Who is divisive?
Senator Rubio has stood shoulder to shoulder with his GOP peers in the Senate and filibustered record numbers of votes to put Americans back to work.
President Obama's American Jobs Act was the most bi-partisan bill this country has ever seen. Who is divisive? Rubio and his Republican peers, that who is divisive.

Those are very strange words coming from a Hispanic Senator when one realizes the truth.
This paragraph refers to the chart above. It is from the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
(The chart tracks the number of attempts (click here) to overturn filibusters in each Congress. The Senate does not keep data on the number of times the filibuster itself is invoked, which would be much larger. Numbers for 2011-12 are lower because the current session has yet to be concluded, and because as use of the filibuster has become standard, fewer votes are called to try to overturn it.)
It has gotten to the point where bringing a bill to the floor is fruitless as there won't be a majority vote on any bill. That is not a functional government and it is the direct responsibility of the Senate Republicans.