Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why is Gerrymandered Gohmert dependent of population density in cities?

What was noted in the Presidential Nominee Race for the Republicans between Romney and Santorum?

When Santorum won delegates they were in the rural areas of the state. 


The reason Santorum won delegates in rural areas of states is because the playing field was leveled by the lack of spending by PACs and SuperPACs. When Romney spent money during the Republican Presidential Nomination Race it was in cities were monies received the most dense exposure.

Why is Gerrymandered Gohmert so very interested in grandstanding on the House Floor? Why he is so cooperative with extremist media? Why does Gerrymandered Gohmert seek constant contact with his constituents?

What gets Gerrymandered Gohmert attention, FREE MEDIA EXPOSURE? What provides Michelle Bachmann with chronic, free media exposure?

Extremist views, right? The shocking statements from these Tea Party darlings get them media attention because it is scandalous and outrageous. They are media masters and will seek the extremist view every time. The real problem is not just their outrageous demeanor and Right Wing Media pandering, but, they vote the way they speak.

Gerrymandered Gohmert follows the 'Republican Media Model' receiving monies from people like the Koch Brothers. Gerrymandered Gohmert has guarantees of winning elections because the electorate is managed through his media methodology. When Texas District One had larger constituencies in rural Texas it was not possible to use media to control outcomes. Hence. Gerrymandering for media density that entertains the electorate 24/7.