. They have been having profound drought there. In actuality, the Texas drought has impinged drought across the nation. Seriously. One might remember the huge hot air bubble of last year that stemmed from over the Texas drought. Why get into it now?
Now onto Syria. The net address of the conference being held now is:
This is the English link:
I can't disagree with this discussion. No one is in agreement with Assad or Russia in this matter. Israel did what Israel always does, they defended their nation. The escalation of the violence in the region gets out of control, be it Hezbollah or Hamas and Israel acts to contain it to protect the people of their country. No one criticize that.
On to the economy. The President blames the Congress because, "Washington is broken." He is correct. Washington is not working to solve the problems of the American people. FOX have any clue as to why? The President has accepted Republican policy on innumerable occasions and yet there is a constant conflict with the Congress AMONG ITS MEMBERS. So, what does FOX believe?
Oh, the commentator believes the President is destroying Republicans. There ya go. This the the UNIQUE Fox News point of view. No one else believes the President is seeking to destroy Republicans except FOX. Why aren't they in step with their peers? Because they have power if they are not.
Furloughs happen, honey. They have happened in California awhile ago. When budget cuts are leveled a common strategy is to furlough employees to prevent them from losing income to their households. Furloughs are legitimate methods of handling government budget cuts without completely losing their talent in the jobs they fill. School often seek to cut days of the week to four instead of five. There are some very creative ways of handling budget cuts, unfortunately.
Okay, Obamacare is the culprit, too. There is a lack of confidence because small business having uncertainty over their costs. There is some truth in that. But, the future no matter what goes on with health care is unpredictable. The past few years have seen incredibly exploitative behavior by health care insurers. I don't believe there is any way of understanding the health care insurance industry. So, why aren't their CEOs on FOX News explaining what is justifying their double digit percentage increases in the past few years. The cost of health care have not had double digit percentage increases during the years health care insurance companies have enjoyed these profit takings.
I think it was this year that the insurance companies had to return monies over 15%. That might stop the exploitation. Who ever thought the health care CEOs would be so maniacal after the nation wanted to stop the 'health care insurance' deaths. Ruthlessness by health care CEOs. Why isn't that a discussion? They get a pass on being ruthless?
I didn't catch the 2018 statement, sorry.
I don't fly. I know there are many people that do and the industry has broke down services into innumerable fees. I think it is called fiscal survival. I only fly when absolutely necessary. Like, into Juneau to access the icefields. Although I rather the boat, but, it takes three days out of Seattle.
How is Virgin Galactica going to be financed until it is up and running? Right? Everyone could have had NASA handling all this space stuff, so don't complain if private industry makes life in the air expensive. Once Virgin Galactica is successful will Delta be far behind?
Everyone in the Right Wing wants to privatize everything. Here it is.
Jessie is asking for help with gun violence. Okay.
Syria and Iran security council is meeting in Damascus. Can Assad's family leaving be far behind?
I don't like discussing the hostage situation. I think it is far too delicate to be involved with the media. The guy is watching television. How does anyone stabilize the influence the effect of television? Yesterday, they were explaining the process of negotiations. That is not appropriate. The man in the hole with the boy doesn't know he is being worked over for an outcome with a methodology. I worry about him getting so tired he just decides to end it all.
Gun control in Chicago is not working. And Jessie says, the homing foreclosure rates plays into the crisis of poverty. Jobs out and drugs and guns in. That isn't a reasonable answer? He wants a comprehensive urban policy. He cites gun manufacturing in the suburbs and the 'gun trail' and the 'drug trail.' On the southside of Chicago or Birmingham? There are no Emergency Rooms for interventions.
Jessie has a long standing debate and so will it ever be solved. Fair question. Why isn't it being answered? Jessie believes it is a national security issue. It is. There are far to many deaths per day in the USA. 32,000 killed in the USA in one year while 6000 were killed in Iraq in ten years. Does that mean Americans are more safe at war than in their own backyards?
What does that reality say about the USA? It doesn't dictate a reaction to limit the military style weapons on the streets of the USA? It doesn't? It means we all need automatic or semi-automatic weapons at our side everyday? Body armor? When is the reality going to mean something to FOX News besides backing up LaPierre as a Second Amendment right. It isn't the government killing 32,000 Americans a day.
FOX News wants facts in the health care debate, but, they are unimportant in gun control. Why? Politics? Somehow facts serve a purpose in the health care debate they don't in gun control?
Great story about siblings and the Super Bowl. Nice.
The Priest Sex Scandal. Now in LA. No comments.
Death and funeral. Bus driver, Mr. Poland; Chris Kyle
Dr. Laper, economist states the catastrophe is on its way. Those are not his words, but, the anchor's words. Loss of job skills, the teenagers, the inner city dwellers are becoming basket cases for employment. Really? Offer some proof of that other than unemployment is becoming a bad habit?
GDP is shrinking. Yep. He mourns the loss of the 1980s and Bill Clinton. Gone forever I am afraid. Sign of the times. Sequestration is causing a long term problem? Seriously? Come on stop putting word soups together.
Did I say the problem in Benghazi was intelligence? Did I say it or what. What did Secretary Panetta say? It was an intelligence failure. What does that have to do with Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Rice? They weren't responsible for intelligence failures. Come people stop this mess you do.
A poll that Americans believe the government threaten personal rights. That poll is considered valid and gives permission for the point of view the government is a threat to the personal freedoms of Americans. Does obesity and gun violence threaten personal freedoms? There is no reasonable discussion of the repercussions of personal behaviors dangerous to health and well being.
A quarter of Americans trust their government according to the poll. That is good thing? What is the message people are getting that needs to be addressed? Seriously here. The question is not what Americans believe and backing them up by some kind of media blitz of the subject, it is whether or not Americans have a realistic view of their government. They don't. It is skewed. The reason Americans believe their personal rights are being taken by their government is because of the potency of the agreement of those polls rather than debate about the benevolence of government to enhance longevity. Both longevity from prevention of disease and prevention of gun violence.
Where is the discussion about the benevolence of laws that prevent disease and injury and death of gun violence? Where is that discussion? There is no validation of the fact government regulation improves the quality of life of Americans. There is only "Yipee, we have an inflammatory poll to exploit.
Hobby Lobby doesn't want to offer birth control. Do they offer Viagra? Hobby Lobby employment dictates one to be an atheist in order to work there and have contraception care. Here we go. News Agency generated attack on the government regarding women's health. Just that simple. Evidently, lawsuits abound so they can get exemptions. This is ridiculous. It won't be long before women will be such a burden to any employer they won't be hired. Wait and see where this is going. And of course FOX is backing the idea women don't deserve health care. They don't cite the companies that actually don't mind if their employees have vaginas and uteri.
Can there be investors that take over the franchise of Hobby Lobby and Chick Fillet that actually care about their female employees? Please. There has to be a way of eliminating these pathetic employers in the USA. Local businesses offering personal service and good prices for the very same product. It would be good. Local economies rather than franchises and big box stores. Please.
There is that chain of stores called "Michael's." They don't have these problems. Build with Michael's or something. They are better than Hobby Lobby.
Here ya go: "Craft Your Love" - Michael's (click here)
Women with uterus and families work here.
"Freedom from Religion Foundation." The FOX guys feel threatened by the removal of a Jesus portrait. They hate atheists. What did an atheist ever do to them? The High Why Club put up the portrait. The High Why Club needs to have their religious and freedom of speech rights, too. Okay, but, not at the expense of others. I think FOX is missing the EQUITY issue here.
The High Y Club. Is that it? High Y? I have never heard of these organizations. Are they mainstream? It just doesn't sound as though they are very mainstream. I can't find it on the net. That might be a good thing.
Hi-Y Clubs (click here)
Britannica is the only place I found it.
Hi - Y clubs organized among high-school boys and affiliated with the Young Men's Christian Association, with purpose to create, maintain, and extend throughout the school and community, high standards of Christian character; Bible study and various other activities are carried on; the name Hi-Y Club was first used in 1914.
Hi - Y clubs organized among high-school boys and affiliated with the Young Men's Christian Association, with purpose to create, maintain, and extend throughout the school and community, high standards of Christian character; Bible study and various other activities are carried on; the name Hi-Y Club was first used in 1914.
Nope, this is the same as the Boy Scouts that promote Christianity. They have to respect all peoples including atheists. Hi-Y is youth. No oppression of expression of atheists. They are benign to a well established organization. This is silly. There is no reason why the Hi-Y folks can't meet as a point of convenience at the High School, but, there is no dominating the tone of the educational environment. Nope. I agree with the atheists. I don't care of the community is predominantly Christian. They have no right to offend anyone and make them feel as though they are excluded as part of the school community. Atheists pick up on this stuff in a way that validates the Freedom of or from Religion for all. There is nothing here that should be an issue.
The Hi-Y Club should not have been allowed to place it in the high school in the first place. The issue of Jesus and religion is always difficult for Boards of Education to address. It is an ackward issue for them. They rather avoid it all together. Most are nice people from the community that don't want to offend anyone. They should not have to face these problems. There should be a clear understanding there is no overlap of religion and freedom of or freedom from in public institutions. I am quite confident Jesus wasn't a local football hero.
Liz Trotta. What's the point already. Policy for Egypt. Overreaching dear. We have a policy, but, that doesn't mean we interfer in their elections. Oh, the military contracts to Egypt. Oh, no, the Muslim Brotherhood is going to wipe out Israel. Here we go, Morsy is antisemitic. Another Ahmadinejad. A coup is not far off in Egypt. I thought they just did that. Didn't they just do that? Ms. Trotta doesn't really have a handle on this considering her credentials.
The problem is not whether or not there was a coup in the rebellion within Egypt. It is the fact the contracts are with Egypt. The place is still called Egypt. I think it is one of those lawyer things. Mubarak made the contracts, he was removed from leadership, held for trial and found to be guilty of some kind of atrocity against the people. I think it was the deaths during the demonstrations that facilitated the change in government. So, the country still has the same borders and the same name, but, a change in government achieved through elections. I think there is merit to the idea the contracts could be recalled by the legislature, but, that is where this needs to take place. It is the polarized US Legislature that needs to address the recalling of the contracts.
By bring all this up and realizing how polarized the Congress actually is creates a wedge issue. Do I detect election priorities coming up? Most probably. I don't know if Israel has taken up the contracts with the USA government. If Israel would take this up with the USA legislature it might be considered important enough to address. But, a polarized Congress and honoring the contract allows for economic upticks where the jets and weaponry are produced. It is a convenient to have a polarized Congress, isn't it?
The product Ms. Trotta produced was a wedge issue that justifies economic benefits to the USA and Red States probably. Now the moral issue shifts to the Congress generating a low rating while the innocent people producing the weapons are above it all because they need a job and an employer. They are just doing what they are told, ya know.
The Hagel nomination. The man is a patriot, a Republican, a former statesman, but, now an evil doer. Ahhhh, the Obama touch. All that when Senator Hagel was unable to actually speak in defense of his nomination. YES OR NO !
Peter Kings wants more security for diplomats. That can't be wrong. Good for him.
Fall of GDP. Peter King is offended at the accusation the uncertainty is related to the sequestration. Oh, there ya go, President Obama has failed policies. Oh, he needs to man up. No leadership. Running away shamelessly. Shame on President Obama for letting the House delay the sequestration and allowing it in the first place. Shame, shame. Of course, the House holds no responsibility at all, right? Wow, talk about personal attacks for House failure to commit to cuts that would not cause a downturn in GDP. Wow. Pavlov's dog. FOX asks the inflammatory question and Peter King answers appropriately.
There is a buzz at the Super Bowl about the head injury issue. Good. Nemeth was a quarterback. "We just learned more about it. The knees aren't suppose to bend sideways and the head isn't suppose to be bumped against things. The body is not suited for football." Wow. That is an amazing statement. Thank you for that. It backs up those sincerely concerned about the players. Very nice.
Just to back track a minute, as a brief reference to the priest sex scandal. That was not my experience. I was raised Roman Catholic and we had super good men in the priesthood. The entire pedophile problem with the church is completely alien to me. I know it happened, but, I really don't have any reference point to that level of indecency with children. Can I effectively have an opinion? I don't know. The law is fairly clear and the clergy have no right to circumvent it. PhDs have more authority than anyone to speak to pedophilia in children.
The Boy Scouts have had gay members for a long time. The younger the scout the less likely it is to understand their sexuality. Scout leaders that are gay are not pedophiles. FOX is over the line on this. They are seeking to define Gay Scout Leaders as pedophiles and predatory.
No, no, young children are not recruited into a gay identity. The fact of the matter is Boy Scouts of all gender identity need good role models including Gay Scout Masters. Is FOX concerned the Gay Scout Leaders can't tie knots? Maybe they just sew instead of tie knots. The Family Research Council and Tony Perkins are the culprits in accusing Gay Scout Leaders of pedatory pedophile activity. They need to be sued. They need to be sued along with FOX. There should be a full retraction of the statements on FOX News.
Lose the bell at the resumption of news. It is a hideous sound. It conveys the feeling of a chronic emergency.
New regulations coming for car information. Evidently, cars record a lot of stuff and send it on to the government? Oh, this is information downloaded by dealerships and garage mechanics from the cars computers. The NTSB wants the information. Understandable. The NTSB is going to torpedo privacy besides? Oh, there it is, there is nothing written into the regulation to stop the NTSB from passing on the information. It is ONLY a promise by the NTSB to keep that information out of the public. Oh, dear god, here come creepy neighbors with ill intent compliments of the NTSB. When is someone going to do something about FOX. This is imagineering of laws. Come on, this is inflammatory to inspire fear and hatred of the government. Anti-American to say the least. I suppose of the NTSB receives a Freedom of Information Act they might be compelled to release data. The information released by the Freedom of Information Act should be expunged of personal identification information. That much might be a concern, but, creepy neighbors? That is invalid.
I tell you what, I would worry more about the local garage mechanics than the NTSB passing on information to creepy neighbors.
The recess appointments. Barrasso. He is scared there are no new rulings by the President so he is introducing legislation. What does the legislation say? There is no information stated about the proposed legislation. Barrasso is stating the appointments are there illegally. The case is on appeal evidently and the appointments have a right to stay during that process. They are up for nominations so what is Barrasso doing to move those nominations along.
Iran and nuclear capacity. Global Zero. Scary to neocons. Too bad. The nomination of Hagel. Weak and wobbly. Old guy. Hagel is a senile old guy. Hagel couldn't get a word in edgewise, but, why accept the fact the problem is the old military establishment like Barrasso. YES or No.
Super Bowl ads. "Bring back the Bud Bowl"
JANUARY 30, 2013
Judicial overreach to redefine presidential power (click here)
...In invalidating Obama’s recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the three-judge panel issued a troubling decision. And one that should spark a response. For it shows us, yet again, that it matters who sits on our courts....
A lot of what transpires with FOX is a peer review issue, but, the peers need to let the FCC know what is happening here. Ed Henry is president of the White House press corp, so the chance of real peer review is completely blunted.
Back to the gun control issue with FOX News Sunday.
We know all the video that has been defining the Senate hearing.
Guns and Hagel. Poetry in cheerleading. Okay.
The two opposing persons are not appearing on the same panel. First, Mark Kelley.
The paper tiger didn't work with Jared Lofner. But, the problem is greater than the obvious mental health care concern. Kelley states even if Lofner could not receive gun and ammunition he could obtain it at gun shows. That means the paper tiger set up after Columbine fails.
In regard to the Assault Weapons Ban, it would have been helpful if Chris Wallace actually quoted statistics La Pierre stands on as a failure of the ban. Unenforced laws. Background checks. The Gun Control argument is lost in the opinions of La Pierre. All the gun control movement needs to know is that all measures to date have failed. There is no reason to repeat them. I think Mayor Bloomberg has all the information needed for gun control regulation. It is about public safety. At least Mark is optimistic while realizing the uphill push for legislation.
Background check
Mental Illness
High Capacity Magazines
Assault Weapons
Since 1999, 1.7 million people were stopped from getting a gun. Close the loopholes. What would NRA members what? Good. Mark wants La Pierre to listen to his membership.
So, this will become a panel discussion I suppose. That is where the politics is introduced with brevity. That is what FOX defines as fair and balanced. Separate the discussion and control the outcomes politically from a panel discussion. Wow.
Wayne LaPierre - Background checks. Respect for Captain Kelley and sympathy expressed for families. Hardened criminal is not the only issue, but, LaPierre begins his statements with it. Instant Check and to get mental health records online. Oh, poor Wayne, the Mental Health Lobby is torpedoing him. It is not a lobby issue, it is about infrastructure. The Affordable Care Act is facilitating the infrastructure. Okay we have the "W"rong language. Here we go let's change the language so the debate is dismantled.
The Obama brochure states he will not take guns away and now he wants to take the guns from gun owners. That is a lie. The Feinstein Bill is not about taking guns away from people, if nothing else it will make them more valuable in dollars. It does seek to stop the sale of dangerous guns in the USA. It is a valid point of view because the paper tiger is ineffective.
The proposals of LaPierre requires a great deal of money carry out. He offers no perspective on how all that infrastructure change can be funded in the year 2013, including security officers all over the public lands of the USA.
His ideas won't work in the USA. They are imagineering without research to back it up. Prevention in the USA revolves around gun control and not the paper tiger. The paper tiger doesn't work. There are over 300 million guns in the USA, that is enough. There is no way of tracing every burgeoning mental health issue either. Protecting the nation through gun control in the market place is the only way to achieve the best result.
La Pierre is passionate about his point of view, but, it is not based in reality. No, no, Americans do not need high weapon capacity to survive. They need groceries.
The ad involving the First Children is ruthlessness. There is no place for it and obviously he does not want to commit his point of view regarding the ad.
Thank you, Chris. The gunmen committing these mass murders are not gang members. Not bad. He is getting to engage the subject, I'll give him that much. Go get 'em.
No more task forces. No more study. The NRA can carry out any research he wants, but, the country is finished with it. We need to act and pass legislation that works.
continued above.