Wednesday, November 23, 2011

If Willard Mitt Romney is elected President everything in the economy stays the same.

That is what this campaign ad says, right?

In the ad, he is stating President Obama has the same election strategy that McCain did. McCain was Republican. Romney is Republican.

First, I want to know where the economic success stories are with the Republican Party? Where can Willard Mitt Romney point to make the statement the Republicans have the answer to the economic conditions of the country. In 2010, the Republicans were elected to turn the country around and the unemployment rate has maintained in the ballpark of 9% the entire time.

Additionally, there are no other places the Republicans can point where their policies have improved the economic conditions of the country. The only re-election strategy the Republicans have exerted is obstructionism. There are absolutely no accomplishments the Republicans can point to that helped the country recover.

So, If Romney is stating the country is in the same condition as when McCain was ashamed to talk about it in 2008, then the country will remain the same after 2012, because the Republicans have done nothing but acted as a 'PLACE HOLDER' from one election to the other.

This advertisement is a lie. I realize the Romney camp believes it is a wonderful lie, but, what they simply overlook is that there are absolutely no Republican accomplishments including Simpson-Bowles, the Supercommittee and a credit rating that has taken a sour turn because of the lack of ability of the Republican House to grapple successfully with the debt promises of the USA.

By being 'Place Holders' the Republicans have impaled the USA economy, stagnated the nation's economic recovery, assaulted the Wall Street Law to facilitate deregulation and simply return the USA back to the sorry state of affairs it was in when McCain was in Romney's position.

There is nothing the Republicans can point to reassure the nation they have the answer to the economy recovery we all need. Nothing. Obstruction is nothing that points to any type of success, if anything being "Place Holders" has cost the nation at least 1.4 million jobs that haven't happened in The American Jobs Act.

The Romney campaign ad is scary. Absolutely. But, it doesn't make me believe Romney is the answer, quite the contrary it reminds me he is another McCain