The sign post that used to mark the entrance to the Sandy Hook Elementary school is seen empty in Newtown (Shannon Stapleton, Reuters)
In terms of social and emotional development, (click here) six-year-olds are confident and delight in showing off their talents. They start to display an increasing awareness of their own and others' emotions and begin to develop better techniques for self-control. Six-year-olds enjoy sharing toys and snacks with friends, although conflicts among peers may remain quite frequent.
Predictable routines are important sources of stability and security for children this age. Six-year-olds also draw emotional stability from their interactions with adults with whom they feel secure, particularly during challenging situations and circumstances.
Police Officers in Connecticut can provide a great deal of emotional satisfaction for these children. I found President Obama's comments to the community enlightening to the quality of life these children enjoy. He stated one of the children approached a police officer after the death of so many and said, "I can lead everyone out because I know karate."
Very brave and reassured to his well being when validated by officers whom they connected. They are very secure children accepting of the authorities around them.
My only concern, as I am sure the parents' concerns, is the presence of guns, accidental opportunities for children's inquisitive nature and any reporting of suspicious activity to the school's principal to follow trends. Police Officers in these circumstances should not be traffic cops on the beat to simply protect those inside; they should provide daily briefing to the principal at the end of every day to follow any trends. These police officers have different focus. They can safely put aside some of their limitations as fact finders. That is not necessarily exclusive to detectives in the community. Police officers are very smart about 'what goes on.' That resource should not be ignored.
This is an elementary school with predictable activity, attendees and adult populations. Police officers should have their own sense of well being on the job as well.
On the way from Newtown to Monroe Wednesday morning, (click here) there were green and white signs welcoming Sandy Hook Elementary School students, parents and staff.
At the edge of the once vacant Chalk Hill School driveway, there was a sign and balloons — as well as several police officers.
Once a middle school, the former Chalk Hill School has been given a makeover and renamed. It is now Sandy Hook Elementary School — a nod to its new occupants who will begin classes in the building Thursday....
No one is playing with this disaster either. No pun intended. I can't help but believe Adam Lanza visited the school in anticipation of his murders of these children. They and the school were objects to him, not living wonderful promises to the future as he once was. I think what bothers me about the gunman is not his mental health issues, because, normally these children receive significant attention from professionals during their growing up years. What is more significant than any mental health issues, is the question what the heck happened to turn him into a killing machine?
Jean Henry (click here) was placed on paid leave by the Chief State Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver II, pictured, after he learned Henry allowed her husband to view the body of Adam Lanza. (Michael McAndrews, Hartford Courant / January 3, 2013)
No one is playing with this disaster either. No pun intended. I can't help but believe Adam Lanza visited the school in anticipation of his murders of these children. They and the school were objects to him, not living wonderful promises to the future as he once was. I think what bothers me about the gunman is not his mental health issues, because, normally these children receive significant attention from professionals during their growing up years. What is more significant than any mental health issues, is the question what the heck happened to turn him into a killing machine?
Jean Henry (click here) was placed on paid leave by the Chief State Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver II, pictured, after he learned Henry allowed her husband to view the body of Adam Lanza. (Michael McAndrews, Hartford Courant / January 3, 2013)