Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The people of the USA want the government to work.

..."It's about working together (click here) to put something together, and we're eagerly awaiting what form that might take," she told reporters at the Capitol. "Let's have the Senate put something together and see where that takes us.

"Candor is constructive, and I think it moved us, but we'll see," she added....

Minority Speaker Pelosi knows the bipartisan vote was an incredible act of unity in addressing the concerns of the country. It is that FACT the House Democrats see as something that should be held as important to ask for an up or down vote. 

She is correct. Absolutely.

The House passed their responsibility to the Senate. The Senate got it done. They got it done within time in relation to the 'time line' of the nation. The House doesn't have room to criticize. If Eric Cantor wants to complain then he needs to keep it to himself. He passed up his chance to make a difference well over a week ago.

Cantor is a prime example of what is wrong with the Tea Party Republicans. He and what's her name, the woman who wanted to be king, sorry Queen. Oh, yeah, Michele Bachmann. They believe they have a right to dissect the work of the President and the Senate. They believe that even when they don't know what they are doing.

Bachmann said, "We need to read this bill very carefully."

No, Michele, you have to read it and vote. If you have to read it carefully and take another month to decide IF you will vote at all that is called incompetency. She can read, right?

The House passed their responsibility to the Senate because they could not decide what a bill actually should read to stop the demise of the Middle Class and Working Poor. The Senate decided the majority Democrats knew how to do that. The majority Senate Democrats actually knew what to do. It is time for the incompetent House to get out of the way, PARTICIPATE in an up and down vote and then SHUT UP! Those are the only rights the House has.