Sunday, September 23, 2012

Earthquake in Brawley, Southern California, Moderate 5.3 magnitude

California earthquake swarm expected to last for days (click here for video from LA Times)

August 27, 2012
The Southern California earthquake swarm produced hundreds of temblors Sunday, and experts said it could last for several more days.
"Obviously, all this activity is related or interconnected, but it doesn't really follow the typical main shock, aftershock activity," said Rob Graves, a seismologist with the U.S. Geological survey.
Such earthquake storms are not unprecedented or unusual in that region. The most recent, Graves said, also centered near Brawley, was in 2005, when the area was shaken by hundreds of earthquakes, the largest measuring magnitude 5.1. A previous swarm in 1981 reached a magnitude of 5.8....