Monday, October 31, 2011

A successful launch today by the Russians to the ISS indicates manned flights will begin again.

If one recalls there was an unsuccessful launch not long ago.  That is highly irregular for Russian spacecrafts.  I am confident it was a one time occurrrence that will not repeat itself anytime soon.

"...It was a perfect launch," (click title to entry - thank you) Mission Control spokesman Valery Lyndin said, according to reports. The Progress M-13M spacecraft atop a Soyuz rocket blasted off on schedule at 6:11 a.m. ET on Sunday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and has now reached its designated orbit....

(UNESCO) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is probably the least offensive strategic membership for Palestine.

The global community should maintain caution in isolating the USA and Israel from successful international relationships to back an independent Palestinian state without a succesful peace pact with Israel.
The fact that President Obama is upholding the law of the USA that states if Palestine were to be a member of any UN organization the USA would end funding provides solid ground for him to defeat any notion that he was not sympathetic to Israel's status.  More than that, Israel is a vitalo strategic partner for the USA.  That will never change.  For that reason alone the 'idea' that Palestine can independently declare its national status through imposed standings with the UN and international organizations before concluding a peace treaty with Israel sets the world stage for confrontation that will provide for 'dangerous' territory rather than a gathering influence to global nuclear disarmament and peace.

If the Palestinian state were to continue this trend, it would cause the USA to posture itself differently within the global community and set the stage for a new cold war.  That said, it has been over four decades and at least two generations the Palestinians have been without a defined homeland.  Their borders have been toyed with for all the time and now they have developed a strategy to derail Israel is 'the enemy' among all peaceful people.  It is the worst idea a country could purport as the truth that should dictate international dialogue and policy.  The Palestinians are attempting to demonize Israel in a manner that would set the entire globe in opposition to the USA and Israel.  It is a stretegy based in a lie and a dangerous lie at that.

The Palestinians need to resume peace negotitations with Israel and lobbing new rockets into Israel is not a good beginning.  The Palestinians want the war Iran has promised and they will stop at nothing to achieve it.  It is a dangerous stretegy for the international community to entertain.  As things stand today with this vote, the USA and Israel are now examining their alliance as a matter of defense of their nations if the 'global chemistry' goes wrong.

...While UNESCO membership (click title to entry - thank you) will take the Palestinians only a short way toward their goal of enhanced international standing, it embarrassed the Obama administration by highlighting its relative isolation on the issue.

Administration officials criticized the UNESCO move as a blow to U.S. efforts to bring Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table to reach a deal that would end Israel's occupation of the West Bank and create a Palestinian state.

The vote, said Nuland, was "regrettable, premature and undermines our shared vision of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East."...

He is not drunk. He is cajoling the audience into finding common ground between them.

The degree Governor Perry needs to cajole his audience is extreme and one has to ask why. If a candidate has to try this hard to be accepted in a primary, what kind of chance does he have in a general election?

Who hacked the files at the National Restaurant Association ?

"...Mr. Cain’s shifting explanations and the gaps in the story made it hard to determine the impact of the revelations on his long-term prospects in states like Iowa, whose crucial caucuses are just two months away...."

Cain has never been a serious contender from the beginning and everyone knows it.  He has smoozed a campaign slogan of 9-9-9 as if a well researched economic strategy.  There are underlying agendas that Cain is volunteering to be a target for, namely "How does the RNC win over the "Black Vote" and "How do we get the American public serious about "The Flat Tax" that is already a bill in the House of Representatives.

Cain is a sympathetic figure in that every shot fired at him only increases his popularity as if 'the target on his back' is insurmountable without a strong grassroots willing to absorb the shots better than he can.

The real subject is not the 'sex scandals' although Republicans could not care less about sex scandals, ie: David Vitter.  The real subject is the funding and the law breaking of desperate people.  This is the second money scandal to arise with these candidates, the first was with Romney and now this one.  There is a third which is the sequestered monies of Rick Perry.  He is not a candidate funded by many grassroots organizations or volunteers or contributors, but, by the religious right of Texas which eyes the presidency as their right of passage to carry out their holy directives.

The entire RNC field is bizarre.  The Tea-Evangelicals are trying desperately to find the perfect candidate while the remaining RNC party simply holds on to the one candidate that may be electable.  Regardless, of the scandalous monies involved in funding the RNC and their success is deceiving the electorate, they sincerely are not a sincere party anymore, as demonstrated by ignoring the one candidate in the field that could actually win the election on credentials, Jon Huntsman.  The RNC is old world and this is just more of it.

An interesting question graces the pages of the Washington Post today.

...Now it appears (click title to entry - thank you) to be dragging its feet on helping even those Venezuelans who come to the United States to seek physical protection from the regime. In recent years Venezuela has been one of the largest sources of asylum applicants: It ranked eighth in the world on a DHS list in March. So far in 2011 there have been 670 applications, which can cover families as well as individuals. DHS officials told me that the overall rate of approval for Venezuelan cases has remained constant in recent years. But 135 of 467 cases in 2010 remained open at the end of the year.

Mezerhane says he would like to use his time in the United States to work for change in Venezuela, which has grown steadily more violent and chaotic. For now, however, he and many like him are paralyzed. “It is hard for them to bring their families over,” said Grossman. “They can’t work. They can’t travel. We are effectively silencing them and denying them a platform to voice their opinions.”

Is this really the right way to counter Hugo Chavez?

Actually it isn't.  It is however interesting to realize that Nelson Mezerhanem, a Venezuelan business man is treated to exceptional coverage of his circumstances while "#Occupy Wall Street" is villianized at The Washington Post and other media sources.

Quite frankly, Mr. Mezerhanem is NOT being deported, his application is being taken seriously and the reason it is taking so long is because while he wants to promote freedom in Venezuela that is described without the leadership of Hugo; he will not be able to run a revolution in the USA against Venezuela.  Arming a militia and seeking to overthrow a government from USA soil is contraindicated to USA sovereignty and the safety of its citizens.  Homeland Security is doing its job, something The Washington Post ought to consider more seriously when seeking the truth regarding the movement of USA citizens to resolve the crisis of an entire generation.

Hot meets Cold

The snow is about a month early: The first snow typically occurs in Boston around Nov. 28. The snowiest October day on record in Boston was 1.1 inches on Oct. 29, 2005, and in Worcester, 7.5 inches. on Oct. 10, 1979.

October 28, 2011
UNISYS Water Vapor GOES East satellite image

An arctic front met with a heat transfer system resulting in high winds and perscipitation throughout the northeast of the USA and into Canada.  Heat transfer systems are dangerous and have been chronic since October 2, 2002.  They are an unnatural occurrence and are caused by the high carbon dioxide levels of Earth emitted by human activity.

Tree falls on home, kills 84 year old Pennsylvania man (click here)
 By Josh Simeone
October 30, 2011
An 84-year-old man died instantly when a tree fell on his home Saturday afternoon in Temple, Pennsylvania.
The report is the man was napping on his recliner when the tree, which was covered in snow, fell onto the home.
Saturday's storm moved through the area, dropping several inches of snow in parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Thousands of people in Pennsylvania and New Jersey are without power.

Does the media report the storm accurately?  No.  They call it a 'Nor'easter' rather than the human induced warming storm is rightfully is.  It is a storm induced by a chronic warming phenomena called 'heat transfer systems.'  That is what the people in the northeast USA are contending with this time.

There was a storm similar to the one that struck the northeast this past weekend.  It occurred in February, however, and not October.  It happened in 2004 closing schools, businesses and taking electric power away from residents in North Carolina for a week in many places.  It caused deaths and injuries.  This is not the first time a severe storm has caused such damage since October 4, 2002.  The storm this time was magnified in its impact by sogging ground and swollen rivers and creeks.  Nothing like water saturated ground to cause more problems when it becomes frozen and then thawed to allow melted snow to again do more damage and more damage.

An unusual storm (click here) blanketed North Carolina with record snowfall on February 26 and 27, 2004, stranding travelers and closing schools and businesses. As much as 1.5 feet (0.45 meters) of snow fell in parts of the state.

More than three million are left without electric power with the northeast storm.  That was far more than the North Carolina storm.  People should be taking whatever action they need to and insure their well being.  I am confident the states have emergency shelters until electricity is restored.

Fall Storm: October Nor'easter Blamed for at Least Three Deaths (click here)

A strong storm system moving up the East Coast has already dumped more than two feet of snow in some parts of New England today, leaving more than 2 million homes and businesses without power and causing at least three deaths.
The storm dumped record amounts of snow from New Jersey through New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts. The governors of New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts all declared states of emergency.
An 84-year-old man in Pennsylvania died this afternoon when a tree weighed down by snow fell on his home. ...

#Occupy is non-violent movement. This is police brutality and government over reach.

Image is not the issue as this college editorial would have all believe.  The issue is the oppression of the Middle Class and how the 1 percent has marginalized the constitutional rights of the people to carry out a protest.

There are all sorts of ways to oppress people.  If every inch of a public area is owned and operated to standards that do not allow protests (The EXPRESSION) of First Amendment Rights then that is a very overt oppression of those rights.

If every public space is operated with a corporation's name on it and to specifications that reflect the values of that corporation which excludes venues of protest then the very naming of a public space is oppression.

Governments have to provide for Freedom of Speech (Exprssion).  When there are no venues for the expression of discontent that is oppression.  Where is freedom when it is inconvenient of 'image brokers?'  The #Occupy Wall Street movement has a solid reason for its presence around the country and around the world.  So long as the oppression of free people continues by their government and the corporations that feed on them there will be discontinuance of demonstration.

Occupy Denver protest fights with police goes against Constitution: Our View

By Collegian Editorial Board
Updated: 7 hours ago
...We’re all about a little bit of civil disobedience, since battles with the police have been defining moments of successful protests in the past, but getting in fights with cops is not suddenly going to give Occupy Wall Street legitimacy, something that probably motivated some of the protesters to cause trouble in the first place.
We understand that protesters feel wronged by the 1 percent and want to act out (or whatever Occupy’s about), but they’ve got to have a purpose behind it, something that, given the information we have, the protesters lacked, aside from simply the presence of police at the protests.

By the same token, Denver Police needs to stop over-reacting to the protesters who, when members of the Editorial Board visited Denver and saw Occupy firsthand, seemed more like homeless people playing music in a park than a genuine threat to public safety.

It doesn’t look like Occupy’s going anywhere anytime soon, and to avoid future altercations between police and protesters, both parties need to chill out....

"Morning Papers" - Its Origins

The Rooster

Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Mischief Night" - "Good Night, Moon."

October 30, 2011
10:30 PM
Waxing Crescent
4.8 day old Moon
23.6% lit
2.4 days before first quarter

"Why do you want an abortion?"

Woman:  "My husband over stepped his bounds with me one night.  I didn't make accusations about him.  I just want peace in my life.  We have children.  I love my children. 

I don't know if the marriage is going to survive more than a year or two more.  I cannot bring another child into a marriage that is becoming abusive and questionable to its soundness. 

I refuse an ultrasound and I want an abortion now."

"Why do you want an abortion?"

Woman:  "I am going to college on a basketball scholarship and this was a mistake.  We weren't in love, we were drunk. 

I don't want to ruin my future. 

I refuse the ultrasound and I want an abortion now.  Nothing anyone says or does is going to change my mind. 

I want to compete and I need a good education to do it. 

Someday, when I have a family it will be a comfortable quality of life and a healthy balance of career and family that will sustain my children to lead happy, productive and prosperous lives.  I want nothing less than that for them, myself and my spouse."

Young people are smarter and more motivated to take care of themselves more than ever.

Condoms are not about promoting promiscuity, it is about protecting young men and women that are going to experiment anyway.  Given the number is STATIC from generation to generation there is nothing to discuss.

The issue of Planned Parenthood Clinic, abortion availability and contraception has absolutely nothing to do with young sexuality and their ability to master their prowess.  The entire issue of abortion, contraception and moral corruption of the young is complete and absolute HOGWASH.  They are all political wedge issues and nothing more.

By John Gever, Senior Editor, MedPage Today (click title to entry - thank you)

Published: October 12, 2011

The percentage of teens 15 to 19 years old reporting that they have had sexual intercourse has continued a long-term decline and now stands at just over 40%, according to CDC survey data from 2006 to 2010.
Notably, the long-standing gender gap in adolescent sexual experience appears to have vanished, thanks to an especially steep decline in the proportion of boys and young men who reported having lost their virginity.
When a similar survey was conducted in 1988, 51.1% of unmarried teen girls/women and 60.4% of teen boys/men said they had had sexual intercourse at some point. In 2006-2010, these figures fell to 42.6% of women and 41.8% of men.

At the same time, among those who reported having sex, the proportion who used condoms during their first encounter has risen to 80% among males and 60% among females, the CDC reported. In the 1988 survey, barely half of either sex reported condom use at first sex....

Where are the advertisements for the Morning After Pill in the USA? Viagra, but not conception prevention. Why?

Kounteya Sinha
Oct 15, 2011, 03.19AM IST

NEW DELHI: Advertisements, (click title to entry - thank you) promoting morning-after pills, can be aired since the Drug Technical Advisory Board (DTAB) lifted the ban on October 10.

The embargo on advertising all emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) was imposed in January, 2010.
Then, concerns had been raised that the ads were promoting the drugs as regular contraceptives and misrepresenting abortion.

The DTAB's latest guidelines say a committee, which would include the principal of a reputed girl's college, representatives from NGOs and the advertising council, can screen the ads and the scripts before they go on air.

A pharmacist shows a box containing a 'morning-after pill' in a pharmacy on September 27, 2009 in Madrid, Spain. The emergency contraceptive product will be available over the counter, with no age limit at Spanish pharmacies from Monday.
( September 26, 2009 - Photo by Jasper Juinen/Getty Images Europe)


FDA weighs wider access to morning-after pill (click here)

Agency accused of ‘delay tactics’ the day before Senate hearing

updated 7/31/2006 6:54:32 PM ET

Women over 18 may soon be able to get the morning-after pill without a prescription. In a surprise decision Monday, health officials revived a long-stalled application to allow over-the-counter sales of the emergency contraceptive.

The Food and Drug Administration told Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc. that it wanted to meet within a week to discuss how to allow adults to freely buy the contraceptive — known as Plan B — while keeping it prescription-only for people under 18....

The attack against a woman's decision making in regard to their reproductive life is oppression.  Plain and simple.  The Right Wing political machine has NO legitimate complaints about population growth or safety of women who seek not to give birth and/or become a parent.  It is a religious bias at the very least and oppression religious dogma surrounding a much bigger issue, namely control of the population of the USA to conform to government standards based in Extremist Christian dogma.

Seeking to make a fetus a citizen in order to call an abortion murder is an outrage and an imposition of religious dogma that openly and defiantely opposes the separation of church and state in the USA.  The laws oppressing women have to be ended.

Do Anti-abortionists mention this fact along with the ultrasound? If not, then an equiable approach is not available.

The map above April 7, 2010 at 10:43 AM (click here)

The dangers and statistics regarding 'ADVERSE EFFECTS' of pregnancy should be presented along with the opportunity for an ultrasound at every abortion performed in the USA.  A woman has a right to know all the facts, not just those approved of by Extremist Christians that have no regard for maternal safety prenatal or postnatal, incluidng QUALITY OF LIFE of the child and the parent(s).

Deaths from pregnancy and childbirth in the United States have doubled (cick title to entry - thank you) in the past 20 years, a development that a human rights group called "scandalous and disgraceful" Friday.

In addition, the rights group said, about 1.7 million women a year, one-third of pregnant women in the United States, suffer from pregnancy-related complications.

Most of the deaths and complications occur among minorities and women living in poverty, it noted.

Amnesty International issued a report Friday that calls on President Obama to take action.

The perfect time to have a baby is NOT the age of 15 or 16. It is a hideous notion. It is punishment for natural impulses of young women.

What's the perfect time to have a baby? When the urge strikes? After painstaking and meticulous planning? When -- surprise! -- Mother Nature says so?

These questions elicit different answers, depending on whom you ask. We got the real scoop from five mothers who had children at different phases of their lives.

The reasons for their timing vary, but the common thread is that they're all happy with the choice they've made -- and they're embracing the joys and challenges of raising kids with equal enthusiasm.

If a child bride is what the woman longs for, then pregnancy is a natural course, but, to have a young woman coersed into a full term pregnancy is as much an act of aggression as rape.  It is mentally cruel and should never be a part of the decision making process for any woman.  An ultrasound in an abortion clinic is about the most heinous intimidation a woman could face.  It should happen.  If ultrasounds help women make decisions regarding abortion, that OPTION should be available on request and scheduled in a separate session.  Believing a woman is nothing more than an emotional disaster in regard to abortions is nothing short of discrimination and seeks to depersonalize their life experience that has brought them to this decision.

"Why do you want an abortion?"

Women:  "I have plans for my life, expecting a baby is not one of them."

Anti-Abortionist:  "Why not carry the baby to full term and give it up to adoption by people that are waiting for the opportunity to be parents and love this child?"

Women:  "I do not feel comfortable with having a child, it would be embarrassing and complicate my relationship.  A relationship that has potential to be a life long relationship.  We are not seeking to be parents."

Anti-Abortionist:  "But, certainly if he loves you and you explain to him this is important for you to do, he will see it through with you."

Women:  "I said the relationship has a potential to longevity of my entire life.  I did not say it was a 'given.'  The relationship is 'not' in that space where I could take for granted his willingness to see a pregnancy to term to allow for adoption.  We never decided on this birth.  I will not be undone by a fetus I am not going to parent."

Anti-Abortionist:  "But, listen to yourself, you are even entertaining the idea of a full term birth.  Albeit, with reservations.  But, it is a start to making a decision that will be good for you, the baby and potential parents."

Women:  "You don't get it, do you?  You have closed your mind to anything but a woman enthralled with pregnancy, birth and parenthood and/or a childhood of the baby somewhere? 

You don't realize I am a human being that has a mind capable of discerning what I can tolerate in this life and what I can't.  At this time in my life I cannot deal with the idea of a full term pregnancy, I have no support system for being a parent, regardless of the destination of the baby my life would be changed forever.

The fact I have a relationship with a wonderful person I am hoping will become more and how this could radically destroy that does not matter to you. 

You don't care that having a child in the world, adopted, that would come to seek their 'real mother' and 'real father' sometime in the future and the complications that brings matters. 

You believe all I have to do is realize the best relationship I could have in life is with this fetus.  Well, you are wrong.  I want my life arranged the way I want it arranged and I don't want anyone else currently born or unborn to complicate it.  Now, I refuse the ultrasound and I want the abortion now."

The precedent governing contraception and abortion has been established for decades. The human condition has not mutated since.

The number of teenage abortions has been static since 1998, (Click title to entry - thank you)

The number of young women age 15-19 is static because the culture of the USA provides for sex education starting at the age of their menstral cycle. 

This static number is PROOF that services for young women are necessary as they will seek abortion for the reason of their age and their future to look forward to. 

I don't know of any reasonable adult that would expect a young woman to carry a fetus to term for the sake of doing it while punishing them for the rest of their lives. 

The static incidence of abortion in this age group proves only 'one thing' and 'one thing only;' and that is there is a percentage of young women that consent to sexual intercoarse at an age before the age of majority.  It is static and holds no danger to the reproductive capacity of the USA.  There is no sustained trend from Roe v. Wade that indicates the population of the nation is in danger of collapse, nor its genetic diversity.  There is absolutely no reason why women should be insulted by control over their decisions when it comes to giving birth, allowing adoption and becoming a parent.

I was sexually active with my boyfriend at the age of seventeen, used 'the pill' successfully until my First Wedding Anniversary to the same man I went 'Steady' with and "Went to the Prom" with and WE decided to start a family.  It was fun and an 'added value' to my young adult womanhood.

A total of 827,609 abortions were reported to CDC for 2007. Among the 45 reporting areas that provided data every year during 1998--2007, a total of 810,582 abortions (97.9% of the total) were reported for 2007; the abortion rate was 16.0 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15--44 years, and the abortion ratio was 231 abortions per 1,000 live births. Compared with 2006, the total number and rate of reported abortions decreased 2%, and the abortion ratio decreased 3%. Reported abortion numbers, rates, and ratios were 6%, 7%, and 14% lower, respectively, in 2007 than in 1998.

Women aged 20--29 years accounted for 56.9% of all abortions in 2007 and for the majority of abortions during the entire period of analysis (1998--2007). In 2007, women aged 20--29 years also had the highest abortion rates (29.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 20--24 years and 21.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 25--29 years). Adolescents aged 15--19 years accounted for 16.5% of all abortions in 2007 and had an abortion rate of 14.5 abortions per 1,000 adolescents aged 15--19 years; women aged ≥35 years accounted for a smaller percentage (12.0%) of abortions and had lower abortion rates (7.7 abortions per 1,000 women aged 35--39 years and 2.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged ≥40 years). During 1998--2007, the abortion rate increased among women aged ≥35 years but decreased among adolescents aged ≤19 years and among women aged 20--29 years.

In contrast to the percentage distribution of abortions and abortion rates, abortion ratios were highest at the extremes of reproductive age, both in 2007 and throughout the entire period of analysis. During 1998--2007 abortion ratios decreased among women in all age groups except for those aged <15 years.

This is not a medically necessary abortion. It is an elective abortion.

George Tiller

It is completely understandable why the couple CHOSE to end the pregnancy in a Late Term Abortion.

In 1994 my wife and I (click title to entry - thank you) found out that she was pregnant. The pregnancy was difficult and unusually uncomfortable but her doctor repeatedly told her things were fine. Sometime early in the 8th month my wife, an RN who at the time was working in an infertility clinic asked the Dr. she was working for what he thought of her discomfort. He examined her and said that he couldn't be certain but thought that she might be having twins. We were thrilled and couldn't wait to get a new sonogram that hopefully would confirm his thoughts. Two days later our joy was turned to unspeakable sadness when the new sonogram showed conjoined twins. Conjoined twins alone is not what was so difficult but the way they were joined meant that at best only one child would survive the surgery to separate them and the survivor would more than likely live a brief and painful life filled with surgery and organ transplants. We were advised that our options were to deliver into the world a child who's life would be filled with horrible pain and suffering or fly out to Wichita Kansas and to terminate the pregnancy under the direction of Dr. George Tiller.

We made an informed decision to go to Kansas....

The illogic of the anti-abotionists is profound. It is based in emotional rhetoric that has no basis in fact.

The analogy above is a gross mischaracterization of the issue.  Simplicy laced with cleverness is their approach.  They don't address the real reasons why women seek abortion.  Women were born with a uterus, whether or not it carries a fetus to term is the decision of the woman.  A woman is born with a vagina and a clitorus, whether or not they have sex for pleasure principle and orgaism is the decision of the women.,       Women have a right to pleasure and relationships that sustain them in life the way they find comfort, companionship and economic stability.  Sexual relationships are a comfort to people.  It is completely separated from chosing a child to be born and the responsibilities of parenting.  Abortion has nothing to do with parenting and is an oppression to women denied their ability to discern their own best interests in life.

"Why do you want an abortion?"

Woman:  "I am not ready to be a parent."

Anti-Abortionist:  "But, having a child will enrich your life and parenting comes with practice.  It is a natural reaction by any woman."

Woman:  "I am not ready to be a parent.  Becoming pregnant does not make a parent due to a change in hormones.  I am simply not ready for parenthood.  When I am then and only then will I look forward to the wonderful birth of a desired and planned child.  I refuse the ultrasound and I want to have an abortion now."

How does CDC define abortion? (click title to entry - thank you)

For surveillance purposes, legal abortion is defined as a procedure performed by a licensed physician, or a licensed advanced practice clinician acting under the supervision of a licensed physician, to induce the termination of a pregnancy.

How is the Abortion Surveillance Report used?

We understand the report is used by many in the field of public health. Some have mentioned they use the report to—
  • Identify characteristics of women who are at high risk of unintended pregnancy.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of programs for reducing teen pregnancies and unintended pregnancy among women of all ages.
  • Calculate pregnancy rates based on the number of pregnancies ending in abortion in conjunction with birth data and fetal loss estimates.
  • Monitor changes in clinical practice patterns related to abortion, such as changes in the types of procedures used, and weeks of gestation at the time of abortion.
For example, demographers use information in the report to calculate pregnancy rates, which are combined estimates of births and fetal loss. Managers of public health programs use this data to evaluate the programs' effectiveness to prevent unintended pregnancy. There have historically been other data uses; such as, the calculation of the mortality rate of specific abortion procedures. Surveillance systems such as this one continue to provide data necessary to examine trends in public health.
...Paul Hill, 49, died at 1808 local  time (2208 GMT) in northern Florida, following his conviction for the murder of two people outside an abortion clinic in 1994....

A pregnancy is not about a cherub as the Anti-Abortion Lobby would like to portray the topic.

...During that period, the proportion of abortions obtained by women younger than 20 dropped steadily, falling from 33 percent in 1974 to 17 percent in 2004. For those younger than 18, it fell from 15 percent of all abortions in 1974 to 6 percent in 2004. At the same time, the proportion of abortions obtained by women in their 20s increased from 50 percent to 57 percent, and the share done for women age 30 and older rose from 18 percent to 27 percent....

The majority of women obtaining abortions are over than 20 years old according to this article in the Washington Post in 2008 (click title to entry - thank you)  No one has the right or should have the priviledge to dictate the outcome to any aspect of a woman's body. 

Frequently, we hear this topic cloaked in the 'idea' of women's health.  That is sometimes the issue, there is however the right to mental health of a woman that has no desire to complicate her life with an unwanted pregnancy.

"Why are you having an abortion?"

Woman:  "The man is not my husband."

Anti-abortion worker:  "If you love each other why not see the pregnancy through and decide who will raise it?"

Woman:  "He is married, too.  This was a mistake.  Neither of us want to complicate our lives with an unwanted pregnancy.  I refuse the ultrasound and I want an abortion now."

A 1994 study in the United States, (click title to entry - thank you) which looked at the number of sexual partners in a lifetime, found that 20% of heterosexual men had 1, 55% had 2–20, and 25% had 20 or more.

In 1994, a study in the United States found that almost all married heterosexual women reported having sexual contact only with their husbands, and unmarried women almost always reported having no more than one sexual partner in the past three months. Lesbians who had a long-term partner reported having fewer outside partners than heterosexual women.  More recent research, however, contradicts the assertion that heterosexual women are largely monogamous. A 2002 study estimated that 45% to 55% of married heterosexual women engage in sexual relationships outside of their marriage.  While the estimates for heterosexual males in the same study were greater (50%-60%), nevertheless the data indicate that a significant portion of married heterosexual women have or have had sexual partners other than their spouse.

It's Sunday night

If you don't understand the song then you have no right to pass judgement.

Lil wayne - Abortion (LYRICS ON SCREEN)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The "More Balls than Brains" Donald Trump lost his shirt on the sale of his estate.

Master brander Donald Trump(click title to entry - thank you) has sold his custom estate in Rancho Palos Verdes for $7.15 million.
Located at Trump National Golf Course, which he owns and operates, the 11,000-square-foot Mediterranean mansion features a game room with a bar that is a replica of the one at the course restaurant.
The five-bedroom, nine-bathroom home, built in 2010, has a great-room entry, a 1,000-square-foot kitchen, marble flooring and wall-to-ceiling sliding doors that disappear from view. A wine room is enclosed behind glass, and off the master bedroom are a patio and fire pit. An infinity pool sits in the courtyard....

...He listed the manse last year at $12 million....

I would like to return to reading "The American Jobs Act" tomorrow.

The St. Louis Cardinals had an incredible season. They believed when no one else did.

A TEAM FOR THE AGES: How these Wild Cards fought back (ciick title to entry - thank you)

The St. Louis Cardinals have won World Series with speed. They've won with power. They've won it with pitching, defense and mastermind managers.
Until now, however, the Cardinals had never won a World Series with a team like this. A team that was lost, left behind and stranded in the standings.  A team that fought back like no other has in franchise history....

Friday, October 28, 2011

A consumer can't purchase a new appliance on unemployment benefits....

The American Jobs Act and its partial bill were defeated in the Senate due to a filibuster requirement by the Republicans.  I know this is probably getting old, but, the Republicans are destroying this economy; for everyday the recovery is stalled the longer the recovery will take as the contraction becomes greater.  

The CEO of Whirlpool is stating their overseas market was lackluster and contributing to missed projections he estimated.  Really?  How is it a quarter of missed stock prices is suddenly a reality that results in plant closings?  Perhaps the CEO is more worried about his future job prospects with unhappy stockholders?

The longer it takes for the Senate Republicans to give up their filibuster obstructionism the longer the contraction of the economy will go on.  Whirlpool lost 'market share' because of a jobless recovery.  It will continue to loss market share with more and more unemployed even by its own hand.  The more joblessness that exists, the more market share corporations will lose.  Can't have one without the other.

Recession-Level Demand (click title to entry - thank you)
Demand for major appliances in the U.S., Whirlpool's largest market, has fallen back to the "recessionary levels" of 2009, Fettig said. Whirlpool's shipments in North America may drop as much as 5 percent this year, down from an original forecast of as much as a 2 percent gain, the company said....

Ohio Firefighters for Freedom

...More than 250 firefighters (click title to entry - thank you) and working families rallied for an early vote  in Mansfield, Ohio, to defeat Issue 2. Voting “NO” on Issue 2 would repeal S.B. 5, passed earlier this year, that gutted collective bargaining rights for public employees. Working families gathered at the historic Mansfield Fire Museum, which celebrates firefighter history, heritage and the first responders that keep the community safe.  Immediately following the rally, a caravan of a dozen jeeps carried 85 firefighters to the Richland County Board of Elections where they cast their vote against Issue 2/S.B. 5....

Taxi Drivers have dangerous work, I am glad the AFL-CIO is now an ally.

Justin Molito from WGAE, Bhairavi Desai, president of the National Taxi Workers Alliance, and Boston University professor David Weil take part in the Future of Work panel.

...Joining Desai (click title to entry - thank you) were Ai-jen Poo, director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance; Justin Molito, director of organizing for the Writers Guild of America, East; and Bill Cruice, founding executive director of the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals, NNU. The panel was rounded out by economist David Weil, a professor at Boston University, who discussed how changing business models affected the exercise of employee rights. Before the program began, dozens of exuberant taxi workers, wearing T-shirts emblazoned with ”Justice, Rights, Respect, Dignity” crowded around Solis, Trumka and  Desai. Trumka said the taxi workers are:
an inspiring example of how working people are organizing even in the face of employment relations that have eroded all of our rights....

Mark Block and his checkered past. Another Mavericky Person. THAT 'hard to pin down Palin pesona.'

Mark Block (click title to entry - thank you)  is the State Director of the Wisconsin Chapter of Americans for Prosperity.
Mark has been involved in the political arena for over 30 years having served as the campaign manager for former Governor Tommy Thompson, George H.W. Bush, Supreme Court Justices Janine Geske and Jon Wilcox. In addition he has managed over six statewide campaigns for State Superintendent for Public Education, initiative referendums, along with numerous congressional races.
He began his political career having been elected as the first 18 year old in Wisconsin in 1974 as a Winnebago County Board Supervisor and legislative assistant to the late Congressman Bill Stieger.
Mr. Block’s private sector experience includes 12 years as the Midwest director of NCR Corporation, and founder of Telecommunications Group, LLC and GeoMarketing, Inc....

Meet Mark Block, (click here, from the Boston Globe) Cain's unorthodox campaign manager. Perhaps no one is more responsible for the Georgia businessman's meteoric rise in the presidential polls than Block, a Republican strategist and tea party leader who's left a trail of questionable campaign work behind him.
Block has been accused of voter suppression and was banned from running Wisconsin political campaigns for three years to settle accusations he coordinated a judge's re-election campaign with a special interest group.
Records show Block has faced foreclosure on his home, a tax warrant by the Internal Revenue Service and a lawsuit for an unpaid bill. He also acknowledges he was arrested twice for drunken driving.
On the presidential trail, some former Cain staffers say Block broke promises. Traditional GOP strategists have been scratching their heads at his renegade tactics to win the White House, all but ignoring some early states in favor of a book tour and swings through states without early primaries.
Those who know Block say he's long been a maverick who isn't afraid to reset boundaries....

President Obama has every right, that was not privilege, but RIGHT to sign Executive Orders when the country is in turmoil.

The USA Congress has proven beyond a reasonable doubt it is in absolute deadlock that focuses on Republican Ideology.  Even the Super-Committee, composed of the finest the House and Senate has to offer is in complete deadlock over Republican ideology.

This country needs taxes raised on those most able to pay, by public testimony of those that would fall into that category including the President and First Lady themselves.

The country is in a free fall, some might call it a slippery slope, to the fate of an entire generation of Americans in a Stock Market with a jobless recovery and no notice end to it.

President Obama is OBLIGATED to carry out the business of the nation for what is its best interest in recovery to economic well being.  If signing Executive Orders will bring about relief and employment for the Middle Class and Poor then he is required to move in their best interest.  Americans should not be dying in the back allies or the country side to please a "W"rongful and "W"illful Republican ideology that seeks to turn the tables on democracy and victimize permanently the poor and working class of this nation.

The President must act in an emergency and if he has to do it alone, then so be it.  The USA is in an economic emergency, is a nation at war and has an entire generation of Americans without a future or an American Dream to hang on to.  This is not the USA, this is a stalemated ideological divide that is destroying freedom and prosperity in this country.

President Obama is getting some traction on Broadband.

There is a recent study that shows 22% of new jobs are linked to increased internet usage.  Broadband is a hot topic.  The internet is a big deal in Red States, especially if that means connecting rural areas to consumers.

In regard to the Jackson Murder trial.... the lack of discussion of the IV Pump controller that SHOULD have been in operation at the time the propofol was administered.

It is difficult to understand how an overdose could happen if there was a IV Pump controller in use.  The Pump controller could deliver a lethal dose if the setting was wrong, but, if this was the sleep inducer of choice it should have had an defined amount known to be programmed into the electronics of the machine.

Odd, unless there was a malfunction, which happens on a rare occasion.  They need to be serviced from time to time, so the most minor of malfunction usually results in the pumps being removed from patient care areas to maintenance.

For those puzzled about Herman Cain's strange ads featuring violence and adverse health conditions... has to remember of whom one is seeking to solicit for votes.  These are the guys where men are men and women are delicate flowers.  These are the guys with the American Flag on the back of their pick up trucks.  After all they don't like to be known as bigots or racists, they want the country to know they are just as open minded as everyone else, they just needed to find the right Black Man, that's all.  It's not that they don't believe the President was born in the country, they simply understand the 'right of power' to make up stuff more than they do.  There ain't no such thing as adverse health effects to smoking cigarettes, it is just body chemistry 'gone wrong,' that's all.  Why should people be denied the right to make a living just because its goin' ta kill 'em?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rick Snyder announces that proposals President Obama has put forth are good ideas. Without mentioning the President's name, of course.

He also didn't propose revenue increases on the wealthy to do it, but, instead on 'The little guy.'  Sounds like a Republican to me.

Published: Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011 4:18 p.m. MDT

Snyder: Motorists need to invest more in roads

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — Gov. Rick Snyder called Wednesday for motorists to pay higher taxes and fees as he introduced radical changes in the way roads are built, paid for and overseen.

Speaking to scores of road advocates at Lawrence Technological University, Snyder said he wants to distribute road funds based on road use and traffic. Currently 39 percent of state and federal road funds go to the state, while 39 percent go to county road commissions and 22 percent to cities and villages. He said that formula should be changed over the next seven years so that road funds are spent where they'll do the most good....

Snyder's new assessment of 'where the money goes' is not so radical.  For decades city and county governments have prioritized based on 'high traffic areas.'  There isn't anything new about that.  How does Snyder think the nation's infrastructure got to be such a mess?  There are bridges falling apart for lack of attention and he is proposing to formalize the solution now.

To formalize the 'high traffic infrastructure' for state and federal dollars first will mean there will be less angry voters.  

A veteran survives a war to be wounded in battle at a peaceful rally. What?

"The Rolling Stone" (click title to entry - thank you) has this under "Politics."  It's politics to aim at a rally participant and cause brain injury?  Since when?

In Oakland, California protesting economic oppression of an entire generation of people can only occur between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM?  Really?

...Over 1,000 (click here) Occupy Wall Street protesters returned to a public square late Wednesday in the western city Oakland, Calif., one day after clashes with police left one demonstrator critically injured.

Activists say 24-year-old Iraq War veteran Scott Olsen suffered a fractured skull late Tuesday when riot police clashed with protesters attempting to hold a demonstration in the square from which they had earlier been evicted due to illegal camping activities.

Police used tear gas and bean bag bullets to disperse the protesters, some of whom were throwing rocks, paint and other debris at police.

Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan on Wednesday announced an investigation into reports that his department used excessive force to disperse the protesters....

Iraq War veteran Scott Olsen with fractured skull after Oakland police enforce illegal camping law, October 25, 2011.

It would seem no matter where rally participants take their plea it is only tolerated long enough so as not to inconvenience the government.  Perhaps the government needs to understand now inconvenient the economic oppression of pandering to the wealthy and Wall Street sincerely is on a 24-7 basis.  The rally participants know that reality all too well.

WTF?!?! 2YR Chinese girl ruthlessly run over twice and pedestrians do no...

Evidently, a country with a policy to limit one child to a family has little compassion for the child. It seems as though when a country has a billion people there are plenty more where that one came from. In the reporting of another such incident, the argument was not about how the child was run over, but, whether or not the child was backed over again or even a second time. Evidently, running over children is a national past time so long as it doesn't happen twice.

CHINA WAS still reeling (click title to entry - thank you)  from the national outpouring of grief over the brutal killing by indifference of a two-year-old toddler in the south when another story of the horrific death of a child emerged from Sichuan province.
A cement truck had struck five- year-old Xiong Maoke, who attended the local kindergarten in Yunfeng in Luxian county, and the driver reportedly reversed over the body to kill the child, because compensation for a dead child is less than that for an injured one. The hospital bills are a lot less.
“How much shall I pay?” was the driver’s reported first comment.
Local officials now insist the story is not accurate. “An investigation found no evidence that the boy had been run over twice,” Li Zekun, head of the Luxian county traffic police team, told a news conference, in remarks carried by the China Daily newspaper....