The Tea Party is a return to right wing extremism that is proven to be oppressive to society and to economic development.
The "Firearms Freedom Act" is anarchy. There is no other definition for it. It is not backed by the Second Amendment which demands "A well regulated Militia...." The reasons a militia in the USA has to be well regulated is ton insure the well being of citizens, that includes police officers. The Second Amendment does not provide for anarchy.
Firearms Freedom Act (click here)
Originally introduced and passed in Montana, the FFA declares that any firearms made and retained in-state are beyond the authority of Congress under its constitutional power to regulate commerce among the states....
United Nations Agenda 21 is no longer a UN agenda. It has moved on to be replaced by "The Millennium Assessment." So, let's get that out of the way. Agenda 21 was an attempt to look at the planet and it's ability to sustain human life, regardless of it's human view as a resource other than breathable oxygen.
Agenda 21 is old business. It is over. Gone. No more. It was graduated to a functional global program. Agenda 21 is a prime example of how the Tea Party is successful by dredging up invisible agendas that are no longer valid; only their followers don't know that and are not empowered to find out the truth. They are lied to and/or kept ignorant by their own leadership because they have been lied to along the way. This is a populous movement that causes problems and does not solve them. Thank you Sarah Palin, the mother of all unsophisticated political hacks that actually 'dress up well enough' to win elections in the name of VIRTUE.
They state they are not interested in social issues, but, only fiscal problems. Hello? Since when is USA federal spending NOT about social issues? They do mean that they are not focused on social issues because they don't discern the impact of federal spending on social issues.
Food Stamps is a hated agenda by the Tea Party of federal spending and people need the help. There will always be people that need the help. There are people that are no longer children and dependents to families that will always be 'in need.' Demographically there will always be poor and dependency in a population of over 300 million people. The Tea Party is under educated and radical because of their under education. They do not discern the needs of a populous and why there actually is a federal government with social programs.
I am not going to give the bozos lessons here.
It is called a COLLEGE EDUCATION in Public Policy! Try it. It works. It works in the face of liberal, radical, left wing educators. Really!!!!!!
The strategy of the Tea Party is simplistic and has caused the QUALITY OF LIFE problems The South faces in the USA. The reason they are POPULAR as part of a POPULOUS movement is because Old White Guys still believe they can control the content of the USA in order to serve their purposes. They use the lack of sophistication of the people to manipulate them.
The Quality of Life suffers in The South because of its profound impoverishment. While there are households owning homes and seemingly Middle Class, but, they are not Middle Class in the same definition as citizens of New York.
In the Northeast, people belong to unions and work for FAIR wages. The people of the Northeast USA have quality of life which can be defined as time at home with their families, active parenting by BEING AVAILABLE, owning boats to go fishing, owning new cars they trade in on a regular basis to maintain equity of their homes that aren't impacted by car repairs, etc. The same, if not more, is emphasized in California with a high quality of life based in FAIR wages based on economic demographics and social pressures of status. I could go on and on, but, the impoverishment of the USA South is profound.
In the South, ONE PERSON works two and three jobs to maintain their quality of life. They aren't available as parents in the same way people in the Northeast and California are. The South relies on the pressures of religion to maintain their children's behavior. The prime example of the lack of ability to parent is the fact there are high teen pregnancy rates in the USA South. The men are men in ways that are counter productive to relationships because it demands extreme personal sacrifice in the lack of quality of life. The men are violent as a means of defining the extreme they will go to defend their values and THEIR WOMEN. The values are based in defending economic impoverishment and still finding status.
The state legislators are STUCK in believing they have to oppose organized unions to PRESERVE their ability to have economic vitality. HUH? What economic vitality? If every person in the USA South only worked one job with FAIR wages that would solve the nation's unemployment problem. The other two jobs the people of The South hold down to maintain their homes and cholesterol saturated food and nicotine supplies that they consider an indulgence of their wages, the unemployed would be able to be employed with FAIR wages.
The people of the South do not have a quality of life because if they were only allowed to have one job the majority would be homeless. Does Wall Street love this dynamic? You betcha!
That is Tea Party Land. It is a populous movement based in ignorance of anything better or different. Take on the Tea Party and PROVE they are nonsensical, although nice people, political entities.
The Tea Party Express (click here) are worried about "The Blackness Gestapo." The Tea Party believes there are organized efforts to maintain 'the blackness' of the colored population in the USA. It is the oldest strategy to victimize minorities since the beginning of slavery. See, if minorities could only break out of their 'blackness' mentality, they would be like the rest of us. The twist The Tea Party gives it portrays them as liberators and conquerors of a well kept 'establishment' agenda and secret. Give me a break with this, okay? The Tea Party is a populous movement and they support racism and bigotry; as well as Wall Street priorities as a solution to economic deficits and unemployment. The Tea Party causes problems, they don't solve them.
Ask ones self: "Self, how is the USA going to pay its bills when 98% of Americans receive minimum wage due to dissolved unions? And how are villages and hamlets in the USA going to pay for education if they no longer own homes to pay property tax?"
The "Firearms Freedom Act" is anarchy. There is no other definition for it. It is not backed by the Second Amendment which demands "A well regulated Militia...." The reasons a militia in the USA has to be well regulated is ton insure the well being of citizens, that includes police officers. The Second Amendment does not provide for anarchy.
Firearms Freedom Act (click here)
Originally introduced and passed in Montana, the FFA declares that any firearms made and retained in-state are beyond the authority of Congress under its constitutional power to regulate commerce among the states....
United Nations Agenda 21 is no longer a UN agenda. It has moved on to be replaced by "The Millennium Assessment." So, let's get that out of the way. Agenda 21 was an attempt to look at the planet and it's ability to sustain human life, regardless of it's human view as a resource other than breathable oxygen.
Agenda 21 is old business. It is over. Gone. No more. It was graduated to a functional global program. Agenda 21 is a prime example of how the Tea Party is successful by dredging up invisible agendas that are no longer valid; only their followers don't know that and are not empowered to find out the truth. They are lied to and/or kept ignorant by their own leadership because they have been lied to along the way. This is a populous movement that causes problems and does not solve them. Thank you Sarah Palin, the mother of all unsophisticated political hacks that actually 'dress up well enough' to win elections in the name of VIRTUE.
They state they are not interested in social issues, but, only fiscal problems. Hello? Since when is USA federal spending NOT about social issues? They do mean that they are not focused on social issues because they don't discern the impact of federal spending on social issues.
Food Stamps is a hated agenda by the Tea Party of federal spending and people need the help. There will always be people that need the help. There are people that are no longer children and dependents to families that will always be 'in need.' Demographically there will always be poor and dependency in a population of over 300 million people. The Tea Party is under educated and radical because of their under education. They do not discern the needs of a populous and why there actually is a federal government with social programs.
I am not going to give the bozos lessons here.
Making Ends Meet: How Single Mothers Survive Welfare and Low-Wage Work (click here)

The strategy of the Tea Party is simplistic and has caused the QUALITY OF LIFE problems The South faces in the USA. The reason they are POPULAR as part of a POPULOUS movement is because Old White Guys still believe they can control the content of the USA in order to serve their purposes. They use the lack of sophistication of the people to manipulate them.
The Quality of Life suffers in The South because of its profound impoverishment. While there are households owning homes and seemingly Middle Class, but, they are not Middle Class in the same definition as citizens of New York.
In the Northeast, people belong to unions and work for FAIR wages. The people of the Northeast USA have quality of life which can be defined as time at home with their families, active parenting by BEING AVAILABLE, owning boats to go fishing, owning new cars they trade in on a regular basis to maintain equity of their homes that aren't impacted by car repairs, etc. The same, if not more, is emphasized in California with a high quality of life based in FAIR wages based on economic demographics and social pressures of status. I could go on and on, but, the impoverishment of the USA South is profound.
In the South, ONE PERSON works two and three jobs to maintain their quality of life. They aren't available as parents in the same way people in the Northeast and California are. The South relies on the pressures of religion to maintain their children's behavior. The prime example of the lack of ability to parent is the fact there are high teen pregnancy rates in the USA South. The men are men in ways that are counter productive to relationships because it demands extreme personal sacrifice in the lack of quality of life. The men are violent as a means of defining the extreme they will go to defend their values and THEIR WOMEN. The values are based in defending economic impoverishment and still finding status.
The state legislators are STUCK in believing they have to oppose organized unions to PRESERVE their ability to have economic vitality. HUH? What economic vitality? If every person in the USA South only worked one job with FAIR wages that would solve the nation's unemployment problem. The other two jobs the people of The South hold down to maintain their homes and cholesterol saturated food and nicotine supplies that they consider an indulgence of their wages, the unemployed would be able to be employed with FAIR wages.
The people of the South do not have a quality of life because if they were only allowed to have one job the majority would be homeless. Does Wall Street love this dynamic? You betcha!
That is Tea Party Land. It is a populous movement based in ignorance of anything better or different. Take on the Tea Party and PROVE they are nonsensical, although nice people, political entities.
The Tea Party Express (click here) are worried about "The Blackness Gestapo." The Tea Party believes there are organized efforts to maintain 'the blackness' of the colored population in the USA. It is the oldest strategy to victimize minorities since the beginning of slavery. See, if minorities could only break out of their 'blackness' mentality, they would be like the rest of us. The twist The Tea Party gives it portrays them as liberators and conquerors of a well kept 'establishment' agenda and secret. Give me a break with this, okay? The Tea Party is a populous movement and they support racism and bigotry; as well as Wall Street priorities as a solution to economic deficits and unemployment. The Tea Party causes problems, they don't solve them.
Ask ones self: "Self, how is the USA going to pay its bills when 98% of Americans receive minimum wage due to dissolved unions? And how are villages and hamlets in the USA going to pay for education if they no longer own homes to pay property tax?"