Friday, December 30, 2011

Under Cheney Influence, Wyoming’s Oil Ties Flooded MMS (click title to entry - thank you)

One might ask how an energy newspaper from Wyoming could make such outrageous statements regarding the coal, oil and gas industry in Wyoming.

The newspaper is a non-profit with focus on 'the truth.'

Higher grain prices on the commodities exchange doesn't mean farmers are doing better, if they don't have enough grain to sell.

June 3rd, 2010

In a speech last week on the disaster unfolding in the Gulf, President Obama told the nation that for decades, there existed a “scandalously close relationship between oil companies and the agency that regulates them,” and that he took responsibility for a culture that had “not fully changed” [1] under his administration.
On that subject—the culture of coziness between the Minerals Management Service and industry—a non-profit Wyoming news service WyoFile [2] published a report today that details some of the ties between MMS internal culture, the state of Wyoming, and the state’s native son, Dick Cheney. From WyoFile [3]:
The elite among Wyoming’s legal and engineering professions, including several governors (past and present), have worked for energy industry clients. As a result, presidential administrations seeking an appointee (an appointee lobbyist) sympathetic to the energy industry can find a plethora of candidates in Wyoming....