Friday, November 30, 2012

The President's proposal is "spot on." It protects the Middle Class and fulfills the USA obligations to the citizens.

Where do the Repubicans get the nerve to laugh at changes in entitlements?

The President's proposals specifically sacrificed changes to the entitlements in the USA to make a deal which includes more than reasonable tax increases on the wealthiest of Americans.

Where do Republicans get off scoffing at changes to OUR entitlements!!!!!!!!

...Republicans are seeking overhauls of entitlement programs (click here) such as Medicare in exchange for accepting higher tax revenue. They want a higher Medicare eligibility age and an alternative yardstick for calculating inflation that would reduce Social Security cost-of-living adjustments, according to a Republican aide who wasn’t authorized to speak publicly.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said today that Obama has made his position clear and that Democrats need a proposal from Republicans on what sort of spending cuts they want.
“This doesn’t have to be a cliffhanger,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California told reporters. “The Senate has passed a bill to extend the middle-income tax cuts,” she said. “Why are you holding this up?” she said, referring to Boehner.
Geithner’s offer, as described by two Republican aides, is based on Obama’s fiscal 2013 budget and his 2011 proposal to the deficit-cutting supercommittee, which was unsuccessful last year in coming up with a plan all sides could accept....

...It would raise taxes on top earners by $1.6 trillion over the next decade with higher rates on income, capital gains, dividends and estates, along with limits on tax breaks. It would call for about $400 billion in cuts to entitlement programs, which Republicans have deemed insufficient....

Those increases are 160 billion per year. That is nothing compared to what they should be paying for over a decade of wealth indulgence while asking the nation to fight two wars and bailing out recklessness on Wall Street that plunged this nation and the global economy into complete chaos. The chaos was very easy for Wall Street to weather while citizens wandered homeless and unemployed.

Where do the Republicans have the nerve to laugh at these sacrifices of the Middle Class?

The Republicans need to GET REAL !!!!!!!!