Saturday, October 20, 2012

Entertain this observation about the methods of Bain Capital.

Across the board when I listen to employees of these companies speak about their experience, they are always long term employees losing everything. With Bainport there are employees looking forward to retirement after being with the company for 35 years.

When I read about the history of Sports Authority and Staples, the companies bought out were long standing companies. They were well established whom's owners were reaching retirement and basically didn't need the company in their lives anymore.

What is Bain looking for in these companies? 



They have a cash flow they like to maintain and the largest one purpose of that cash flow is payments to investors. Every investor ever engaged with Bain was always happy with their cash flow. Yes? Yes. No complaints.

Bain is predatory. I am not so sure all the other venture capitalists aren't either, however, in order for outfits like BlackRock to survive they are seeking IPOs. Which I think is very dangerous. I don't see that venture capitalists should every hold an IPO. That is ridiculous, they will simply be more predatory to maintain their stock prices.

When I look across the spectrum of Bain Capital's (Let's just call them BC for the sake of appropriate designation. Their practices need to be ancient and be made ancient forever. Pre-historic actually.) operations it was very predatory. BC didn't at all expect to keep the businesses they bought controlling interest in, they intended to dismantle the businesses with leveraged advantages, sell off the assets (otherwise known as capital INVESTMENTS, which is why they are allowed depreciation over time), declare bankruptcy, close out pension funds and sell real estate and/or hold the real estate as assets. 

I ask myself, what company would best be suitable for AN OPERATION such as BC?

Well, BC didn't like risk. BC liked guarantees. It was set up for wealthy men to become more wealthy; to literally hoard all the wealth they could without being someone like George Soros or Warren Buffet.

Money is power. These men like power and they like money to provide it to them. This is not about luxury, this is about power and Romney is at his pinnacle right now.

BC sought out well established and profitable companies where employees work hard, had contributed to the quality of their products and the longevity of their companies. BC wanted well established companies with lots and lots of assets including pension funds. 

BC wanted to buy out a long lived company, call it antiquated, past its prime where it could reap profits, have a healthy stock, until BC was ready for anything different. 

See, I think most of the companies BC preyed upon would still be in business today if BC hadn't 'run game' on them. It is criminal as far as I am concerned. It has no morality. It is a cowards way of making money and it is definitely predatory on the American economy.

There have been 50,000 manufacturing companies in the USA closed since Bush/Cheney took office and BC was one of those involved in providing 'service to China.' 

Now, all of a sudden, President Obama is supposed to return economic vitality to the USA with good paying jobs, health care benefits and RESPONSIBLE, sustainable employment without compromising American Values, quality of life to families and protection of our environment overnight after all the monies obtained by BC and its peer group have left the country.

Right. It is amazing the USA still has an economy and if it were not for the power within the municipalities such as Muskegon, Michigan to 'find a way' there wouldn't be an economy in the ONLY Free World country on the planet to provide a global economy stability.

BC (Bain Capital) and its peer group are a national security problem and their Republicans are as well. The BC Republicans continue to provide all the advantages to Wall Street without caring what happens to the economic infrastructure of the USA which is the Middle Class and personal mobility through opportunity to educate and work. 

The American Voter that is falling for the Romney Dialogue has a problem. They are the same unwitting people of places like Bainport that don't see the train heading for them until it is too late.

There is no light at the end of this tunnel.