Thursday, October 13, 2011

In case there is speculation as to the auctions and their ability to attract 'high end' bidders.

A half a trillion is a lot of money per year.  I think anyone can agree on that.  Whom then would be spending a half a trillion for broadband?

Whom purchases Treasury Bills and other instruments of the US Treasury?

Sure, sure, investment banks and the like, but, who can really afford them?

How about other sovereign entities that want their own broadband for their nations?  Sound reasonable now?  Because there are many, many allies to the USA that would love to purchase their own broadband.  

The beauty of this is that other countries not traditionally allies, such as Russia, China, many African nations, the new Libya and others can also send their own representatives to the auctions to facilitate their own economies.

This form of auction is not only good for the USA, it is good for the global economic environment.  If people in Africa cannot market their goods, they in turn cannot market ours in their economy.