Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reba --Van & Cheyanne Get Food Stamps

The "Gingrick Food Stamp" gaffe is based in a Right Wing cultural attack. It is amazing how far the "County Community" (Reba McEntire) will go to back up their 'idea of political fun.'

The USA has suffered the worst economic recession in recent history due to the policies of the Republican administration of Bush and the info-tainment industry actually ridicule Americans that are receiving food stamps.

The drama that plays out pn "Reba" actually portrays Americans as lazy and enjoying 'government dependancy.' Not only that but the food stamps are viewed as a 'pay off' for the people. "Reba" continues past this segment to make the statement that employment is just waiting for those too lazy to look for it.

The entire show was amazing to realize how it aimed (displaced an entire 'class') anger directly at a group of Americans of a growing poverty level due to Wall Street abuses and abandonment. Maybe as Iraq is becoming the next China or India all the impoverished Americans need to emigrate.

Food stamps have become a populous political expression for the lazy in the USA.  It is bigger than Gingrick's statements.  There was a reason for the applause and it stems from the 'populous' expression of anger.  It relates to the deficit and debt.  See, the national debt would disappear if it weren't for the lazy poor in the country.

Maybe the Repubicans are simply trying to cover up the fact their welfare reform under Gingrick has resulted in the unemployed under Bush.