Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Football Commissioner needs to be fired.

...To that end, (click here) Goodell has risked lawsuits over his tough punishments for a bounty scandal; he has suspended or otherwise disciplined some of the N.F.L.’s most popular players; and he brokered the deal that ended the long, bitter lockout of the league’s players last year....

Seriously, this is ridiculous. There is so much hype about instant replays and all kinds of electronic enhancements, to allow this call to stand is a gross injustice to everyone. If the commissioners authority and judgement has to be called into question, then it has to be.

There does not have to be retribution against part time referees, either. The strike should have been settled. This is a failure of the administration of these teams and the league. The owners and the commission allowed referees on the field who were not ready to assume this responsibility. It is not their fault they rose to the occasion to carry on the game. They actually crossed picket lines to do it. So, it isn't their problem, it is the commissioner's problem. I think the entire circumstance needs to be investigated, conclusions reached and appropriate action taken. It isn't the refs that were the problem. It is the commissioner standing behind an obvious bad call that is the problem and the fact he and the owners allowed less qualified officiating in the first place rather than settling the strike.